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OT: District 9

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I love science fiction films, and I read, this was one of the more intelligent ones.

Okay - and as far as I could see, there is also some good äctshn!




Come out in the German video rental stores in February.

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I saw it last fall. It's not a great sci-fi movie, but it's not bad. And there is a lot of action.

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I love science fiction films, and I read, this was one of the more intelligent ones.

Okay - and as far as I could see, there is also some good äctshn!

Come out in the German video rental stores in February.


I didn't see this one so I can't answer for it.


However, if you like science fiction films and want a new one, then I highly recommend the recent "Pandorum" if you haven't already seen it. That movie didn't last long at the box office, but it was the best SF film, and one of the best of ANY type of film, that I've seen in years. It's a nice blend of a classic theme, intelligent modern variations on it, and a lot of action. That's probably why it seems to have bombed--while the action was up to par, the underlying theme was probably too high-brow for most folks.


Without giving away anything important, "Pandorum" is Heinlein's classic "Universe" story (space colony ship gone horribly wrong) but updated to recent science and with some very twisted new flourishes. If that does't make you want to see it, nothing will.

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I'll see District 9 on next Saturday.

Thanks for warning about Pandorum, Bullethead. I don't enjoy much horror sci-fi since but I'll see this one.


By the way did anybody saw Battlestar Galactica, the new TV series?

To me was the best science fiction TV series I ever saw (even disliking the end).

Thanks to Galactica the standard in science fiction series is so big for me, that I'm afraid that all the new series seems so... empty.

I've some hopes for the spin-off Caprica. We'll say day after tomorrow with episode one.

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Thanks for warning about Pandorum, Bullethead. I don't enjoy much horror sci-fi since but I'll see this one.


Pandorum isn't really a horror movie. Nothing like "Alien", for example. It's really an adventure story. Sure, certain aspects of the situation are horrorific, but that's necessary in any adventure. The movie is really a "hero's journey" type of story. I think this misrepresentation s what killed it at the box office. It was billed as horror, but it really wasn't, so those looking for a horror movie were disappointed and those who don't like horror didn't go see it.


By the way did anybody saw Battlestar Galactica, the new TV series?


I assume you're talking about the recent version, not the original from the 1970s? I agree, the new one was pretty good, WAY better than the original.

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I'm sorry Olham,


I bought District 9 on DVD because the previews looked so good and it turned out it was so cheesy I was actually upset I wasted my money. I expected a serious sci-fi movie from Peter Jackson. What I got was bad acting, stupid aliens and a plot so unbelievable (not in a good way) that I couldn't even watch the whole thing. I suggest you take one of your Albs up for a couple of hours of flight. You'll be much more satisfied rather than watching this movie.



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I'd agree with "cheesy" to a certain extent. Mind you, it's no "Plan 9 From Outer Space" though. I thought a certain amount of cheesiness was actually tongue-in-cheek, and written into the movie. Sort of like the "Starship Troopers" from a few years back.

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I like Farscape a lot. Good stories, and good actors. Very innovative for a "space" sci-fi series.

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Thanks, Bullethead and all - will watch out for "Pandorum"; sounds very interesting.

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Saw District 9. Not my cuppa I quess. Thanks Bullethead for the headsup on Pandorum. With the respect I have for your opinion I am sure it is a worthy film. I look forward to watching it.

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Haven't seen District 9. After all, it's only just down the road. :rofl:

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District 9 is very cool. What you must not see is Avatar. Jesus that movie sucked more than Windows Vista.

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Oh, thanks for your advice, Gous - I had almost gone to spend 12,- Euro on "Avatar".

But when you say, it's crapp, I'll wait and watch it with a friend, who has an almost-

cinema-wide screen and Surround Sound.

(Although - my VISTA works fine! OFF on it too. A question of recent updates, perhaps?)

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Well, the zenit of motion picture technology PLUS good adventure story, plus the

miracle, that it made believeable a deep sympathy and gratefulness between a

gorilla and a woman, was the incredible "KING KONG".


Best "big picture show" I have seen since "Lord of the Rings" (so there I am again,

hoping that the same director will hopefully make a WW1 air combat movie! Peter?)

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Not having seen either, your statement of District 9 Being Cool, while Avatar being schitt, prompts the question. What are you looking for in a Motion Picture. It sure can't be storyline, as the last Sci-Fi film that made any sense was the Search for Spock. Is Leonard Nimoy still alive ? I go to a Movie to be entertained period, as I understand District 9 is a remake of Starship Troopers, which I never stayed for the ending.


Avatar was 12 years in the making, with it mostly being Computer Generation, but it must seen. Simply because it's the zenith of motion picture technology, and it must be seen in an IMAX theartre


Lest the effect be lost, and the viewing experience reduced to Lady and the Tramp, with blood, or the 300, another winner


I just dont like movies who are just effects and no interesting plot. I don't go to the cinema to watch the new demonstration of the new NVidia card... D9 didn't have effects but the plot was pretty nice and the attempt to pass some messages on to the audience was all around successful. I am not saying D9 is a masterpiece or something, but compared to Avatar it is like comparing night...to..dawn.... Apocalypse Now would be midday with the sun at its peak.


Avatar was so silly that I was actually laughing during most of it. It was like watching over-sized Smurfs in Pocahontas plot 300 years later. It is good for little kids or people who want to just PASS their time having fun. (it is fun...in some parts.) It is not bad to want to have fun and I am not criticizing anyone who wants it. But hell, excuse me for wanting something more from a movie... Avatar is the kind of movie you are going to have fun during it and forget about it a week later.

Edited by Gous

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I saw District 9 yesterday and I found it quite interesting. It's not a masterpiece like Gous said but it's not a Starship Trooper remake. In fact it's miles away (for better) from the original Starship Trooper in terms of content and cinematography.

As for the Avatar, it might sound radical, but I don't even consider the hypotheses of seeing it in any kind of format; I'm just not curious at all. I didn't like any James Cameron's movies so far and I don't like movies that are mere technological show off. Like in literature I avoid writers that I don't like.

Like uncleal said this depends on what you expect to see in a movie. If you just want to feel entertained, and nothing wrong with that, it's one thing. But if you feel that cinema is a kind of art form than to be entertained might not be enough. For me it's more gratifying to see a movie like Apocalypse Now (picking Gous example) than to see Star Wars.

And I agree with you Gous, Apocalypse Now, the original editing, is a masterpiece. I didn't like the Redux version. Do you know Gous, there is a workprint version of 330 minutes (bad quality) out there in the net?

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I saw District 9 yesterday and I found it quite interesting. It's not a masterpiece like Gous said but it's not a Starship Trooper remake. In fact it's miles away (for better) from the original Starship Trooper in terms of content and cinematography.

As for the Avatar, it might sound radical, but I don't even consider the hypotheses of seeing it in any kind of format; I'm just not curious at all. I didn't like any James Cameron's movies so far and I don't like movies that are mere technological show off. Like in literature I avoid writers that I don't like.

Like uncleal said this depends on what you expect to see in a movie. If you just want to feel entertained, and nothing wrong with that, it's one thing. But if you feel that cinema is a kind of art form than to be entertained might not be enough. For me it's more gratifying to see a movie like Apocalypse Now (picking Gous example) than to see Star Wars.

And I agree with you Gous, Apocalypse Now, the original editing, is a masterpiece. I didn't like the Redux version. Do you know Gous, there is a workprint version of 330 minutes (bad quality) out there in the net?

I have only seen the redux version of Apocalypse Now and not the original edit...

Edited by Gous

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I saw D9 last night and I enjoyed it quite a bit. Thought the concept theme was very "unique" and done in an interesting fashion. Actually liked it more then I thought I would.


As for my 2 cents on Apocalypse Now.. the original uncut version is available on CD..it is a masterpiece IMHO, and as far removed from the version released in theatres as to not be comparable. See the original directors cut if you can.



Edited by cptroyce

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Those are the advantages of the young - that they LIKE to watch oppressive, dark drama

like "Apocalypse Now!" without getting too worried.

When I saw that movie first, I walked out of the cinema - I found it unbearable to watch

grown up men turned into fence climbing monkeys by a helicopter full of Playmates.

And the scene, where Captain Willard burns the face of his girl out a photo with his cigarette,

thinking: "All the time I dreamt of going home on leave, until I really did - and realised, I could

never come home again..." was so desperately hopeless...

In other words: yes, a very good movie!


But come on and show some humour, young men: Arnie in "Terminator 2" was a good popcorn

show movie with good "Äkschnn!" and humour.

If you can't follow that - well, that's the advantage of being older. :cool:

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I liked District 9, it made some good cultural analogies using the alien theme and the story line worked pretty well. Could have been better if they hadn't gone over board with the fight scenes though.


One good place to get an overall view of movies from many different movie critics is RottenTomatoes.com Obviously, no one is going to agree with everyone, but it's often a good indication of what the movie is like and of a films worth and it often saves wasted money on renting a DVD or paying $6-8 at a theatre.

District 9 got a score of 90% (click here)

Pandorum got a scrore of 28% (click here)



I think my favorite science fiction movie would have to be Blade Runner (click here) followed by the first Alien (click here)


For older films: 2001 A Space Odyssey (click here), of course, and Fritz Lang's Metropolis done in 1927 is a classic(click here)


Also, have any of you seen Children of Men (click here) This is an amazing movie.

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Oh yes...Blade Runner. And the first Alien...now these are some amazing science fiction films. (Alien is combined with horror and has a lot of suspense too)


Well these days what you don't want to do is read critics by only one person. And since we have got the Internet now...you can read critics by the audience (which is even better than professional critics) and make a conclusion.

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Men of good taste here! "Blade Runner", "Alien" - and the ultimate SF picture still today: 2001 A Space Odyssey

Good choice, Rabu! And thanks for the link.


I also liked "The Fifth Element" (or how is it called in English) with Bruce Willis, Gary Oldman and that cute alien

(forgot her complicated name!)

Edited by Olham

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Men of good taste here! "Blade Runner", "Alien" - and the ultimate SF picture still today: 2001 A Space Odyssey

Good choice, Rabu! And thanks for the link.


I also liked "The Fifth Element" (or how is it called in English) with Bruce Willis, Gary Oldman and that cute alien

(forgot her complicated name!)



Yea, there have been a lot of good scifi films, forgot that one, I liked The 5th Element too, and also, The Matrix had a good story line, even some of the sequels have been good.


A recent one that looks interesting is, Moon click Check out the trailers on it.

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And for the SciFi Fun part: Men in Black and Galaxy Quest.


Moon looks promising

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