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Can Somone Build A........

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File mover program, where I can set it to remove planes from my aircraft folder and put them in another folder for later use. So I can set maybe certain aircraft I want to have available at any given time and when I start the sim. Am I making any sense here? Does anyone have the skills?

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A batch file would work...but that's pretty specific.



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What about this JSGM I think it`s called, a mod enabler for many games.. but not sure how it works or if specific files were neded .. you can easily move mods and planes in and out of a game, I use it in SH3 il2 and some other games

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Generic Mod Switcher like in the Israel/Suez mod from Edwards I believe?

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What about this JSGM I think it`s called, a mod enabler for many games.. but not sure how it works or if specific files were neded .. you can easily move mods and planes in and out of a game, I use it in SH3 il2 and some other games


This is exactly what you need, JoneSoft Generic Mod Enabler.


Here's where to get it:-




Very easy to use, switch mods in and out with ease, you can create specific era installs and swap them in & out of your game folder from a central mods directory.


In fact, it was Johan217 who set up his Middle East Wars campaigns using JSGME to do just what Dave suggests.


I still use it on an old SFP1 install for Johan's Suez campaign, awaitng TW release of WoI add-on.





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Fighter Squadrons: Screaming Demons Over Europe had/have a "feature" added well after it's release where alternate data files could be swapped from within the games front-end to change various assets in the games, including the plane sets...


Considering the sheer volume of planes that we are now introducing into his games... something simular would not be an unrealistic request going forward IMHO.


... But then again, what do I know. :grin:

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Will it work with SF2?

And thanks for the info fellas.

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Well I'm a dumb ass, how do I get it work right with SF2?

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I see how it sets it up, but not what I am looking for. I want to be able to pick and choose aircraft I want in it. This would take a ton of work to get it right and I would have to make mods sets just to get it to work. I guess I will just move out as needed.

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Hey I use a little file made for cfs2 you remember the "99 plane" limit in the sim that if you have more then 99 objects you couldn't open the mission builder or start free flight with out an error well thes nice gentleman named Martin Write built us a file such as what you ask for, well seem it works in SF series 1 as long as the folder has a "aircraft" folder it should work. you just put it in your objects folder click it and it makes a hanger folder witch then you can swap in and out the birds you want to use.






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That is more like it. Wow talk about a long time ago with CFS2. I will see if I can adapt that to SF2. Thanks.

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Meh! You just need to make another install with the planes you want!!

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I use Martin Wrights DXT program to this day to make decals.His stuff was the bomb back in the day...it was full of flaws but sometimes I miss the old CFS2 days.

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Meh! You just need to make another install with the planes you want!!


I could but that would be too easy. drinks.gif

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Dave, Dave, Dave...why I know my rusty programming skills are not the best in town, but I can still manage to whip up a thing or two. :wink2: It's not the prettiest thing you'll find out there, LOL, but it should do the job. Comes complete with 'Support Combat Ace' functionality, just like all good tools should! I'm putting the final touches on it, but should be ready for you to test in a few days my friend, hope this helps!





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You are da man!!!!!!!

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LMAO Dave, that is some real "ask and you shall recieve" action if i've ever seen it. Truly amazing work swam, I'll take one too!

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No kidding right. This is great. I can't thank him enough. I just wanted something simple to move planes out so when I do single missions, certain planes show up and he did it. Really cool of him. Thanks Swam.

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