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Guest rscsjsuso5

very beautiful skin love the gold . from plan to usn good work :drinks:

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Thanks...This was supposed to be under the Screenshot thread...Guess I blew it...

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It deserves a thread of its own.


I've always liked the Blue and Gold combo, and I was US Air Force!


Mighty fine looking, er, whatever it is...



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It deserves a thread of its own.


I've always liked the Blue and Gold combo, and I was US Air Force!


Mighty fine looking, er, whatever it is...




It's a T-2 Buckeye, cool addition to the sim... never seen one in a thirdwire sim before. Great job pappy. I remember the diamond jubilee F-4S in a similar paint scheme, beautiful jet.

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Will be great to have this one in the red-white livery... Maybe in a naval target range?

BTW congratulations to naval aviation!

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Great pic Pete and congrats to the US Navy

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Stratos...You mean something like this, Right???

Edited by pappychksix

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Nice, always wanted a T-2 buckeye for thirdwire. Only nhave the cfs 2 version. Is this still wip or eta available? thx.

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