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Sim keeps freezing - what could it be?

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Just had a total freeze of OFF the fourth time.


What I have changed recently:

- I installed the new ATI 10.3 beta driver

- I have unticked most boxes in "Overrides"


Any idea anyone? Does anyone else have this with the new driver installed?

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Sliders too high, too high AA, Aniso?


Do a reset to defaults in cfsconfig Olham, File,exit, then run it again and reset to what you want.

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Not having any problems with 64-bit version in Win7. My installation didn't work the first time...had to install again.


Do you have any legacy ATI drivers installed that could be creating conflicts? Windows .NET files up to date?

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My Windows Vista always updates. What's a legacy driver?


Pol, sliders are 5, 4, 3, 5, 5 - should work with a HD4870 with 1 GB, and an E8300.

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My Windows Vista always updates. What's a legacy driver?


Pol, sliders are 5, 4, 3, 5, 5 - should work with a HD4870 with 1 GB, and an E8300.

As you already know, whenever you update drivers, you may have remnants of old drivers in your windows system directory and in your windows registry. Until Catalyst 9.8 (I think, could be later??), uninstalling older ATI drivers before a driver upgrade was something of a pain, and usually required a third part cleaning utility like Driver Cleaner or starting windows in safe mode and manually removing the ATI files. The new ATI Catalyst Install Manager makes the process nearly seamless. In fact, I haven't had to uninstall any old drivers at all since using the new installer.


Legacy drivers are those that ATI now longer actively supports, i.e., newer drivers may work with your old card, but ATI is no longer actively updating drivers specifically for that old card. Zum beispiel, the last actively supported Catalyst version for the 1950 is Catalyst 9.11. Legacy drivers also are more difficult to uninstall, since they don't work with the new Catalyst Install Manager.


The new 10.3 drivers were released this morning...you may have better luck with today's release rather then the beta version.

Edited by BirdDogICT

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Thanks, BirdDog!


UncleAl, it worked fine for days. Now suddenly, I had problems.

I did a CFS3 reset, but now I didn't get a claim for after shooting down several N17 Lewis!

It's a P I T A !

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Can anyone help with this question:

what other files are responsible for a pilot's data?

After the CFS3 reset, I have replaced the "pilots" folder with my saved one;

also replaced the "unlimitedpilots.xml" with the saved one.

But what did I miss, when I don't get a claim form?

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That's an odd one, are you sure that the mission actualy finished properly? (i.e. the whole "Welcome Back! Another 43 minutes logged!" pop up thing etc) as I've seen that some people get that problem where they can't finish their missions.


Other than that it could be something to do with the number of kills listed in your Pilot files - as maybe it's out of sync with number of claims (i.e. more claims than kills), so it thinks the ones you just shot down are linked to claims you've already made? (so for example if it thought that your new kills were kills 18 and 19, but you already had claim number 18 and 19, so it linked them to those claims?)


I'm guessing your claims are still there as they're in the Pilot folder that you copied.


Bear in mind that everything I just said is total guess work based on only minor knowledge of the workings of OFF. grin.gif

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Yes, I had landed and did the usual exit procedure.

After that you get the claims thing, but nothing - back to briefing.


I must have made a mistake, when I replaced the pilot folder and the unlimitedpilots.xml -

I must have forgotten something else.

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Does the UnlimitedPilotsbak file do anything important? - If you don't have that you could maybe copy your UnlimitedPilots file and name the copy UnlimitedPilotsbak


usualy when I back up a Pilot I copy the Pilots files (PilotDossier, PilotLog, PilotClaims) and UnlimitedPilots and UnlimitedPilotsbak from the documents folder (CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields) - although of late I've just been copying the entire documents file just to be on the safe side.

Edited by MikeDixonUK

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Think I got it now - the "unlimitedpilots.xml" also belonged into another folder.

I put the copy in there too, and it should work now.

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The official ATI 10.3 drivers are out for download.





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i think it froze because everything was unchecked in the config overrides. i tried yesterday some quickflights with unchecked overrides and it froze after some minutes. has probably to do something with the scenerie rendering blah. anyway. i checked the boxes as before and everything went fine again. and i have nvidia. so new install is always the very last solution. you should have tried it with checking the things again you've unchecked before a new install, olham dntknw.gif



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Thanks, Morris!


Creaghorn, I had ticked some boxes again meanwhile; mainly those I had before.

Still it froze.

And with all boxes unticked, I had made three long, wonderful flights without any


It's hard to say what it was, cause I was experimenting "on all fronts" - also with

the TrackIR and the ATI Catalyst settings.

But I still have the old "overrides" settings, so I will set them like that again.

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Thanks, Morris!


Creaghorn, I had ticked some boxes again meanwhile; mainly those I had before.

Still it froze.

And with all boxes unticked, I had made three long, wonderful flights without any


It's hard to say what it was, cause I was experimenting "on all fronts" - also with

the TrackIR and the ATI Catalyst settings.

But I still have the old "overrides" settings, so I will set them like that again.


Olham - so you have the issues sorted then? I hope so for you as well as sefishly for myself as I am planning on mirroring your set-up.

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No, my pilot still doesn't work.

I keep getting the message, that the pilot isn't found in the Uisel.xml,

I tried to copy that file from the game folder to other Microsoft folder in C:

but no use.

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Couldn't you try making a new Pilot - with the same name as your old one, then fly a mission with the new guy - after which you copy all your files over and "replace" the new one with your old one's stats?

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Tried that - but then I didn't get a claim form after 4 kills.

No, I can remember that there was another file, that had to be saved before,

and also replaced after reset. But now it's too late.

I can only retire this promising pilot.


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I will install the new, non-Beta version of Catalyst driver 10.3 today.

Give me one more flight, before I give you my settings after that, okay?

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I will install the new, non-Beta version of Catalyst driver 10.3 today.

Give me one more flight, before I give you my settings after that, okay?


Oh that's fine - I just hope it works out for you. Sucks to lose a Pour Le Merite level pilot (lord knows I never had one) over bad drivers.

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Well, he isn't totally lost - I regard him as retired after a bad phosgenic blood toxication

from a tracer in the left foot. So he will even survive the war as a "Blue Max" hero.

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