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Taking my simming seriously...back in the day.

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F-19 Weapon Cards.jpg


What you see above are 2 3x5 inch cards that I made in order to simplify weapon choices and delivery profiles for F-19 Stealth Fighter.


What I keep wondering (happened to dig these out while I was cleaning out old computer stuff - anyone want an OLD school FLCS/TQS/RCS - ISA gameport card and everything) is if I did the flight testing myself to work this out or all of this was in the manual somewhere.


I know at least some of the weapon effectiveness on various targets was in the manual...but the delivery profiles...


Anyone remember?



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While I don't have my notes anymore, but I did have something similiar for various sims. We're nerds :wink:


Cool find!

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Some of us are (unmarried) nerds with hardware.................This is my '09 pit. For '10 I'm hoping to have a new CH A-10C HOTAS.





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I had F-19 on my C64, and had all my "cheat sheets" taped to the top of the desk. Do you remember the maps that came with the game? I actually took a compass and drew two circles around the targets, one in blue for the max range of the radar and the other red for the lethal envelope of the SAM sites. It took a lot of recce flights to get that info. As for the unmarried nerd remark, at the time I was 30,living with my youngest kids mother who was at the time so hot that all she had to do was walk into the room and give me "that" look, the flight was handed off to my son and,well.....


I guess I didn't take my simming that seriously after all.

Edited by firehawkordy

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heheh... I used to have lists of delivery techniques written out for all ATG weapons. That was back when I ran SFP1 with the weapons pack that had overwhelming choices for loadouts, so I needed to make notes in order to get any accuracy at all with anything...


Now I just stick to the stock weapons and single weapons that I add myself, and for the most part guesstimate where i should aim (with varying rates of success). No more need for my written notes. That said, I do have a notepad document on my desktop devoted to handy finds in the KB or discoveries that I might use later, like pilot positions, radar settings and conversions.


I'd really like to print off a big map of SF2:V and mark the SAM and AAA sites up north though... I don't care how nerdy other people would think I am, It'd be awesome to have a mini briefing room!

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Ya'll don't let TK know about this.


But, back in IL-2 I printed out my own maps, layem on desk and navigated visually alone, or with cockpit compass if needed (not use cheat map). Got to know some of the map terrains really well.

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Some of us are (unmarried) nerds with hardware.................This is my '09 pit. For '10 I'm hoping to have a new CH A-10C HOTAS.


well, i have to admit this is the best pit i had seen in my life

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I used to have a notebook full of notes dedicated to each sim I flew. I still have them in a box somewhere. Good times.

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*ahem* I still have my F-19 manual, so I can check it tonight, but I seem to recall a lot of that stuff was in there. For a sim that was even more "lite" than TK's WO/SF series, its manual took itself very seriously.


Heh, amazing how many different targets that little 20mm cannon could destroy with like 10 rounds, wasn't it? :grin:

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I used to have huge amounts of notes but I worked my tail off to memorize everything. I think that's why I have no notes, cuz I found myself this week finding some and reading them and throwing them out. Cuz I already know that stuff. ;)

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Didn't get a chance last night, but I'll check on it tonight.

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Well, to much consternation I've been unable to find my F-19 manual, and I can't figure out why. I've found many others, including USNF and the USMF addon, Falcon 3 and OFT, Tornado, F-14FD, even LHX. All of my oldest ones however seem AWOL. I'm sure I'll find it someday by accident...

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