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Can I survive fourteen days without OFF ?

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Already now, I have the feeling that it wasn't a good idea to book 14 days.

Seven days would have done! And then in this lousy wheather season!

In a town, that seems to have shrunk since the days of youth like a pullover

that's been washed too hot! Gah!!


Hope you guys won't run Jasta 6 and FA(A) 250 down in our DiD campaign,

while I'm on leave. Grmbl!!


14 days - in words: fourteen! without OFF !! I'll have to learn flying again

after that! Everybody will be able to shoot me down like nothing! Mpff!!!


Okay, you got it now - it's a family duty rather than happy holidays.



See you all next year!

Have a good start into a happy,

sound and prosperous

2010 everyone!

Edited by Olham

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All the best Olham hope it all goes well back home.Salute.gif



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You'll come back overly enthusistic and keen (rabid) and die very quickly. :cool:


Happy new year though mate, hope you have a good two weeks. :good:

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Try to enjoy yourself. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. I hope you survive your Holiday.

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Is this the same trip as last year?


Enjoy the break, and a very happy new year my friend :drinks: :drinks: :drinks:

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Safe travels Herr Olham. For me , I may have to go about "two" as in 2 MONTHS!. Will be traveling to warmer climates and will have the laptop along and already tried it. I can "fly" but the graphics are very poor. Most often no trees at all, some buildings. I do get the sense I am in the air but that is about it. So, if it is so poor I will only be able to watch and read the reports which are so very good. Not leaving until Jan 15 so am trying to get my "ace" status so I can get a little time in scouts in Did before my departure.

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Thanks, all! I'm packing the case. Do I have my pyjama? Which book should I take?

Where's my ticket? Do I have my glasses? Mustn't forget the electric toothbrush!

Are the windows all closed? Where's my mobile phone? And the loading device?!


Count down two hours from now on. Then we'll leave the trench...

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    Have a nice trip Olham and have fun. Don´t forget your foto camera, sure Ostfriesland looks great in winter. And of course, Guten Rutsch!!











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Thank you all! Now it's time - here are last action pictures titled "Olham goes forth" :salute::cool:



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Hi Olham,


Never mind matey - that's family commitments for you...


Enjoy the break and chill out; you don't need to fly. You're just addicted!


Look forward to scrapping with you in MP in 2010. With any luck you'll have completely forgotten how to fly and we'll all be able to shoot you down.




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