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In short order we wiped out a platoon sized element and home we went. Perhaps in the future we should look into heading up over the DMZ to see what we can find if we do too quick a job helping our guys on the ground.


BTW, that was mission number #9.

The pic shows the result of me and Eskew dropping 9 CBUs on enemy positions.


Edited by Lt. James Cater

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A milk run! :cool:


Took off with 2LT Curtis Clifton on a low level recce flight and found not a single thing no matter where we flew. Thought about hunting those guns that have been shooting at us but we'll wait for better weather.

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Those SA-13s have ruined my day!




I knew this mission was going to be bad, mostly because it involved flying across most of Germany (my last mission wasn't this long & I only just made it back then due to low fuel...)


It first went wrong when 2 MiG-21s intercepted us as we entered Soviet airspace, meaning my flight had to drop tanks & engage. My wingman took a hit but survived intact, while I got 1 MiG & the other crashed.


Then, a bit further in, we flew a bit too close to some S-300s & SA-13s. As my RWR had a field day, I told the flight to break as I went from angels 10 to about 500ft as quick as my F.3 would let me. 2 F.3s were destroyed pretty much immediately by the S.A.Ms. My E.C.M & chaff fooled the S-300s but just as I eased off & began pulling up, my Tornado was ripped apart by a dam SA-13.

I did manage to punch out but because I was over Soviet territory my campaign's over




I reckon I'll try a CF-18 next.

Edited by Josh543

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My CF-18 campaign just ended in the same way POW. Tasked with hitting an airfield , I dropped my bombs from around 6000ft and noticed the enemy fuel supply as I was pulling up. It was to inviting a target so i switched to cannon and blew them up. However there was a rather sneakily place Shilka waiting for me. I ejected and was captured.....


Im thinking of going back to 'Nam for my next campaign. F-4J in one of the 72' campaings....



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Change of plan. Im going to fly for the IDF. Starting with the first campaign to see if I can make my way through the three of them. SF2:I with no mods.


Pilot name: Amzi Ben-Gurion


Campaign: six day war 1967


Squadron: No. 117 First Jet sqdn


Aircraft: Mirage 3


Wish me luck

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Looks like i screwed up somewhere.


After finishing the above mission i checked my pilots recored and realized that i didn't "accept" the milk run and so the above is the valid one.


I messed up the dates as well but i'm pretty sure this mission was on 30APR66.


I'll post more details in later when i edit this but i'll say that it's a miracle that we both didn't get shot down.

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First combat mission was an astounding success. We were tasked to strike a runway in Cairo international airport. Flight went without incident until we reached the target area where we encountered sporadic light AAA. I ordered flight 2 to attack any ground targets in the vicinity and my wingman to watch my back while I dove onto the runway. All my bombs landed on target and on the way back out I hit the fuel supplies with cannon (should have learned from my last mistake but fortunately I got out ok). I again forgot to run FRAPS while on the mission so I have no screenies this.gif . I exited the game and ran FRAPS for the following screen:


I was awarded my first ever medal in SF2:I for this mission:



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This is another mission that has me really upset.


I'm going to start a thread to find out how to mod things so that wingmen don't go spastically tard when there is an enemy radar on them.


Had lots of problems with LT Eskew as he went wild 4 times on the approach to the IP and was defective abortion level spazz after the target run. Could not keep him with me and so he got shot down. He just countinued to turn back every 3-4 seconds after i ordered him into formation


I'm actually amazed i got out alive since our timings were blown by feeble wingman response programming.



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Mike you could say your getting around a bit... Subtle hint :-


One Pass Haul Ass...


Your first strike is for the Air Force Navy Whatever after that your on your own time for strike missions...


And LT me I just send em direct home if they start messing about trying to kill whats trying to kill them saves time... and Wingmen...

Edited by Slartibartfast

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Lol I like a bit if variety. What can I say? :biggrin: as far as two passes go, I usually only do 1 pass. I try and line up on the runway so that I can have a pop at the fuel tanks aswell.

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For starters, i'm a devotee of one pass haul ass. A number of strikes are planned with the getaway in mind. Unless it's a milk run target, you will only be giving the gunners multiple chances to shoot you down.


As for my wingman... I couldn't send him home. I needed him on the attack and if left alone he will not stand a chance against the North Vietnamese flak.


Remember, we are flying in A1s. The cruise speed makes them especially vunerable to any serious AA.

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LT Good point forgot your driving Spad's... must admit as I am going of a carrier most of my flights are 2 or 4 ships 3 & 4 are normally tasked for Flak Suppression and loaded accordingly rockets and clusters... saying that I have 2 wingmen POW and 1 Killed... so I know what you mean on that one...

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Is it too late to join in on this?


Never! Jump in :)

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Whenever I make a new pilot for a new campaign, I always like to "train" that pilot. Sometimes I'll go to the bomb range for practice for myself if I'm coming off of a fighter campaign, but for all USN (and if I ever make a USMC pilot/campaign) I like to "carrier qualify". Basically load the Carrier Take Off mission with the intended starting plane, take off, fly the way points, come back, trap, then stand on the brakes, gun it, take off again, orbit, trap, and repeat a 3rd time. (somewhere a long time ago I heard the USN requires 3 successful traps aboard a carrier to qualify, but that was while when PF came out, so it might be something WWII? dunno)


Ensign James Ó Dúnabhra had graduated from flight school, with intent to fly attack for the US Navy. On his first trip to the Bomb Range, all went well, until... he tried to do an "over the shoulder" bomb delivery. A bigger whiff had not been seen by the instructors in quite some time, fortunately, it was such a wild stunt with such loony results that he didn't get in much trouble.


Flying, landing, even the field carrier landing all came naturally. So next up was the real deal. Out on a cruise on gentle seas and a nice day, he strapped in for his first ever cat shot. The flight was routine, and the first return was nothing much to talk about. The second trap was a little left, a little hard, an a little late, but still successful. On the third attempt, focus was momentarily lost, and the A-4 Skyhawk was screaming through the skies at 540kias as the fan tail was coming up on the left fast. Fortunately the alt had also climbed a bit more than anticipated. Using the altitude, the Ensign hit the brakes, chopped throttle and went into a high AoA barrell roll that bled speed down enough to drop flaps and gear, and then dove on the ILS path. The LSO was momentarily stunned, and that pause was enough for the ensign to avoid the dreaded wave off and reel it back in.


After that little stunt, he was given his wings.... and a stern talking to by the Air Boss. And that night, he gained his callsign - Daredevil.


Now off to 'Nam..... (first campaign mission tonight)

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Well my latest pilot seems to be faring pretty well, having just made ace.








These are the debrief screens from my latest mission. We were scrambled (although it was classed as a Sweep) and the enemy were right on top of us as soon as i took off. I went after the first aircraft I seen which happened to be a MiG-21. I got led into a turning battle with him and tbh thought this was the end of yet another pilot. In my desperation I hit full burner and went down into the mountains in an effort to lose him. he stayed on my tail throughout the entire time but, knowing I had a speed advantage I was gradually pulling away. He fired both his missiles but they just exploded harmlessly behind me. By this time my wingman was in the air and managed to get onto the MiG's tail at which point he broke off chasing me to avoid my wingman. I took the opportunity to attempt to get back on his tail but the pilot was just brilliant. He managed to evade both my wingman and my offensive manouvers to get onto his tail for the best part of 15 mins but then he did something really stupid. while in a long right turn with both my wingman and I chasing him, he reversed his turn and went straight into my line of fire. I despatched him with a few short bursts. I had three kills 2 hunters and the MiG-21 by the end of the mission and became an ace!


P.S sorry for not posting details about earlier missions but Iv been so into flying them that I forgot the details....lol.gif

Edited by MaverickMike

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Hi, and welcome to the new DiD pilots good.gif



7th mission


Lt jg Peter J. Raczesky


April 26 1966


VF-114, CVA-63 Kitty Hawk – F-4B Phantom II – Take off 10.26 – Landing 11.11


Target : Kep airfield, Strike, Fuel Tanks


2 Fuel tanks / 1 ZPU-2 AAA


Tomahawk 11 : Lt jg Pete "Linger" Raczesky / Lt jg Mark "Snake" Short


Tomahawk 12 : Ens Dave "Plumber" Amend / Lt jg Charlie "Robert" Maxwell


Tomahawk 13 : Lt Samuel "Indian" McCoy / Lt jg Bud "Daisy" Ketchie


Tomahawk 14 : Lt jg Scott "Machine" Ruliffson / Lt jg James "Clockwise" Stender


Report :


Today, strike mission. We’ve been to Kep, to destroy some fuel tanks at the airfield.

As I was the flight leader, I discussed with Lt McCoy the point of loading only Mk-82 500 lbs bombs to strike the fuel tanks. I argued that if Plumber and I would missed the target, mission would have failed. He retorted that we were all qualified and competent to deal with bombing. I asked him to load LAU-3 rocket pods and he gave in on that point but only for my plane, and told me to load only 2 Sparrows instead of 4.


I chose not to follow the flight plan, it would have expose us to AAA. We flew north and came to Kep southbound.

I fired my 2 AIM-7 at a bandit but they exploded just after launched.

I tasked Tomahawk 12 (Plumber/Robert) to attack the primary targets and Tomahawk 13 (Indian/Daisy) and 14 (Machine/Clockwise) to opportunity targets. My first pass was with the rocket pods but I missed. Tomahawk 12 missed his pass too… I tried a second pass dropping the Mk-82 but I missed again. So I made a third pass (!) firing all the remaining rockets and successfully destroyed 2 fuel tanks. No good… During the three passes I was turning tight with full burners all the time. Snake warned me “Watch for fuel”.


I called for the flight to form up and set a course to the north. But Tomahawk 13 and 14 remained above Kep, trying to engage some MiG-17. I repeated my calls and thought that Lt McCoy had something in mind that he didn’t told me. They finally broke off from the bandits but one of them started to chase Tomahawk 13. I radioed the call that they were waiting “Tomahawks, Tomahawk lead, engage bandit”. 3 and 4 engaged the MiG-17 but nothing happened and we all eventually joined up north of Hong Gai, and headed back to the Kitty Hawk.


Machine and Clockwise destroyed a ZPU-2, and Snake and I will receive the Distinguished Flying Cross! I can’t believe that!


LCdr Greer yelled at me : “How many pass are you allowed to make on a strike mission? Only ONE Linger, I’m losing patience with you!”


I know that LCdr Greer was right, safety first…




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Well Fred's dead...


Flew 2 sorties today...


The first one was a perfect runway demolition job 4 1000lb's down the centre line and job done... in and out 70 miles from the carrier nothing to write home about flak didn't even harass us too much.


Sortie 2 different story...


2 A-4e's tasked with Flak Suppression...


Both launched okay for the afternoon push to Kep airfield to protect B-52's cruising at 30000ft and where's Fred and co in the weeds...


Coasted in perfection personified 25 miles or so from the target all hell broke loose first a flight of 2 Mig-21's came screaming out of nowhere no Red Crown and the next thing I hear is Viper 2 call out am hit Mig cap what are they a bunch of morons next thing 5 Mig-17's turn up just as 4 Sams are fired at poor old Fred 2 Shrikes left the wings and he got 2 Sam Radar's but it wasnt enough yanking and banking driving that Scooter all over the skies like a Man possessed but old Fred he kept on heading to the target he had Rockets and CBU's to deliver... Viper 1 aka Old Fred "Surf" Andrews is still there drops a pair of clusters and wipes from the map a truck mounted 14.5mm gun taking some hits in the nose he screams out of there 500kt's plus leaving a trail of Chaff as 2 Sam's call his name... He pulls up to 5000ft and immellman's in on a pesky S-60 gun and unleash his Rockets wiping that gun from the face of the earth whilst lining up to take out the Base's P-12 surveillance Radar obilterating that looks like he took some more hits... He's not had enough of Charlie yet and reef's round to take on a Zu-23 smashing that to bits with his gun's and he heads for home 3 minutes later checking him over a Mig-21 comes out of nowhere and fires an Atoll smashing the poor scooter out of the sky... There was no chute and to be honest with most of the pilots on the O'Boat Fred wasn't heading to the Hanoi Hilton if he had a choice...


Filed by LCDR Bob "Eyes" Peterson VFP-62 Callsign Camera 1

Edited by Slartibartfast

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March, '65


They don't waste any time throwing you into the thick of it. As soon as we got here, we just about had time for the nickel tour, then rack, then we were off to take out a warehouse. Seems like an odd target. 1 warehouse, surrounded by a whole complex? Why not the whole complex?


I found out why they call the Skyhawk "Heinemann's Hot Rod", on the first mission, without using much throttle at all, we nearly outran our TARCAP to the target area. Red Crown was calling out bandits in the area, and one of our flight spotted them, fortunately they were going the other way, but that was close! Up ahead I could see a field of flak outlining the river banks, and we were expected to fly straight though it! Who designs these flight plans anyway?!


I took the flight west and approached the target from dead south, routing around the flak nest. Once we got in, it got hot! I dispached 3 and 4 to hunt for AAA to try to split their fire and reduce their numbers, while #2 and I went in on the target. I missed with my first toss, called 2 in to do the job, but he missed too.


1 pass and haul ass..... but dammit, we had a job to do. I circled back, took out the warehouse on my second pass, and sic'ed 2 on a gun emplacement nearby, he hit that, and then I called in 3 and 4 and we took off. Eventually things got mixed up, the flight was nowhere to be found, and it looked like they had to cross a lot of flak to get to me, so I just sent them home, we'd rendezvous back at the barn.


And we did. I had to skip west again and retrace my steps, but got out of the heat nice and quiet-like. Caught a hard 4 wire on my return and got razzed for it a bit. 3 and 4 were shot up bad. Kinda scary.


Next up was another short hop. We were assigned to take out the Dragon's Jaw Bridge. What a cool name.


Weather was nicer, and it was a short run, so I outfitted 3 and 4 with rockets, while 2 and I took 6 500s and a rocket pack for good measure.


This time I used less throttle and didn't beat the TARCAP, and they got into a tangle right away. Lots of buzzing about up above us.


The bridge was just inland of the shore, and our flight path took us right down the throat. About 4 miles out I loosed 3 and 4 again and lined up for my run. Unfortunately my first 2 went wide. I called in 2 for backup and reset incase he missed - he did. But I got it on the second pass with 2 bombs to spare. I dropped them on a nearby AAA emplacement, but am not sure if I hit it or not. I called in 2 on another AAA on the way out, he hit that, and I dumped my rockets on another one but missed, at that point I called for everyone to bug out. Unfortunately 3, Lt. Greer, didn't make it. He called out that he was taking damage, and that was the last we heard or saw of him. 2 and 4 beat me back, so I orbited while they landed, and set up for my run. Everything was going well until the last second, I bounced off the deck, the hook missed and the LSO was screeming for me to hit it. But I was able to collect myself and put down nicely on the next shot.


The CAG talked to me, but didn't give me an official repremand, given that it was me second mission and first loss in a mission. Thankfully it was a successful one. If I had just made one pass and hauled ass, Lt. Greer would likely have died in vain. (though some might say we could have gotten out of there sooner, but, who says that would be so? No, that target had to be taken out, and I'm glad we did it)














**** I hit print screen at the debrief, it froze momentarily like it took a pic, but there is nothing there in the folder. Do I need to run fraps for this? I'd hate to run something else in the background. I'm literally down to 10fps when things get thick as it is.

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It doesn't allow screenshots out of game, you can print screen but open something like Windoze Paint and paste and save there.

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RIP Fred Andrews Salute.gif


He was one of the first DiD pilots, one of the most experienced...

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As Fred's Dead a new set up is required time to move forward...


Well this morning after a brief thought on things its time to go to 1979... Red Lightning


Pilot Mark Anderson

Callsign Bucket

Squadron 41

Jet Jaguars


Camapign set to Normal

Weapons to Limited

Flight model Hard

Enemy Hard


First Sortie


Runway attack at Peenemünde


Well looks like the short straw was picked by our Squadron this morning. All the way across Germany to hit the Airbase at Peenemünde not a good job for us as its going to be tight on fuel as it is.


Loadout 6 750lb 2 Aim-9J Full Guns.


Well take off went well at 08:20 all eight of us until 1 of the guys managed to park his jet into the local scenery at 08:33 not a good start to the sortie cruising at an average height of 5000ft on the way out just to make sure. Met up with Python flight 4 F-15's who where to provide escort to the target. After 30mins or so we took it down to 1000ft to skip along nicely for the next 50 miles or so at which point Python did a sterling job of dealing with a flight of Su-15's though not quiet enough more on that later. At this point the game interferred by a jet calling bingo fuel and me decide to send the remaing 6 jets home just in case. So here I was alone unafraid and ready to take on everything also at this point I could then get on with my flying turns out on the way home though 2 more jets crashed into the scenery not good. I pressed on alone and was highlighted by a pair of SA-2's that popped a couple of missiles my way SA-2's against a Jaguar like there ever gonna get me down I went and notched it up to 600knots at 150ft as I turned IP I noticed something in the mirrors a glint that hadn't been there before notched right and flew straight down the runway pickling the 750lb's down it scratch one runway. That glint in my pass resolved into a Su-15 with had the cheek to fire an Aphid at me broke hard flares and chaff and then got into it fired both my winders with no joy can't wait for those new Aim-9l's to turn up apparently they are even head on capable. Anyway looks like this was going to be settled the old fashioned way Time for me to introduce thew Su-15 to the Aden Twins. After much too and froing the Su made a mistake and flew straight for 10 seconds and I let rip and hit him left engine flamed briefly before he exploded. I turned for home when his wingman loosed a Radar Guided Anab at me chaff and me dancing all over the sky evaded that one so decided might as well go for a pair chased him all over the sky very aggressive this guy but I eventually got in behind him and same again the Twins Aden dealt their damage and sent him plunging from the sky just as I pulled out though a Zip gun hit me around the pointy end. Had enough so I went home and managed to even catch my wingie up once over the border I realised that fuel was really tight but still enough to get home. Lined up for the runway and no problems there home safe and sound.







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8th mission


Lt jg Peter J. Raczesky


May 02 1966


VF-114, CVA-63 Kitty Hawk – F-4B Phantom II – Take off 7.27 - Landing 7.59 (Emergency)


Target : Hoa Lac, Escort Ramrod flight (8 F-105D 357 TFS Licking Dragons)


1 MiG-21


Asp 11 : Lt jg Pete “Linger” Raczesky / Ens Mark “Snake” Short


Asp 12 : Lt Samuel "Indian" McCoy / Lt jg Bud "Daisy" Ketchie


Asp 13 : LCdr Mace "Midnight" Greer / Lt Jeremy "Badboy" Unruh


Asp 14 : Lt jg Clinton "Breaker" Irwin / Ens Charles "Vulture" Vohden


Report :


It’s been close this time!


We were assigned to escort a F-105 strike to Hoa Lac. I was glad to do this mission because the rendez-vous point was near Nakhon Phanom AB and it was a good opportunity to break the routine. Lt McCoy was number 3 so I went to LCdr Greer to tell my concerns about leading this mission. He told me that Lt McCoy would be number 2 and himself would be number 3. Number 4 was my good friend Breaker, first ace of the squadron.


We took off and I tried to find a relatively secured path to cross North Vietnam. We reached level 10 but get painted by hostile radars. So we went low (1400ft). I tried to find a path to the south, and I decided to fly over the Gianh river. What a mistake…


A dense AAA barrage welcomed us when we reached the shore. A shot in the frame and the master caution alarm lit. We were hit… no good at all… I informed Midnight of our situation and made a 180° turn to the sea. LCdr answered “You’re out, 2 is in charge”. And they continued the flight as scheduled without us.


We made a full check and I didn’t really knew what parts were damaged. We were flying, handling the plane, the engines were OK. Snake made a quick RTB navigation and brought us right back to the carrier. Observers from the ship told us that the plane seemed OK to land but we had the port flap missing. We waited for the clearance and I started my approach. Something was wrong with the rolling. We had slowed down and the plane was more difficult to roll. As we were closing to the ship the F-4 was losing too much altitude and I waved off. I decided to try with the only flap remaining down and the bird kept steady on the second approach. It was not a bad trap and we were relieved to be back in one piece.


My wingmen completed the mission. They engaged some MiG-21 and Asp 14 (Breaker/Vulture) shot down their sixth bandit.


The crew chief told us that our F-4 had been hit by five 14.5 mm bullets. We were lucky this time!


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**** I hit print screen at the debrief, it froze momentarily like it took a pic, but there is nothing there in the folder. Do I need to run fraps for this? I'd hate to run something else in the background. I'm literally down to 10fps when things get thick as it is.


You might want to look into the ENBseries mod stickied in this forum. While it could possibly get you a few extra fps out of Strike Fighters, it also takes screenshots out of the flight portion of the game.

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9th mission


Lt jg Peter J. Raczesky


May 03 1966


VF-114, CVA-63 Kitty Hawk – F-4B Phantom II – Take off 12.01


Target : Hoa Lac, Strike, Barrack


Python 11 : Lt jg Pete "Linger" Raczesky / Lt jg Mark "Snake" Short


Python 12 : Ens Spence "Baron" Flagg / Lt jg Tom "Butcher" Speer


Python 13 : Lt Samuel "Indian" McCoy / Lt jg Bud "Daisy" Ketchie


Python 14 : Lt jg Scott "Machine" Ruliffson / Lt jg James "Clockwise" Stender


Report :


Lt jg Pete Raczesky and Lt jg Mark Short have been KIA.


Their wingmen reported that Python 11 was flying low and then both engines caught fire.


No enemy fire has been detected and the most likely cause of the accident should be the insufficient altitude over terrain.


Lt jg Raczesky was known to be a relatively unsafe pilot, but the official cause of the loss of the VF-114 F-4B modex 201 will be : unknown.


Python 12, 13 and 14 completed the strike mission and RTB safely.


(I don't know what happened, I was looking for another route than going south of Hanoi and I thought I get shot by AAA.

But the mission log just said that I crashed - Cliff)




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