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Okay I am in the market for a new joystick and was wondering what everyone here uses or even better what anyone would rate highly preferably with force feedback...


Thanks in advance...

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For what I heard the Logitech G940 seems to be one of the choices. But it's very expansive.

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I just got the Saitek X52. I really like it for the programability and number of buttons and switches. I do miss FFB tho for OFF. I would rate the X52 highly otherwise.

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At the moment due to a glitch somewhere in the board of my Cougar Hand Controler, I'm using a Belkin Nostromo N52 on the left side, Surprisingly It's very good,.....easy to set up,no conflict with the Cougar Joy stick or pedals, plenty of buttons and it falls nicely to hand. And it's easier to lift and stow away.



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PACMAN, Joysticks threads pop up here about every 2-3 months

Lot's of good info there

Forum search would bring up a lot of history


I use a MS Sindwinder II

Never has there been a better Stall Shudder

But programming Software doesn't work and flight resistance is rather weak

I think the latter are common problems due it not being 100% compatible with XP

But it's the best off the 4 I've owned

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For what I heard the Logitech G940 seems to be one of the choices. But it's very expansive.


This^^^^^^ I have the G940 and it is amazing, sold my CH sticks the minute I got my G940 and do not miss them one bit!

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If you are a cheap-skate like me but want a good joystick with rudder-twist the logitech-pro is a good one.


Loads of buttons - trigger fire, a thumb fire, 4 buttons on the top for bombs etc, a hat switch for quick looking around, and 6 more buttons on the base. (I use the latter for gear changes - one for up and one for down on GP4).

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If you are a cheap-skate like me but want a good joystick with rudder-twist the logitech-pro is a good one.


Loads of buttons - trigger fire, a thumb fire, 4 buttons on the top for bombs etc, a hat switch for quick looking around, and 6 more buttons on the base. (I use the latter for gear changes - one for up and one for down on GP4).



cant go wonrg on the el cheapo for the staik st290 pro twsit stick been usieng mine since phase1

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Count me in on the joy stick discussion. My new computer has windows 7 and won't accept my old Microsoft sidewinder software. Von Paulsen has already kindly told me how to download a pack to get around the problem. Unfortunately, I gave the sidewinder to my no.2 son and he may not wan't to give it back. Meanwhile I'm using a logitech ATK3 stopgap. Its inexpensive but all the buttons work oK for OFF. I m having trouble setting up the null zone and sensitivity to get smooth control. Maybe, I'm asking too much. IT doesn't have a twisty stick. I can fly well enough but its a bit jumpy in combat. What I really need is a median price range and smooth performance. Phase III is awsome and I wish I had a stick that performed like my old.

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