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Modders: What Do You Concentrate On?

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I'm totally obsessed by researching all the info I can. Before even starting a project I spend a month or more just looking for books, data, pictures, tailcodes and it doesn't stop until it's done.

I actually scrapped a few planes just because I wasn't satisfied with the data I had at the time.

I guess it's my rivet-counter soul...


And it shows in the quality of your work...thanks for that!



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I prefer to work on campaigns. I'll skin and make humble attempts at other stuff, if I need something for a campaign.


IMHO, you get the most out of this game with campaigns. However, they wouldn't be possible without all the other great work that's been done in skinning, aircraft, terrain, effects, etc.


With a well done campaign, you get to see the best of the community on every mission.

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Apart from F-16s it tends to be whatever I'm interested in at the time - through reading books etc.

ini edits and basic skinning no problem - although most wont believe the hours that go into my substandard work sometimes!!

Edited by MigBuster

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Very eloquently put, JSF_Aggie!


Please paste his diatribe below, as I find it most apropos...



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I concentrate on making sure my projects remain unfinished. :rolleyes:


I like modeling and texturing. Decals in this game make things interesting too. I've played with campaigns, and the simpler .ini files. The things I avoid the most are flight data and cockpits, bleck.

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I concentrate on optimizing the model, uvs and textures.

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