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Well, that wasn´t fair!

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      Herr Oberleutnant Joachim Bernstein is



    He started his career as Leutnant as usual with Jasta 2 at Sept '16 flying Alb D.I. He was real lucky in his first mission to meet a flight of five BE2c of RFC-6 without any escort. He downed all five of them, actually already an ace and an Iron Crosser!

      Had some bad luck few missions later, while attacking BE2c again, when he found out rather late they were escorted by Nieups 17 of Esc 26 and one of them shot him down. He lived to tell the story though. Some missions later he met a flight of FE2b of RFC-11 north west of Beugnatre with two aces in their ranks. He took the six of the one of them, Cpt Frederick Libby and shot him down but was so passionate for this kill and he was  the next victim of the other FE2b ace, Major John Quested. Again was lucky enough to land to a nearby aerodrome.

      Got another Iron Cross and got promoted to Oberleutnant and just at the day of his death, his 15th confirmed victory came in and brought him a Hohenzollern too. But luck was not with him anymore. On his last mission, a lone wolf mission, met a flight of five BE2c again, RFC-15. No escort, over friendly lines, just north of Riencourt. Lined up and shot three down. While aiming the fourth, took a direct friendly AA hit and his Alb turned into pieces! So it ended as it began, with five BE2c's. 

                   His Dossier attached, R.I.P. Herr J. Bernstein! He was a DiD/TL pilot.  itifonhom.


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Never met him, but I'm sure he was a good man... :drinks:

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Arrgh! friendly AA Fire

I'll send a strong letter to their CO

...and the Kaiser will send a sweet one to your Mum

Nice career itif good.gif

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Another comrade gone! But he did very well for a start, Iti!

You even got the "Hohenzollern", and flying hours and victories are very good!

Don't regret it too long, and fly even more careful next time.

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Thanks everybody, I'm going to miss him. His succesor is already enlisted, Flieger Peter Schilien, a Flieger yet but he has the PLM potential!



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Don't know about you guys,

but I realised (after so many pilots started and lost), that I don't feel the same

with each new one. The time in war, and the environement are important, and also

his first flights. Then, after short time, it shows, how "deeply in can enter" the role

of this pilot. With some, it all feels very real. Others I sometimes even deleted, when

the right immersion wouldn't come up.

But still after many carreers, I feel sad for the very good guys.


Iti, ever thought about having your personal pilot pics? It's easy.

Go to (game folder) > campaign > campaign data > pilot photos


There, you choose the basic picture. You need some pics showing your head/face in

the right angle. Now you cut it out in a photo paint program, and paste it into the

other, adjust size and brightness/contrast, and then save the new pic in that

Pilot Photos folder, with the number, that is shown for the pic in your log.

(Save the previous picture under "pilotXY.bmp").

It is so great to see yourself in the log instead of some stranger!

Edited by Olham

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War is Hell itifonhom. I raise a glass to your fallen hero.




Olham, I agree. It's interesting how you can feel quite differently about each virtual pilot. You can get very closely connected to one and not give a rodent's behind about the next. Odd, but it's human nature I suppose.





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That sucks itifonhom! I know how you feel though. This was my best campaign in Phase 2, ended also by friendly fire. I haven't even gotten close to the same success in BH&H yet.





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Yes I agree,

with some pilots feels somehow "right" while others just get wasted and get forgetted.


Olham: I am going to make me an avatar, a signature and some pilot fotos as soon as my Photoshop pc a new graffic card has. For now I must stay with the defaults.



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Don't know about you guys,

but I realised (after so many pilots started and lost), that I don't feel the same

with each new one. The time in war, and the environement are important, and also

his first flights. Then, after short time, it shows, how "deeply in can enter" the role

of this pilot. With some, it all feels very real. Others I sometimes even deleted, when

the right immersion wouldn't come up.

I don't have trouble entering into the pilot roll

I only enlist 1 pilot at a time so it's him or nothing

Where I find trouble is with my wingmen

If I have a successful pilot, I know the wingies all by name

If I spot them in trouble I feel that urge to protect them

...or fly past bad odds

If I'm knocking off 1 pilot after nother, I don't feel part of the squadron

I've thought of suggesting an option to retain wingies names from 1 career to the next

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Right now, I find I have the best pilot, best aircraft and team since a long time.

I'm in Jasta 15, Le Clos Ferme, late 1917, flying an Albatros DIII OAW.

Don't know why that is, but this crate seems so damn good, as if I got a special

model for aces.

My wingmen follow so well, and when I call them for help, they come immediately

and do great. I feel so secure with them, it's great joy to fly, even in this bad

autumn wheather (see: Combat Reports).


And I have made a new skin for him, inspired by the Dietz painting, that NS13Jarhead

is using for his posts. The immersion is perfect now!

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Right now, I find I have the best pilot, best aircraft and team since a long time.

I'm in Jasta 15, Le Clos Ferme, late 1917, flying an Albatros DIII OAW.

Don't know why that is, but this crate seems so damn good, as if I got a special

model for aces.

My wingmen follow so well, and when I call them for help, they come immediately

and do great. I feel so secure with them, it's great joy to fly, even in this bad

autumn wheather (see: Combat Reports).


And I have made a new skin for him, inspired by the Dietz painting, that NS13Jarhead

is using for his posts. The immersion is perfect now!

Keep this one alive. Perhaps he will be your Udet.

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Will try to - but I'm a hotspur, still. Last flight, my rudder was so shot up, it was stuck.

My right wingtip was damaged from a collision with a Nupe (which fell apart, of course!).

And still I took on three SPAD VII over our field, and managed to shoot one down, before

I had to give up and land the poor crate.

Udet would have been much more rational than I will ever be, I'm afraid.

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I don't have trouble entering into the pilot roll

I only enlist 1 pilot at a time so it's him or nothing

Where I find trouble is with my wingmen

If I have a successful pilot, I know the wingies all by name

If I spot them in trouble I feel that urge to protect them

...or fly past bad odds

If I'm knocking off 1 pilot after nother, I don't feel part of the squadron

I've thought of suggesting an option to retain wingies names from 1 career to the next


In order to get the feeling like I'm part of the squadron I like to change all the names of the pilots in my squadron (except for historical ones) into names of friends in RL. Its kinda depressing though when you go to the duty room and see the list of pilots and find all your friends are dead.



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Interesting approach Rooster. So you have a face to go with the names. That would make you care even more. More immersion.

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In order to get the feeling like I'm part of the squadron I like to change all the names of the pilots in my squadron (except for historical ones) into names of friends in RL. Its kinda depressing though when you go to the duty room and see the list of pilots and find all your friends are dead.



Great idea!

That must really up the immersion level

How cumbersome is the editing process?


Interesting approach Rooster. So you have a face to go with the names. That would make you care even more. More immersion.

Breaking the Duty Roster up into A & B Flight sections and adding pilot pictures would add immersion

KIA's and transfers would be stressful

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Hey Duce, its actually not that hard at all. Just go to C:\OBDSoftware\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\campaigns\CampaignData\Pilots. Then open up the pilot dossier for your current pilot and scroll down. You'll see a list of names and ranks of the pilots in your squadron. Just substitute the names you want (be sure not to delete any semi-colons and the like) and save as, and youre good to go.





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OK, I'll give it a whirl

I've had enough friends and acquatances of German descent to create a squadron

Have to work on their given names though


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Hey, good idea, Rooster - must try that!

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I'm going to give this a try for sure, thanks for all the info!



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