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Yes we do Red-Dog. But none of the other planes the Belgians flew have been painted, so they could stand to be done for those of us who like to fly with the likes of Willy Coppens. :smile:



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Those are indeed Belgian concordes.

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Sounds like we need to get skining again chap's

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I'm not a slacker, Dog. I'm doing the steps. I'm working on the Camel. Baby steppin with the roundels, baby steppin with the thistle emblem, baby stepping with the elevator and cowl paint...
















Edited by RAF_Louvert

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FD, sign up as a pilot with a French unit that flys the N11 and then choose it from the custom paint selections.



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Lou i want that book,

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I'll try to do the 6th sqd BE2.

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Here's a quicky. we will soon have a Belgium air force.









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In case you're looking for another interesting paint scheme of the Nieuport 11: the N1467 "Fox-trot", pilot Adj. Egide Roobaert, N° 1 Squadron





Great paint scheme that Fox-Trot! good.gif But it's a Nupe 16 in the Eduard model.

And nice work, Red-Dog!clapping.gif

Edited by foreigndevil

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SPAD VII flown by S/Lt Edmond Thieffry, with the Belgian 5e Escadrille de Chasse, November 1917.Soon to be flying over Belgium fields.









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Allez les Belgues! You may have to change your name into "Chien rouge", Red Dog. :cool:

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Allez les Belgues! You may have to change your name into "Chien rouge", Red Dog. cool.gif


Another name to add to the list, Red-Dog/Roter Hund/Chien Rouge just hope the chinese don't join in....Salute.gif

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Haha - no, better not: they eat dogs!

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Here are a few shots of Jan Olieslagers' Camel that I am currently agonizing over. For those of you who have ever tried to paint a design onto the cowl of an OFF Camel you will know all too well what I have gone through to get it to look like this:













I still have the elevator design to sort out and numerous little tweaks and refinements, but it is getting close to done. I am not kidding about that damnable cowl, it has two area on either side towards that top that will not wrap properly no matter how much you try. Your only hope is to entirely surround the spots with a solid design in order to hide the distortion. Every time I do one of these custom paints I truly appreciate what the devs have gone through to create the thousands of plane skins for us to enjoy.



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No, never tried a Camel cowl - the E.V's was easy; but to make a Naval camo pattern

on the upper/back part of an Albatros match with the side parts, can really drive you nuts!

The suffering of the skinner! Lol!


This is a wonderful looking Belgian craft, Lou. I like how your colours of the roundels hit

the taste of the time by using a rather darkish yellow, not today's shiny one.

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Thanks Olham, but most of the hard work was already done by our fabulous devs. I adapted the Belgian roundels from rabu's beautiful N11 skin and started my project with WM's Aussie Camel. Most of my efforts have been in creating the thistle emblem and painting the cowl so far. I also changed the basic color of the Camel to more of a drab green with an off-white linen color underside to try and match the photos of the actual plane.



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Lou..I share your pain!..Have been working on a Camel for some time, with a similar cowling to yours...and it's a real bitch!..you have made much better progress than me..and that Belgian Babe is looking absolutely wonderful...I hope you plan to share once finished?...I would be proud to fly her against the Germans :drinks:

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TKS for the link Olham.


WM, I'm sure you do Sir with all the skinning you have done. I will most definitely be sharing this and will make it available in our download section as soon as I have it finished. And, once it is done and you have the file in your possession you will be able to use the cowl I worked up as a pattern for any of your projects that might feature the same design in that area. Also, I found an excellent photo of Jan's actual kite and have made a couple of minor changes to my project to better follow the original.













I am still hoping to wrap this up before I have to hit the road Monday, (out for the week at that point). Fingers crossed.







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As long as we've got a Belgian available, I'd like to know something....


Some time ago, I leaned that there are a number of small pieces of Belgium scattered about within the external boundaries of the southern Netherlands.  It's my understanding that these Belgian "islands" were created long before WW1.  So what happened in these "islands" during WW1?  How did the neutrality of the totally surrounding Netherlands affect things like beligerant troops crossing the borders?


I ask because a while back, I made huge navigation error and found myself near the German-Netherlands border without enough fuel to get home.  So I headed for the Dutch border and landed on the edge of a city, which I later looked up on the map and discovered was Chimay.  OFF said I was captured for landing in enemy (or neutral territory).  However, I know Chimay is in Belgium because I'm a huge fan of the Trappist beer they make there.  So don't you think I actually landed in the friendly territory of a free corner of Belgium, even if surrounded by the Netherlands?


What would have been my fate in real life?  Could I have gotten back to the front from there?


Its only one, its name is Baarle Hertog his Dutch equivalent twin village is Baarle Nassau. Founded when Belgium became separate from the Netherlands.  Lot of US guys have indeed problems when it becomes to these "ala Chimay" facts. 


During WW1 the Netherlands was separated from Belgium by a electric fence, one of the first, you can still found some left overs here. The Netherlands want to be Neutral during WW1 and all the planes that landed were claimed for the Dutch military forces.  I do not know if pilots were taken as a prisoners of war, but I do know that some British were sent back after they have given instructions to the newly formed Dutch airforce and shared their war experience/tactics.  So for them it was like short holiday, away from war and danger.      



BTW Belgium airforces, this will give me a BIG argument to go for HITR.   






Edited by Dutch_P47M

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Haha - no, better not: they eat dogs!


Just to add some more translations of 'Red Dog': Rode Hond (Dutch because that was the mother tongue of several Belgian flyers; but 'rode hond' is also the Dutch name for a children's disease) and Hong Gou (Chinese; 'hong gou hen hao chi!' [red dog is very tasty!]grin.gif ).,

BTW, those Belgian paint schemes are really great!good.gif

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