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In need of some Suggestions......

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With the Help of some great Members, I'm in the Process of putting together "MasterGunny's Ordnance Shop 2". Right now, I have the External Stores (Weapons) and a Guns Section.


What I want to know is What You as a User want to see from the "Shop". How, As Users, Do You think the Weapons Effects should be handled. Just by Directions? Or by including them?


And any other Item or thing You'd like to see from the "Shop" To make it easier for You the User to use.......




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Hey 331Killerbee,


First, thanks for the time and energy you put into this.


I would appreciate a separation(option) to load historic(?), modern weapons, and perhaps inert stuff.

Can't say that I ever use the inert weapons.


I sure appreciate an installer, also.


I suggest making it as simple as possible for those of us who are less TW-savvy, and want to point and click, rather than unzip, cut/paste/edit, etc.



Thanks, again.

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i would appreciate a fully included effect set, and i think you should adjust the "letality balance" between NATO/US and WP/Soviet weapons. right now, it's rather frustrating to fly Red Aircrafts and get annhilated by Uncle Sam, mostly in modern campaigns.


despite of this, Keep up the good work, i have complete trust in your modding experience.

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I echo TurtleHawk's comments. Keep it simple for the end user. Include all the effects needed. Maybe make period specific weapon packs (WWII vs post WWII). Also, I would make inert weapons optional.


I wouldn't use an installer, but keep it drag and drop...makes for more control by the end user, while still keeping it simple.


The big problem I could see are folks with merged vs non-merged installs. I'd first find out what's different weapon wise between each of the SF2 version sims (back in the Gen 1 sims, WOI had different weapons, SFP1/WOV/WOE otherwise all had the same weapons - I'd assume it's similiar in the SF2 series). You might have to make a SF2I specific pack.


Also, maybe try to keep the naming nomenclature as close to stock as possible...that way your weaponpack won't 'break' stock installs. And standardize the nomenclature, with things like having "AGM-86A, AGM-86B, AGM-86C" vs "AGM-86, AGM86B, AGM-86C". Speaking of which, eliminate rundundancy where possible. I've seen installs where it's the exact same weapon, but has 2 separate designations (one NATO, one non-NATO)...maybe use one specific designation with the other name in parhenthesis. Get rid of older versions of weapons if newer, nicer versions are available (the Hellfire is a prime example).


Make sure the weapons dimensions match the LODs. The LGBs are a prime example of a mismatch (I posted something in the KB about that a while ago....).


And all you wanted was some suggestions...




Anyway, that's a lot so I'll shut up now. Feel free to do anything with the weapons I've created of course, you can even include the SA-5 launcher and radar if you want. I look forward to your weapons pack Gunny!



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I like the idea of putting the efx in the package and putting hi res weapon models in too IE putting low res models in a seperate folder for whose can't handle the higher res models. I like the option of not having inert weapons as well. Oh, about the efx, put a low efx option in as well for low end systems.



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One thing that might simplify your life as far as effects go is make as many weapons as possible use the stock effects (exhaust, explosion, etc). That way, it's optimized for lower end systems and folks can add effects packs that won't conflict with the weapons pack. Obviously, this may not be an option for those weapons that are specialized (nukes).


I've been tending with my aircraft releases to gear them as much as possible to a dead stock install. That way, the baseline is always the same, everyone can use the release and tweak it up as necessary.


Something to consider.



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Guest Eject

One thing that might simplify your life as far as effects go is make as many weapons as possible use the stock effects (exhaust, explosion, etc). That way, it's optimized for lower end systems and folks can add effects packs that won't conflict with the weapons pack. Obviously, this may not be an option for those weapons that are specialized (nukes).


I've been tending with my aircraft releases to gear them as much as possible to a dead stock install. That way, the baseline is always the same, everyone can use the release and tweak it up as necessary.


Something to consider.




Good effort. May I ask as we here also discussing Weaps. Re The GM series especially my favorite AGM-65B, D2, and K.


I found no doc that deals with their respective propulsion (misspell?) system. Is it lequid or solid propellant?


As soon as we release them for a kill, or kills (in my case, as have "tweaked" my AGM-65K to have sort of Nuc effect -- find my post on Not Unpleasant Surprise the other week -- so when one Air-Def not-a primary target was destroyed, nanosecond later ALL the other "burnable" land object in the whole airbase exploded! that using just ONE AGM-65K I killed once 224 people --) I saw no smoke trails when they the were heading to my enemies in sub-sonic speed. I sw twice its trail during the bosster stage.


In real life scenrio, is it a smokelss agm? Is it possible to mod it to have trail al the way as are the cse with most long-range AHM or IRMs? Thanks guys

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i would appreciate a fully included effect set, and i think you should adjust the "letality balance" between NATO/US and WP/Soviet weapons. right now, it's rather frustrating to fly Red Aircrafts and get annhilated by Uncle Sam, mostly in modern campaigns.


despite of this, Keep up the good work, i have complete trust in your modding experience.


I think some of it's on the Red end as well, such as a Alamo-A R-27 having an effective range of 100 kilometers, when in actuality the real range is way below that. But I don't want to get into a debate about it. Having helped him with some of the SF2 tweaks that MigBuster described in the KB... I think that should be on the individual but then again, I would think if you were going to request some tweaks to US and Red weapons (and others), it may be easier to tweak it and send it to him, therefore reducing some of the workload. Considering I have 1867 weapons on my install... I don't think that I'm going to spend my time tweaking ALL the weapons (even though a few are custom designed myself), but the option is out there.

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i dont use inert weapons either. Only thing i wonder is with a weapons list so long im not always sure that i only have it once in the list.when copying and pasting.so i got to go with an install.

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and your ugly too....


Oh wait, you wanted a suggestion, not a second opinion. sorry. rofl.gif



Yes keep it drag and drop folders, if anyone hasn't figured out by then the new series is drag and drop affair they need to shut off their computers and walk away. Its not brain surgery.


As far as the balance of Red vs Blue A2A missiles go, the data for the Red is everywhere but one thing is correct they sucked. Its not until the last 15 years or so that Red A2A weps have gotten better. Archer comes to mind and the later models of Aphids. I know alot of the data transfered from when Buny and wpnssgt did it (both weps pukes in the USAF) and also with the TMF they were researched by MJ IIRC. So I bet you the numbers aren't far off.

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Oh I know those were correct, just I think lindr2 overexaggerated a few ranges on some.

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