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Issue with Weapons Editor

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Here's something strange. When I click the "SAVE" button (not the "SAVE DAT/INI"), the weaponsdata.ini file gets deleted and I end up losing all the weapons that I had added (fortunately, I make a back-up copy). Now, this is only when I want to save a specific modification to a weapon. I can save and keep new weapons in the weapondata.ini by just clicking on the "SAVE DAT/INI" button. I'm just trying to figure out what's causing the .ini file to be deleted when I just click on "SAVE".

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you don't really need the weapons editor in SF2 ... it's all done via text edits of the _data ini, in their seperate folders.


iirc, TK reccomends NOT using the SF2 WE for anything.



kevin stein

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Darn! Weapons Editor is so much faster. I guess that lock-up with saving it is probably the reason why. Anyways, I found an alternative solution to the problem. After doing the edits and clicking save, open up the back-up copy and click "SAVE DAT/INI" and it'll re-save all the weapons that you just recently added and it will also keep the edits you had made to the individual weapons. Weirdest solution I've ever seen though.

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Only time I use the weps editor anymore is to figure out what some of the EO flags are...other than that, there are just to many weird things that happen when you use it in SF2...



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i used it last year in afghanistan when i was still tryin to figure out wha tan ini was. long story short it rarely saves your results and as for quicker my grandfather used to say quicker to do it right the first time than half a$$ it 3 or 4 times. in Gen 2 its quicker to use the ini and generally better results.

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Darn! Weapons Editor is so much faster. I guess that lock-up with saving it is probably the reason why. Anyways, I found an alternative solution to the problem. After doing the edits and clicking save, open up the back-up copy and click "SAVE DAT/INI" and it'll re-save all the weapons that you just recently added and it will also keep the edits you had made to the individual weapons. Weirdest solution I've ever seen though.


What weapons are you trying to add? The WE is terrible to use in SF2. Get Killerbee weapons pack and use that. You are killing yourself for something that has been made easier to use with even using the editor.

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I haven't used a weapons editor since SF2 came out in Dec 2008 and don't think that I could ever go back. Save yourself the heartache go for drag and drop folders.

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What weapons are you trying to add? The WE is terrible to use in SF2. Get Killerbee weapons pack and use that. You are killing yourself for something that has been made easier to use with even using the editor.

speaking of i haven't seen KB around lately. hopefully he's doin ok.

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I just saw he logged in last night, so he's still around...I think.



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Well, like I said, I was able to find a way of doing it through the Weapons Editor. It's not just one weapon that I'm tweaking... it's a whole bunch. If it was just one weapon, then I would definately go directly to the individual weapon's folder and change it from there.

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Here's something strange. When I click the "SAVE" button (not the "SAVE DAT/INI"), the weaponsdata.ini file gets deleted and I end up losing all the weapons that I had added (fortunately, I make a back-up copy). Now, this is only when I want to save a specific modification to a weapon. I can save and keep new weapons in the weapondata.ini by just clicking on the "SAVE DAT/INI" button. I'm just trying to figure out what's causing the .ini file to be deleted when I just click on "SAVE".


Oh, I was really upset when I first discovered this (when I thought that "I should make the transition") about a year ago. At the end you end up doing endless copies ("back ups") of everything, even when they are not really needed. And of course YOU WON'T throw your SF1 weapons, (my weapondata stopped at about 4.7MB) no matter what they're trying to tell you...

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