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Ca_Stary's Enhanced Israel Terrain

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make a standalone of the Israelme terrain with this new enhanced tileset by stary and co.

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Why do that the hard way? Just use it as the default terrain, it does not affect campaigns in the least bit. Man I love you guys (in that family, brotherly way) but we sure make life hard on ourselves.

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yeah, true it is easier, but I like things separate and to do comparison. I havent played sf of any type in a while as I work a lot.

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yeah, true it is easier, but I like things separate and to do comparison. I havent played sf of any type in a while as I work a lot.


All more the reason to drag and drop and use it that way so you have time to fly then to try to make a whole separate terrain. There is no comparison to be made, we all know what the default terrain looks like and we see his result. What is there to compare? Work smarter not harder. :drinks:

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Work smarter not harder


f**king-A Bubba.


If it don't work, just empty out the folder of the new stuff (one can even extract the STOCK IsrealME.ini from the IsrealME.cat, as EVERYTHING is ALWAYS stored in the terrain's cat)



kevin stein

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ok, you're sure it was in a city? Because I did not create new city tod files...


Well no, more like a small town. Sorry about that...



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Well no, more like a small town. Sorry about that...




must be one of those "town" tiles, will search when time permits me to do so

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I just can't understand. I have no problem in using this terrain as stand-alone, as secondary terrain renamed, even the tiles tested on afghansitan. It is 10 mins job to perform while having cofee. The only real confusing thing is to make sure the _data.ini is saved in ansi, since stary's is in unicode. Other than that, a piece of cake

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I just can't understand.


wasn't one of the ideas behind Series2 to ease things and end the separate installs? :lol:

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Makes my head spin.


round and round :this: the sad thing is many many good people here contributed and spent a lot of their precious time to build the KB, yet some still... :dntknw:

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here's again corrected version of data, for those using BOTH trees and heightmaps:




only for series 2

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Wow! This new terrain looks out-freaking-standing. Fantastic job guys. I just wish I could get it to work. I dragged and dropped it into my Thirdwire Mods folder but, nothing changes when I play the game. I've tried changing the effects detail inside the game but, I can't get anything that looks even close to what those scree shots look like. Am I missing something? Does this new Israeli Terrain folder need to go inside the objects folder perhaps?

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Wow! This new terrain looks out-freaking-standing. Fantastic job guys. I just wish I could get it to work. I dragged and dropped it into my Thirdwire Mods folder but, nothing changes when I play the game. I've tried changing the effects detail inside the game but, I can't get anything that looks even close to what those scree shots look like. Am I missing something? Does this new Israeli Terrain folder need to go inside the objects folder perhaps?


It goes into the Terrains {with and "S"}, for SF2:I installs



Terrain Folder, {no "S" on terrain} in the WOI 1st Gen series folder.

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It goes into the Terrains {with and "S"}, for SF2:I installs



Terrain Folder, {no "S" on terrain} in the WOI 1st Gen series folder.



Thanks! But, I can not find a folder called "Terrains" for Strike Fighters 2 Israel, anywhere in the Mods folder. I do however see a folder called "Terrains" in the main directory of the game. Should I place it in there? =(

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Make the folder called "Terrains" in your mod folder and add it.

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Make the folder called "Terrains" in your mod folder and add it.


Got it! Thanks mate!


It is absolutely, jaw dropping gorgeous! OMG! Now if I could only play the game at more than 3 frames per second! LOL! It was nice to look at for a few minutes at least. Unfortunately my computer simply can not run it and I will be forced to go back to the original terrain the game shipped with. Sad, really. Oh well. It is an outstanding achievement! The best visual eye candy I have ever seen for the Third Wire Sim family of games. Congratulations Stary!

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Got it! Thanks mate!


It is absolutely, jaw dropping gorgeous! OMG! Now if I could only play the game at more than 3 frames per second! LOL! It was nice to look at for a few minutes at least. Unfortunately my computer simply can not run it and I will be forced to go back to the original terrain the game shipped with. Sad, really. Oh well. It is an outstanding achievement! The best visual eye candy I have ever seen for the Third Wire Sim family of games. Congratulations Stary!


We have 512x512 tiles that will greatly improve your frame rates. Think that might help?



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> Stary


I encountered an issue with SF 2I with expansion (didn't check before)


With your terrain I can't start a campaign anymore, simulator hangs and ends up in black screen during loading.


Single missions aren't a problem, no issue


deleting your files solve the issue


Would it be in some ini file ?

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Sony, I have no problem running addon campaign at all, so far several missions in two squadrons, no problems during mission loading?


Have you tried the lower resolution, 512x512 tileset USAFMTL posted?




there are also updated inis I posted in this thread and in files support topic, that fix wrong texture references in data ini

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I didn't put in the fixes you posted yet but found few trees on a runway at Hatzor Airbase. I snapped a screenshot. Circled the spot in Paint.





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thanks, will check this :good:

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Using the 512 tiles made it


seems like my 9800GT with 512 mb ram is not enough for higher resolution tiles (screen resolution being 1920*1080)

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Sony I have 8800GT with 512mb ram and I can run on mixed high/unlimited with 1024x1024 tiles just fine, the resolution is lower -1280x1024, as my 4:5 LCD won't run any higher. Remember 9800GT is basically re-labelled 8800GT, so it must be your higher screen resolution eating VRam resources then

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