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Irritating radar on top right of screen

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Stock planes rarely flame out. By the time I get to the speed that overheats F-4 engines I usually run out of fuel. Once took Thud to M2.1 in level flight, saw overheat warning but no damage.

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I've done both as well. Missile evasion in a Bug after the Sept patch where I put the stick "in my lap" and wound up tearing off both wings. I don't remember which plane I blew up from going too fast for too long, might've been the Talon when I was first checking it out, but you can definately overstress the engines and airframe.

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Hi Planejunky


Once you have modified the HUDATA, you are putting that file into your


C:\Documents and Settings\?????\My Documents\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Europe\Flight Folder.



And not back into the C:\Program Files\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters 2\Flight Folder


and in the options file have mods enabled?


Hope this helps




Snapper 21

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That is not a draw back. Not at all. No more point, click, shoot, which means you might actually have to do some work to get a kill. Much more leaning towards immersion and realism than anything else.
Work is right lol Trying to lock a sparrow then keep my nose on him but the fun begins in winder range in the furball i've hit a friendly a couple of times trying to save a friendly but the bottom line is that Dave's edit will truly make you a better fighter or a faster corpse

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Ive just deleted my old profile and have begun my career anew in WoI.

Now to get some real flying done-I dig this edit!Its teaching me how to disengage.

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Its not very often people but I do have a good idea once in a blue moon. :smile:

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Its not very often people but I do have a good idea once in a blue moon. :smile:
Here! Here! :clapping:

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Well I tried Daves file last night......... :blink: I either need better eyes, a better video card, or a much bigger monitor :rolleyes: ......the problem I was having is that it's so damn hard to see planes in the surrounding area and without knowing if I even have a visual lock on a bad guy (red text in bottom right) I found myself wandering around in circles hoping to find that tiny red dot, even though I knew I was in the middle of a furball and there were plenty of targets close by :dntknw: so I went back to my original file and made the red box small like in Dave's file but I left the red text in the bottom so I at least know that there is a red dot to look for......I also gave the waypoint markers the same treatment, so they are now a tiny white dot instead of a big floating triangle, they are still a bit too easy to spot and I think I need to just take the plunge and get rid of them.

I remember a ways back in a thread about bloom where someone was trying to find a way to get more of a glint or shine off of surrounding aircraft in order to make easier to spot and was hoping he could get it using bloom, as I recall it didnt work. Making the waypoint marker a small white dot made it look like someone was reflecting a mirror off the sun way in the distance...........which today has me wondering if it would be possible to turn on the aircraft labels in the game but instead of text telling me who it is just have a tiny white dot looking like a reflection and making it possible for me to spot the plane????

Can anyone tell me if this sounds possible, and if so where to go to make these adjustments.

Edited by romflyer

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The elimination of waypoint marker makes you use your insturments. This file makes you work, like a pilot has to. Now I am not saying this is the realism mod, because it isn't. However it does make you put your money where your mouth is.

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now throw in some over cast or clouds or night time and... :blink:

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The elimination of waypoint marker makes you use your insturments. This file makes you work, like a pilot has to. Now I am not saying this is the realism mod, because it isn't. However it does make you put your where your mouth is.



I completely agree with you, the last few months I've been navigating with all visual clues turned off until I get to the target area, or if I get jumped on the way, then I turn on the hud info so I can see/find what I need to hit.....the idea that I had in my last post seems to me like it might make aircraft a little more visible without handing them to you, and I'm very curious to try it out to see if it works, but I am going to need someone with more knowledge about programming than me(which isnt hard to do :rolleyes: ) to point me in the right direction......questions like, which file holds the easy hud information? and is it possible to change the info from text into a tiny white dot?

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I've been flying without any visual aid and normal-hard settings for a while now, it absolutely gives a boost to the excitement when You hear the rwr, got the sidewinder locked, but don't see the planes, etc, lot of work...BUT maybe on later planes some more info on the hud would be welcome I guess...eg. F-16 hud- when locked, there's a line pointing continuously towards the enemy plane ,and other stuff like this...I think hud and radar improvement should do the trick-making it a bit easier but in the meantime even more realistic...

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Hi Planejunky


Once you have modified the HUDATA, you are putting that file into your


C:\Documents and Settings\?????\My Documents\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Europe\Flight Folder.



And not back into the C:\Program Files\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters 2\Flight Folder


and in the options file have mods enabled?


Hope this helps




Snapper 21


Thanks Snapper that's exactly what it was. All working good now! :good::ok:

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