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Go See Your Doctor

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Good Evening Ladies and Gents,


This is my 1 and only Public Service announcement EVER.


If you think you need to see a doctor: do so.

If you think you might have a problem: go see a doctor.

If you are scared of what they might tell you, go anyway.

And if for no other reason than you haven't been in awhile: go see a doctor.


I turned 50 recently, and went for the full battery of tests. I had not 1 single symptom. One test turned up Prostate Cancer. It was only due to the very sharp eyes and thoroughly suspicious nature of my doctor, that he even asked for a second battery of test. I got the news 1 week before last Christmas, and it caused total vapor lock.


After every test know to medicine, and some very NEW ones, it was determined to be early, localized, and could be removed with surgery. I went under the knife last week, and I'm home now. From all appearances, it's a clean sweep, and I just have to survive the enforced idleness. I was lucky, it appears. But talking with the doctor, it was heartbreaking to hear him tell me how many people will wait on checkups, ignore symptoms, and generally wait until it's too late.


If you think you feel fine, go the extra step and BE SURE. It was worth the looks on my wife and daughters face when he told them I was going to be okay, just very sore for awhile.


So Guys, go get checked. 45 years and up, especially as we are the most susceptible. Just 1 test could save your life. It did mine.

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I second that, though I am little younger than 45. In '08 i was diagnosed with diabetes type 2 and was shocked to get it at 35. i had a yeast infection and went to hospital for tests and they determined it. Before this, I hadn't gone for a yearly physical since '96. Doctor thought I got it before the yeast breakout. So now I dont take any chances and see him more often because of this.

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thank you for the excellent advice and I wish you the best in your healing and prayers that you don't have to go thru anything like that again.


thank you for the excellent advice and I wish you the best in your healing and prayers that you don't have to go thru anything like that again.

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Even if you're young it's good advice. If anything feels or looks unusual, have it looked at immediately.


One thanksgiving I was feeling some back pain, I figured I'd slept the wrong way on the car ride and pulled a muscle or something inconsequential. Afterwards I suddenly got very sick. I figured something in the food didn't agree with me, I mean, try mixing traditional thanksgiving food with indian and cuban food and how do you expect to feel? Something was clearly very wrong when I turned lemon yellow and went to the doctor. He sent me to the hospital for a few tests and they decided before I left that I should stay and I needed surgery. Gall stones in my gall bladder and one of them was blocking the duct from my liver to my intestine. And then after two surgeries and had gone home for a day or so, I had to go back for another because a stone got into my appendix after getting even worse pain. At first, one would think it was just from the operation, but I could tell something was wrong after the first time.


So to echo Nightshade/PR

If you think you need to see a doctor: do so.

If you think you might have a problem: go see a doctor.

If you are scared of what they might tell you, go anyway.

And if for no other reason than you haven't been in awhile: go see a doctor.

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I remember my father told me it's almost inevitable that every male will get some form of prostate cancer in their lives, unless they die from something else very young. The main question is always "what to do?" In some cases the cancer is very slow-growing and if the patient's health and age aren't good for surgery, they may instead skip it...the old "the cure is worse than the disease" situation.

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Eraser i also had the same problem before xmas. Gallstones are a bitch and one sunday, I had finished work and had what I thought was indigestion. It gradually got worse until the pain was just incredible. Most definately the worst pain I have ever experienced. My dad took me down the a + e department and the docs took one look, next thing I knew I was being whisked off to a room to have morphine and various other drugs inserted via IV.


I was diagnosed after a variety of bloodtests and scans with gallstones. But also the doctor was unhappy with another aspect of the scan so sent me for more tests a few weeks ago. Turns out I also have abnormal liver function. I am currently in the process of finding out why and have an appointment next week...


Fingers crossed it aint serious but as you said, always go to the docs at the slightest problem



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Thank you Nightshade...I am very glad that you did what you did, and that you are caring enough to tell us about it.

I am 48...and hav'nt been to my GP for a fairly long time...I think I will go and get checked out! :drinks:

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GREAT Advice!!

Also,don't forget to get ultrasounds on carotid artery and jugular vein.

If you have blockages there,it could cause a stroke.

If blockages are there are bad enough(60-90 percent) get heart checked.

If you have blockages in your neck,you will also have them in your heart.

A fantastic cardiac doctor was giving my wife a routine exam and found blockages in her neck.

After several more tests she had to have a quadrupal bypass on her heart. She was 55 at the time.

It saved her life.

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