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The RN is to get its teeth pulled

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Guess we will see in October - Maybe the RAF budget will have to fund all of the F-35s :lol:

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Retire the Harrier, no F-35 and no new ships .. with what will they fight? Sticks and Stones?


Cannot use those as they would be accused of being un-environmental...

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Don't believe everything you read in the papers...

The Brittish press is awash with stories on defense cuts but the simple fact is the review is yet to happen, they have not been cut, furthermore the QE is already under construction.


The 1.25Bn already spent covers items for both ships, there are penalty clauses built into the contracts to cover the eventuality that the ships will be canned... Options being looked at to save on costs are as follows:


2 CVF = Already comitted to the contracts, cancellation results in little or no saving

1 CVF = As above

0 CVF = As above


Alternate design ie LHA/LHD = Significant delays, all the costs of a new design and they still have to pay the penalties for the cancelations.




PS: All tthis is not to say I have any faith in the muppets in office not doing something stupid, just pointing out that there are no savings to be made.

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As an ex-military type I have severe issues with the muppets in the office... even so much that my boss sent me away for 3 days while we had the defence minister on base when I was in the Falklands, he was worried I might ask some questions...


Problem is they will look at the short term and not the long term and as the boats are due around 2015 depending on if there are any strikes they get the software correct etc... I wouldn't be surprised if they where delayed heavily, well until the next election anyway... but you are right the UK press always want to paint a bad picture no matter what... just to keep people scared as they like to... half the time it freakin annoys me the other half it amuses me...


Thankfully I don't have to see it everyday now as I am no longer a UK Resident...

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Mmmm ... I wonder what surpises there will be tomorrow ... after the Typhoon without gun and the Chinook without avionics the prospect of an aircraft carrier without aircraft might be tempting to the MoD accountants, given the fact the US isn't selling the F-35 without stealth.

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I'll be happy with the carriers but flying Rafales or 'Sea Typhoons'. The F-35 looks like an expensive turkey to me.

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To be honest I am surprised BAe didn't think of it... They then get to build the boats and get work building the Eurofighter for the boats...

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If you are out of money just buy our freaking planes! :rofl:


Not like UK didn't think about it before:


"French fighters for UK"







Carrier based finnished product and "cheap" (compared to what would be a sea typhoon or a F35) :this:

Edited by Nix

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They are not cheap enough Im afraid - we may as well buy nothing than waste it on other 4.5 gen jets.

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Perhaps give the F-35 the boot and buy this ? :unsure: People in the pic give some idea as to its size. IMO nicer looking than Taranis, for a UCAV that is.





Edited by Atreides

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