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Calling all Modders for a KAW Mod

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Ever since I found out that the ThirdWire series was modable. I have had a dream of a Wings over Korea mod. I know the mod availlible for SFP1. Fun but it need some serious updates. I'm aiming high now by saying it would be great having a all in one install like NATO Fighters. Know this will be a difficult task to acieve. Since some aircrafts and ground objects are needed from various sites. And some stuff are should we say not compatible with the freeware license we have here at CA. Some will say such a project is dead allready because of that. And it probably will be. Unless a dedicated team goes togehter.


I know it will be a huge workload for everybody who wants to join the team. I will do my part if there is enough interest doing this mod. I can skin and set up a campaign.


All aircrafts needed are not limited to the Korean theatre. But will be usefull in a lot of other scenarios in the same time frame not to mention for the WWII folks on the east and western front.


My initial plan is to use SF2V as a base for the mod. Since we can use the stock Skyraider and other NAVY aircrafts if we want to do a later campaign in the sixties or seventies. But my goal is a true Korean air war with knife fights in MIG alley and a lot of CAS missions supporting Mud Marines and Army GI's fighting the red hordes on the ground.

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Something like the DMZ war gone hot, air attrition war in the 1968-1970 middle east style would fit perfectly, the same aircraft as in Vietnam along with some by the UN (let´s say some Mirage)

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I'll get you everything I have; and help out as much as I can (since I've already done up most of the aircraft and know where pretty much everything is/goes on the penninsula, and nearby China, Russia and Japan -well, at least the parts of Kyushu and Honshu that show on the map)


mind you, all 3 versions of the terrain I have need work -- I've been able to blend Edwards old 'regular' and winter together to give you 2 seasons, but the tiles have no correlation to each other (meaning, targets don't sit where you put them from the one season to the other)


version 2, based off the 63% map with Stary's tiles, is approx 80% completed, but it's only one season (fall it looks like)


version3, the full scale (100%) --well, we all know the story on that one.


What REALLY needs to be done, is create a completly new HFD & TFD, and use the GermanyCE tiles; that way you can have all 4 seasons with Stary's tile mod. That would be the best way to go.


As to the ADs, NONE of them we have are fully correct -- there were lots of -2/-3 being used (with only 2 wing guns, but that's really a small matter). Also, the mapping on the stock one is different, so none of the skins I've done will work on it. (and the fact that maybe not everyone HAS SF2V)

Also have to bug MPPD about Monty's Ver.7, with the fixed animations, cut meshes for wing pylons (as parked aircraft loose their outer wing panels!!! -unless another 3d Guy wishes to look at it. I have the MAX file, and a list of "requests for changes" :grin:



kevin stein

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version 2, based off the 63% map with Stary's tiles, is approx 80% completed, but it's only one season (fall it looks like)


It's Brain32's tileset, mine is just treemod.


what is version3, the full scale (100%)? Razbam/Edward's payware one?

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Does anyone know how to contact GEO??? He has some great stuff just fitting the time frame. But it cant be used without his consent. But he didnt leave a contact link anywhere :dntknw:

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Does anyone know how to contact GEO??? He has some great stuff just fitting the time frame. But it cant be used without his consent. But he didnt leave a contact link anywhere :dntknw:


Yeah his TigerCat is awsome, try on SimHQ...

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version 3 is the full scale with Brain's tiles and your trees ... you know, the one I screwed up badly on!! I don't have the payware versions, just the original freewares.


yesturday, I went back into one of 5 TE installs (I've split them for different terrains) and re-discovered that I do have a WoE tiled version. Unfortunately, there's a major glitch that I can't figure out....the texturelist is only 77 tiles long.


I've tried renaming/copy-pasting the full WoE texturelise in, and no matter what I do, nothing after SC75B shows up!! I can add tiles (like the VietnmanG-AB1 and my G-AB3), so I guess that I'll be adding the others -78 thru 125 (the 2 AB tiles) by hand. Then the rebuilding of the tiles can begin, and the retiling -gonna be a nightmare!!! arrgh!!!. And then the retargeting...and movements and etc.


I guess I'll get started on it when I finish WW2 Tunisia/Western Med in a few weeks. Unless, of course, somebody MUCH smarter than me wants to do it!


but doing it that way WILL allow the full 4 seasons, which i really think is the way to go. Expecially since so much happened in the winter of 51/52


edit: didn't rebel ryder do a long-barreled Sherman? that could be used instaed of Geo's. Also, isn't there an M-26 Pershing out, maybe by RR?? I don't know if M3 halftracks were still being used during the Korean War (meaning: I haven't seen any pictures of them), so the standard USTruck could be used, as also the 'generic' Soviet vehicles. There's a couple of T-34s out - Pasko's (also with a snow camo) and I think RebelRyder did a version or 2.



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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Wrench just a question. Will the tileset from the four or five seasonal Germany fit the Korean terrain in appearance??


BTW If you'll need a hand with the terrain I can help a little. Dont claim to be good friends with TE. But I know enough to help putting in cordinates for a Citylist and other minor things.


Just checked the download section. Rebel Ryder has a couple of long barreled Shermans plus T34-85 which will be needed. I have seen footages claimed to be from the korean war with heavily loaden M-3 Halftracks passing by. I really hope I can get in contact with Geo and gets his permission to include the Tigercat and groundobjects like the M-3 family and some of the tanks. But if it fails it will be no disaster since a download link can be included in the readme. Everybody can download from his site.


If any 3D modellers wants to join and help creating some birds. It will be very welcome. I can skin those if you want.


New freeware birds needed if all should be able to play this is.





F2H2 Mcdonnell Banshee

A-26B/C Douglas Invader

F3D Douglas Skynight


Supermarine Seafire mk47

Fairey Firefly

Hawker Sea Fury

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I don't know what I could do other than simple skinning but if I can I'll be happy to help.A korean war mod would be great.

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The Sea Fury should be here at CA....disremember exactly where mind you, but I KNOW I've seen it!


Skins exist for the Korean Era DAT birds (Banshee, SkyKnight, Kyushu Gypsies C-47, 13BG B-26s) all at my site, along with my hack job NKPAF IL-2 (minus the lod).


As to the appearence for 4/5 season germany? I'd have to say 'more of less'. Korea isn't really known for vast forests, since the Japanese pretty much stripped the country during their occupation (everything that wasn't nailed down, then went back and got the nails too!!!). A quick run through of the penninsular with google earth (an INDESPENSIBLE tool for targeting!!) should show lots of fields and mountains and such.


The full citylist, targets and types list already exist. The problem is, the coordinates aren't were they go on the map; which means retiling to match, then move, the retile (and flatten airbases as needed), repeat, repeat, repeat.


I"ll zip up everything, except the texture set, as I haven't had time to start re-adding the missing tiles. (methinks its something messed up in the TFD, as it was originally built with the BN series, which is only 70-something tiles long)



kevin stein

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Found the Sea Fury

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As to the appearence for 4/5 season germany? I'd have to say 'more of less'. Korea isn't really known for vast forests, since the Japanese pretty much stripped the country during their occupation (everything that wasn't nailed down, then went back and got the nails too!!!). A quick run through of the penninsular with google earth (an INDESPENSIBLE tool for targeting!!) should show lots of fields and mountains and such.

Hmm did we look at the same Korea? Sure I can't tell how did it look 1949-1953, but today it's pretty much relatively low hills and mountains that are completely green and full of forests. Cultivated areas are all in small parcells, even tiny compared with Europe.


Ofcourse achieveing 4-seasons tingy would be easier not to say effortless with GermanyCE tileset...my tileset is based on South Korea in IIRC October 2007. In the mean time GoogleEarth updated that area and they now offer April 15th 2009.

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I think Brain32's repaint is the way to go (OF COURSE I'd love to utilise my Germany repaint on this one...)


The thing it's not the tileset -it's the texture list -Kevin I hope you dropped the BN-something textures in favour of Vietnam_xx tileset as in Brain's repaint..? This is the way to go. Of course you could re-texture the terrain using the Germany_xx tileset for my upcoming 1024 Taiwan repaint, but it's a WIP as of now.


Stick with Brain32's tileset naming (Vietnam_xx), it's the way to go.

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Of course you could re-texture the terrain using the Germany_xx tileset for my upcoming 1024 Taiwan repaint, but it's a WIP as of now.


Buddy if you are cooking 1024 Taiwan I think it can't be any better than that, my tileset is rather old now, it's 512 and it can't be made into 4 seasons...


Stick with Brain32's tileset naming (Vietnam_xx), it's the way to go.

Actually I use "Korea_xx" naming on the latest(which is now uber old lol) version...

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yup, those crap BN tiles are right out the window. Utterly useless for todays gaming pleasure.


these are 2 screenies from the TE with the abridged WoE texture list -only 77 showing (still have to add the missing textures, and then begin hand retiling. Which, as you all can see, is going to be EXTENSIVE and very time consuming. I'm not even THINKING about the regions further north in the PRC)


I just hope I can run 2 sessions of the same TE at the same time (done it with 2 different versions, just the same one with 2 different terrains at the same time ie: open GermanyCE and Korea3)


shot 1 is the yalu river at Dandong/Sinaju (?)

shot 2 is the han at incheon/seoul


you can see the 'preference' for the TE to use the R (rock) tiles all over the damn place!! Some nice snowy mountains also show up, probably where they don't belong. To say nothing of the missing "rivers" (sea-to-whatever). Total lack of city tiles .... oh yeah...gonna be a lot of work. But when done ... well, most folks should appricieate it.



kevin stein

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I can contribute some. I'm going to update the MiG-15bis again and wraping up the F-84 Thunderjet pack, maybe with some RATO bottles. Also plan on working the F-51 and F-80 soon.

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jake: what's needed are flight model upgrades for the Mustang and Shooting Star. We've got several skins readly available



25th FIS

35th FBS (2 versions)

36th FBS

80th FBS



12th FS

35th FBS

36th FBS

67th FBS (all by Dave, iirc. note: 35/36th traded up to shooting stars)

Generic NM by me


mind you there ARE several issues with Dave's Mustang skins, as they're designed for the V.2 lod of the D 'stang (after all, they're from 2004 fer cryingoutloud!!). There are some mapping changes Wolf did for Ver.3 release. They're easily adapted/repaired if one is familiar with the mapping.


Don't forget the various and sundry Panther mods I've released, and the Skyraiders. BTW, I've gotten a newer lod for Monty's Skyraider form mppd, and need to test the new mesh cuts to make sure the wing don't vanish on parked birds. And FM work, too....


Also, if you don't use my "The Hunters" Mig-15 skin, I'll be VERY upset!! What's a Korean Air War mod without 'The Crapshooter', I ask ya??????


Good news is, the tile importation went without a hitch. I just cheated, created yet ANOTHER TE install that has only GermanyCE and the new-ish Korea stuff, and BAM! it worked. TE now saves with no crashing.

So, what I'll probably do, is zip up this version of the TE, the entire terrain folder, the various and sundry groundobjects and give them to the main interested parties. The targets ini will need a lot of editing, just to put things in their proper places, etc. Fortunately, most of the airfields are already flattened, but some will most likely need repositioning and reflattening, etc and so forth


at this rate, i'm never gonna finish that damn ww2 tunisia map ... and if I get involved in 'an outside project', I've no idea how much time I'll be able to spend on MY mods, let alone the 5 other terrains I'm trying to work on (and the planes...and the this, that and other)


hgbn: might want to PM tazkiller too. KAW is one of HIS main areas of interest, too. He has my brand new KAW mainscreen and a few other trinkets.


another most important question/statment ... I'm working in 08 WoE, as SF2 is, well...not the best environment (imho). Given the issues of late....I think building for 08 levels is the safest. Tweeking for NextGens is easily done AFTER the main sections are finished, and major bugs fixed. Just my opinion, based upon personal experience with these 'new and improved' versions. (pity we can't have sarcasism in printed text...)



kevin stein

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I'm hoping I can get Greg from AVhistory to look at the FM for the props. Would be nice

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Great just heard from Greg. He will look at the FM's

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maybe I can talk him into looking at the FM on Monty's AD, too....hate to waste all that work 3D by mppd and my skins/decals!!



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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sounds very interesting! Isn`t Zur working on new F-86 in higher detail? drinks.gif


Not that I am aware of but the current crop is fine if soufreak can touch them up with higher res skins. Also they GMG also had the 3d model to make specific version touch ups as well. FM's need to be looked for the Sabers as well.

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Now, THEREs and idea....

one could also simply reskin the GMG Sabres for USAF usage (at least for the E models), if the template is available (ya, I hate wasting decals)


but we LOVE Zur's Sabres, cause we've had them forEVER!!!



kevin stein

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Also we have in the latest packs, the 4 Gun (20mm), an A model (with correct canopy) and RF-86F. Those packs in the D.L section have just about everything we need.

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