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It seems to me, from what I've seen, that most people have their environmentsystem.ini setup exactly the way they want it. So adding new clouds would involve only updating the images or the "skins" of clouds. I've been working on these skins. Here's three of them...




I have an environmentsystem.ini file (used in these examples), but since I only have the SF1 sims I can't test in the SF2 ones. I'm thinking of just posting the "skins" so people can use them however they want.

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So...would anyone be interested in these or are folks generally happy with the skies they have?

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Impressive enough , I'm curious.....good.gif


Hou doe,



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Okies - I'll post a file here in a bit so you can check it out.

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Okay - I'm not allowed to post a .tga here. I'll send a sample to anyone who's interested.

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Finally got a workaround. Here's just one of the files. Let me know how it looks for you. I'd greatly appreciate a screenshot.


Unzip the .tga file and drop it in the "flight" directory. If you already have a "Cloud1.tga" file in there, be sure to back it up first.



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I'll d/l it since I had to delete the widesky mod for SF2. The latest patch screwed something up with the mod apparently. I was getting black sun and real bright horizon. Will post a screenie of your cloud skin though later this afternoon.



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I'll d/l it since I had to delete the widesky mod for SF2. The latest patch screwed something up with the mod apparently. I was getting black sun and real bright horizon.... Falcon


I had the same! What video card do you have? NVidea GeForce 8800GT perhaps?

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Well, nice enough, if there's more of this ........




Hou doe,


Derk good.gif

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Just my 2 cents. I think the top of the clouds could be a lot lighter as they'll be reflecting a lot of sunlight. If these clouds were underneath a higher ceiling then yeah they'd look natural, but with that sun shining bright over head they just don't match what I see every day.

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I had the same! What video card do you have? NVidea GeForce 8800GT perhaps?


8800GTX 768 MB. Was disappointed that I had to delete widesky mod. Will d/l and test this cloud skin tomorrow, got sidetracked and completely forgot.



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Looking forward to it, Falcon.


Loved the screenshots, Derk. I especially like the shot from the cockpit where you're banking. Thanks!


I think the deep blue highlights in this one look best over desert (SF1, WoI). The lighter blue version is better over green terrains.


GrinchWSLG - You made a good point. I'll see what I can whip up real quick.

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Here's some shots of the same cloud with white tops...









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Its a definite improvement. Nice work.


I agree. Nice and simple and no problems.

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very nice work SH

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Thanks fellas. Today, I tried out a new way of making the clouds. This method gives me much more control over the output, is far easier, and takes far less time.


I made this new cloud in just a few hours. These shots were made running the default environmentsystem.ini on broken clouds:








I think these clouds have more 'presence.' Comments, anyone?

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Man, that is a significant improvement and looks real nice my friend, keep it up!

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Just caught up with this topic, awesome work!

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