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message from my new computer. Arrived 5 days eariler than expected, thank you FedEx!!! (wonder if FastCargo had anything to do with that...????


hate ths dinky keyboard .... and definatley will need to learn the bits in Win 7....




Now, to spend gthe weekend rebuilding all my game installs....Oi!!!!



kevin stein

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enjoy the new comp kev..

it's always nice to bring one out of the box good.gif

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have an exciting new nextgen experience Wrench! :clapping:

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Does it have that "new car smell"?

No doubt ,you'll have it blazing away in no time.

Don't forget to play a while. It's built for 'gaming',so Game Away. :clapping:

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have an exciting new nextgen experience Wrench! :clapping:


Well, current gen experience. After all, the next gen isn't here yet, is it? :wink:

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Well, current gen experience. After all, the next gen isn't here yet, is it? :wink:


No it's not, I think never will be. No revolutions, just steady progress.

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Getting a holodeck will be next gen!

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