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OT, Daft UK Laws

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Here are some classic silly Laws...great stuff! :lol:


1. It is illegal to die in the Houses of Parliament

2. It is an act of treason to place a postage stamp bearing the British king or queen’s image upside-down

3. It is illegal for a woman to be topless in Liverpool except as a clerk in a tropical fish store

4. Eating mince pies on Christmas Day is banned

5. If someone knocks on your door in Scotland and requires the use of your toilet, you are required to let them enter

6. In the UK a pregnant woman can legally relieve herself anywhere she wants, including in a policeman’s helmet

7. The head of any dead whale found on the British coast automatically becomes the property of the King, and the tail of the Queen

8. It is illegal not to tell the tax man anything you do not want him to know, but legal not to tell him information you do not mind him knowing

9. It is illegal to enter the Houses of Parliament wearing a suit of armour

10. It is legal to murder a Scotsman within the ancient city walls of York, but only if he is carrying a bow and arrow

11. It is illegal to hang washing in the street

12. It is illegal to beat a carpet in the street

13. It is illegal to fly a kite in the street

14. It is illegal to be drunk in charge of a horse, cow or steam engine

15. It is illegal to fire a cannon close to a dwelling house

16. It is illegal to bet or gamble in the library reading room

17. It is illegal to use any slide upon ice or snow

18. It is illegal to drive cattle through the streets of London

19. It is illegal to sing any profane or obscene song or ballad, or use any profane or obscene language

20. It is illegal to light a firework! (seriously: Section 28 of the Town Police Clauses Act 1847)

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I know most of these and they still make me laugh... but its also good to remember a time of long ago... okay Thursday last week... :rofl:

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WM, you Brits have no corner on this market. Here are a few laws still on the books in my home state of Minnesota:


It is illegal to stand around any building without a good reason to be there.


A person may not cross state lines with a duck atop his head.


It is illegal to sleep naked.


All men driving motorcycles must wear shirts.


All bathtubs must have feet.


Residents of even numbered addresses may not water their plants on odd-numbered days excluding the thirty first day where it applies.


If any cat is found running at large, or which is found in any street, alley or public place, it shall be the duty of any policeman or other officer of the city to kill such cat.


Red cars may not drive down Lake Street.


Placing tacks on a sidewalk is considered a public nuisance.


Any person who persuades another to enter a massage therapist business after 11:00 PM is guilty of a misdemeanor.


Hamburgers may not be eaten on Sundays.


You're not allowed to park your elephant on Main Street.


Our tax dollars at work...yet again. :rofl:



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WM, you Brits have no corner on this market. Here are a few laws still on the books in my home state of Minnesota:


It is illegal to stand around any building without a good reason to be there.


A person may not cross state lines with a duck atop his head.


It is illegal to sleep naked.


All men driving motorcycles must wear shirts.


All bathtubs must have feet.


Residents of even numbered addresses may not water their plants on odd-numbered days excluding the thirty first day where it applies.


If any cat is found running at large, or which is found in any street, alley or public place, it shall be the duty of any policeman or other officer of the city to kill such cat.


Red cars may not drive down Lake Street.


Placing tacks on a sidewalk is considered a public nuisance.


Any person who persuades another to enter a massage therapist business after 11:00 PM is guilty of a misdemeanor.


Hamburgers may not be eaten on Sundays.


You're not allowed to park your elephant on Main Street.


Our tax dollars at work...yet again. :rofl:




Wonderful stuff!.....any more Laws from around the World, MOST welcome!!! :lol:

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This from another forum I frequent!!


Happens in the Bigg Market every week from what i've heard, sometimes with the policeman still in it!


It is illegal to dress up as Batman in Australia


It is illegal to not drink milk in Utah


In Florida, gay men are not allowed into public bars unless accompanied by a child.


Also in Florida, it is illegal to sing in a public place while wearing a swimsuit.


In Greece, it is legal to strike anyone from Turkey with a Phalanx (small sword) except on alternate Mondays.


In Korea, it is illegal to impersonate an animal while in a restaurant.


In Singapore, it is against the law to speak to a donkey in Chinese.


In Thailand, no one is permitted to swim across a river unless they have a coin in their pocket.


and finally my own particular favourite:


In Turkey, it is against the law to fall in love with a neighbours son, daughter, wife, servant or any of his animals.

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Here is one for you guys to chew on. In 2004 I was in Atlanta, Georgia doing door to door sales. At that time, they had just removed an old law from the books, and this law stated, "You can not hang slaves on Sunday unless it is in the town square". Being half black, I had to laugh at this, seriously, it's pretty hilarious. Also, here at home in Maine, in Lewiston it is illegal to spit on the sidewalks.

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:blink: silly laws in the U.S. : You are not allowed to wear Cowboy Boots unless you own 2 cows

No dog shall be in a public place without its Master on a leash Donkeys cannot sleep in bathtubs.

It is illegal for men and women over the age of 18 to have less than one missing tooth visible when smiling:bye:

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Pretty sure I once read that it is illegal for a frog/toad to croak after midnight in Louisiana.



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When I was a kid in Virginia (1964?) I was kicked out of a grocery store for being in the aisle with the toys and games. I was just looking, but it is against the law to buy toys, candy, soda or liquor on a Sunday.


In Riverbank Ca. we have a city ordinance against dancing in public.


In Seattle is is against the law to tie off your horse in Pioneer Square.


According to the California Vehicle Code, it is against the law to leave the scene of a tobbogan accident.

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WM: 2. It is an act of treason to place a postage stamp bearing the British king or queen’s image upside-down


Poor Australians and Kiwis - they must have found it hard to get it right!


WM: 3. It is illegal for a woman to be topless in Liverpool except as a clerk in a tropical fish store.


Are there many "tropical fish stores" in Liverpool?

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Ohio law: It is illegal to get a fish drunk.


I'd like to know what event inspired that one. :crazy:

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Ohio law: It is illegal to get a fish drunk.


I'd like to know what event inspired that one. :crazy:

Wives of drunken fish no doubt! :grin:

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At least in Uk, it's still legal for anyone to lick the Queen's back... when pictured on stamps, of course.

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