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Ok..Whats going on with the DR1?

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As you know, there are few who praise BHaH more than me... But this is ruining my enjoyment somewhat.


I just had to reinstall BHaH, and unlike before, I downloaded all the latest patches...jumped into QC with some DR1's on the opposing side... And not to put too fine a point on it..it's a joke.


The AI are flying like brainless morons!!...The DR1's climb, wing over, fly upside down then most of them just smash into the ground, without firing a shot!


Answers on a postcard please?

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Then there is definitely something wrong.

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Before we go down the "it's a joke" route perhaps something is screwed on the install or on your PC?


Sure you didn't miss a patch or something? Just tried it here got my behind handed to me on a plate. So definitely fine for me, WM, others here.


If you still have problems check the version of cfs3.exe, send offlog.txt to support pls.

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Sorry Pol..didn't mean to sound like that...just with this hdd an all!..It's been a bad week

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Really wish I could help you, m8! And I know, you only got angry, cause you LOVE it,

and now you can't fly it.

Best advice - go to bed, have a good sleep, and do a complete re-install (CFS3 first)

tomorrow, when you are fresh.

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No worries UK_Widowmaker. Also check your slider settings, if they are default/low maybe you will see poorer AI too. If it persists, send us the offlog please.

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I'm experiencing the same thing. I'm going to try a re-install.

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I wonder if something is going on with the latest patch. BigJim described weird plane behaviour recently and I kinda thought it was newguyitis perhaps, no offence BigJim. Now an old hand is seeing weirdness and now Ryan H. Coincidence? Prolly. I don't mean to start something here.

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I haven't played QC lately, but there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the AI planes in my campaign games, and I'm definitely using the latest patch. So if there's something broken in the code with the patch installed, it isn't affecting all computers.


However, I can feel your pain. I would also be angry if my favourite sim stopped working correctly!

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Guys we have had a few issues brought to our attention in patch 1.31l which basically is the cloud fix patch.


Anyone having issues since loading 1.31l is best to reinstall OFF and load up to 1.30c...

ONLY DO THIS IF YOU ARE SURE you are having issues.


Sorry chaps but I can say only a few are affected by this hence the warning above.



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Sorry to hear of the troubles Simon, but since reading this I have done

some testing.

And I found a very amusing and interesting way of "testing" the AI planes.


First - I think on my install the DR1 AI is good. So i think your experience must be associated with your

recent re install and hence the settings which you have or haven't made?


I ran my QC flight against one DR1 . I was at 10000ft, ACE AI. ( flak stuff on lowest settings,)

and enemy situation normal. i.e he normally comes at you from the front.-


I fly my QC by selecting CFS3 QC in workshops, rather than the ordinary QC.

This gives me the ability to change the weather -( I like it sunny-lol ) and the location etc


Try something like that setup and then when you are flying, TRY THIS.


Bring up the TAC , go to aircraft and padlock the enemy AI - In this case the single DR1 you have chosen.

Having padlocked him, unpadlock him with the padlock toggle button ( it's on my joystick)

and close down the TAC.

Now, using F4, scroll through the views of your aircraft, mostly external,

until you find yourself looking at the external view of the DR1.

This view of the DR1 is available because you had earlier padlocked it.

If you had not, then using F4 would have just cycled views of your own plane.


With this external view of the DR1, you will notice that your plane is in the background but always in the centre of the screen.

Now, flying your plane still, ( This is amusing trying to stay level so far away from it-lol ), you can see exactly how the DR1

is behaving in relation to your plane. I find that he maneuvres around so that he eventually lines up to you to

get a shot etc. To give this a fair test, you should just fly level and pretty steady at first and not jink around too much.

If he makes a fair effort to get to you , then you can test it further in a real contest.


Simon - You should be able to see if he is behaving like this, or whether he does his own thing, as you describe.


What Rookie setting does, or Veteran, I haven't yet tried. As for random, I don't use that, so it could be a very long patch

of Rookies you have met Simon, to give rise to your post-lol

But I think the answer is in your re- install settings.





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Widowmaker,have you also installed the ACupdate.exe?

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What is the ACupdate.exe?

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Not sure either.

As all other A/C seem to be behaving as expected, I have decided to experiment further with my setup.

(as a point of interest, the DR1 behaviour sounds similar to the old Neiuport way of acting..... and I should point out, that this problem occured in QC with me sitting on the runway to start...I shall try a QC with them at 10,000 ft and see what happens?...will report back :)

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Not sure if it has something to do with it but for Phase1 and 2 you had to install a CFSUpdate.exe (upgrade CFS 3.0 to 3.1)and than ACUpdate(upgrade to 3.1a)first before OFF install, so i used them for Phase 3 as well..

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Ok. But sitting on the runway the DR1's will circle, and get shot to pieces by your ground fire.. and then crash.

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Ok. But sitting on the runway the DR1's will circle, and get shot to pieces by your ground fire.. and then crash.


Perhaps that was what was going on then?..I never seen the ground fire do much in the past?

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Ground fire always pummels them UKW - don't you see tracers ?

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Ground fire always pummels them UKW - don't you see tracers ?


Strangely enough...only really since I re-installed.

I mean, I am sure they were there before...but are much more noticeable now!..perhaps by ground fire setting?

Edited by UK_Widowmaker

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Guest British_eh

Ok, so do you mind if I go slightly OT here and compare the DR1 to the Sopwith Tripe flight characteristics. Not an expert yet, but am collecting lots of good info on the DR1, and how it flew, and the sight lines. From flying the Tripe a far bit, it would seem the DR1 should emulate the Tripe, but it seems to have quite different characteristics. From UK's perspective, very different.



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Since realizing that Widowmaker was dogfighting by starting off on the runway, I have tried the same and I now realize what he means.- (This is in QC)


As I complete the takeoff, I look at the DR1 AI ( and it does the same with the DVll, also ) in the external view, and ,even though he hasn't yet got to the airfield, he is doing his acrobat maneuvres- i.e a half loop and a half roll - ( Was this known s an Immelmann?) for some unknown reason.

Anyway, of course, a human pilot wouldn't do that.

Mind you , if you continued your flight, you will see that the DR1 will eventually settle and try to find you. This happens OK when you don't try to find him. If you seek him straightaway then you can usually catch him still doing his "dance" and thus shoot him down.

But, if there are more than one, then by the time you have sorted the first, the others are pretty well on your case ( If ACE settings )


I don't know if this has been much different in previous patches. I haven't played this scenario much.

I usually start my dogfights in the air around 10000 ft -


Perhaps it is because the AI finds itself near to the ground that it dances in what I call the Nieuport fashion. That's the plane which used to really play silly buggers like this near the ground.


IMHO though, it's no big deal- just set several AI planes against you and you'll be busy enough!

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Flew a mission in QC at 10,000 ft..with DR1's, and experienced exactly what FB says above!


So, best fly in the air rather than the ground when flying against DR1's methinks

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On the ground they are trying to attack you, and avoid the ground, and avoid AA (and usually getting hit!) ... so not ideal way to test the AI out.


Guys can I ask if you find things like this, to initially try to verify there is an issue by checking settings and trying to see what is different.. sometimes it's more than one setting you changed before we jump to conclusions. Maybe ask someone else to check with you with the same settings? It would help us time wise.


There's nothing wrong with the DR1 itself. It's not "porked" to coin a well known phrase.


British_eh, off tangent for this thread but the DR1 was quite different to the Sop Tripe in performance as well as physically - obvious ones off the top of my head.. DR1 has 4 less ailerons for a start, and no vertical fin (more unstable craft).

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Certain times the AI does this "fluttering" behavior when it gets near the ground. This is how I've escaped from D.VIIs many times in the Spad XIII. If you get low enough in certain situations they'll dance all over the sky while trying to chase you. I haven't seen them crash doing it, but I have noticed AI behavior is very aggressive and dangerous higher up. Closer to the ground they seem to not want to get below a certain level. They'll strafe if they get the chance, but they do have a "fluttering" they do close to the ground.

Edited by SirMike1983

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