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Oh for the love a...

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Oi vey!!! Definatly, nothing to see here...sheesh!



kevin stein

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TK's Top Gun will own their "Top Gun" :grin:

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It could be worse... they could've made an Iron Eagle sim...


oh come on, that movie is a classic :P hehehe

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Iron Eagle 3 is the best of them all.

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well, i'm curious to know what is comming from this game, for what it seems it will not only be an arcade plane game

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well, i'm curious to know what is comming from this game, for what it seems it will not only be an arcade plane game



More than likely a variatoin of Ace Combat and Hawx. It will not be a sim like SF, Falcon, or Lock On. Remember, it is geared for the PS3 and it's target audience is both non hardcore PS3 gamers and hardcore PS3 gamers... not flight simmers.

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Still those new arcade-ish flight releases like HAWX, BoP and this one could create a potential future audience for more serious sims. I hope that by that time the flight sim niche won't be dominated by Russian developers. Our interfaces are horrid and gameplay innovation is something from outer space.

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"By that time"? Other than TK's casual sims, Russians are all that are left!

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Well they could relaese it as a 30th Anniversary tie in in 2016!


Seriously though, they're bringing out new Star Wars games all the time, and the first movie was released in 1977.



BTW, Is it a sign that I'm getting old when I think anyone born after 1977 is just a kid. Is it just me?

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My sister was born in 79, and now that she's over 30 I don't think of her as a kid anymore.

However, I still can't accept that there are people with drivers licenses out there born after I graduated HS in 1991!

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In this game you fly a Supa Honet with a pregnant female sailor in the back seat while Hussein Obama talks to you on the radio and tells you to drop water on a flaming oil rig without harming any Illegales who are swimming by. Then you have to sit on a court martial for a Marine who shot at a terrorist.

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