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Optimal Envelope for AIM-9B Sidewinders?

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I've read through the IR section of the Weapons Delivery Mnnual, but unlike the radar missile section, there isn't any information on firing proceddures. I'm well aware that the AIM-9B wss one woefully unreliable, 1st gen IR missile, but the results I'm getting are poor beyond belief. I've been firing them no futher than 1.2nm and no closer than .6nm and I've always been within 10 deg's either side of the tagets bearing. I've also tried firing them slightly above and below the target, but that hasn't helped much.


Does anyone know, or can point me to a good resource, on the optimal firing distance and height for the AIM-9B?

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The results you are getting are poor beyond belief because the reliability of the AIM-9B in real life was poor beyond belief. You're already doing pretty much everything you can do. Make sure you're level and that you have your sights dead on with the other plane's exhaust. Other than that just keep firing them until one hits.

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Ideally you want to make an approach from dead 6 or slightly below if you are at low level. The best range to fire at low level is from .8 to 1 mile.


At higher altitudes the missle does seem a whole lot better. From 2 miles out it will track on a target and if the target aircraft is not moving fast enough to outrun it, it will have a very good chance of hitting from a dead six shot. IL28s(Iron Beagles)rarely go down with a single hit but you can down Migs for sure.


If fired from too far it can be out turned, but at least it will give you time to get guns on a fleeing enemy.


BTW-Flew a Mirage in DiD circa 1962 not too long ago. 24 kills total, a mere 2 scored with 9Bs.


Draw your own conclusions.

Edited by Lt. James Cater

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The simpelst rule is not to move the stick while firing. If your planes lies dead like a brickstone in the air the missiles has its optimum hit chance.

The other is not to fire on a curving target.

Edited by Gepard

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I usually fire when the target is at low Energy. They should be around 250 Kts or so. If they are over 300 they will likely have the speed to maneuver quickly and dodge your missile. I like to catch them when they come out of a hard turn. They're energy is low and that gives you a better chance.


You should have good overtake speed, at least 50 Kts. Otherwise, you give the target too much time to respond to the missile. You may notice that you get tone when they are in a slight turn in relation to you. Don't fire at this time. The missile will never hit. Wait until the target's tailpipe is clearly visible to you. If the target begins to maneuver in the vertical (the AI sometimes like to "porpoise" to spoil a gunshot) that's when you have him. Sidewinders work very well in the vertical.


Using these methods, I'm hitting with the AIM-9B roughly 60% to 70% of the time.

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Shrike I'm going to have to wave the BS flag. :blink::dntknw::rofl:


Im damn good with the AIM-9B and my results are still 12 to 13% of the time at best. Oh thats in the F-100D too. The missile was that terrible. 60% to 70% was never achieved in real life, and not in this sim at all either.



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Thanks for the replies everyone. I haven't been hitting with the ratio I should be, but I'd estimate I'm around 8%-10%, so maybe not so bad afterall. I was aware of the Beagle taking 2 successful hits, which is a problem since I'm flying a Sabre with only 2 AIM-9B's. Oh well guess I'm going to have to work on my cannon shots, which are also proving to be ineffective against the Beagle.

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Yeah you need to attack it from every angle, just dont fly behind it for more than a second. This is where things like TrackIR are handy.


In the F-100D Vs IL-28 scenario I expect maybe 1 or 2 of my AIM-9Bs to go near the target - then get in there for guns - slashing attacks from angles mainly.

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Also when going in with guns do note that the rear gunner pit is armored. I have the best luck taking out an engine or wing. Face full of 23mm is skull.gif

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Thanks for the replies everyone. I haven't been hitting with the ratio I should be, but I'd estimate I'm around 8%-10%, so maybe not so bad afterall. I was aware of the Beagle taking 2 successful hits, which is a problem since I'm flying a Sabre with only 2 AIM-9B's. Oh well guess I'm going to have to work on my cannon shots, which are also proving to be ineffective against the Beagle.


The Iron Beagle is a very tough plane to down, sorta like a post second world war IL2.


Shooting one down takes either a bit of luck with the 9Bs or a close up burst of gunfire. If it is at really low level you can come in just off the trees and time the fire from the rear gunner. Just make sure you jink like crazy. If it's higher up you can come in low until you are virtually underneath them. Chop the throttle, pull the nose up and spray it as it passes through your gunsight.


To be honest, the main effect of the 9Bs is to break up the IL8 formations. As they manuver to avoid the missles, sometimes they scatter and it's easier to take on a lone Beagle rather than a group of them.


Another thing to remember on intercepts, CAPs and sweeps is to always bring at least two flights. Unless you are unusually proficient at downing IL28s, it's always better to have lots of backup since they will almost always be escorted by at least a flight of MIGs.


Finally, don't sweat the cannons. The Canadair Sabres and their .50s work just fine against Beagles also. When you get one in your sights, seriously hose it down. Don't squirt fire, hose the bugger!

Edited by Lt. James Cater

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Just to chime in, re gun attacks, I find that a front quarter attack or steep slashing dive offer the best results. On the missile front may I sugest a Gennie..... sod the bottle rockets.

"No weapon too large, no target too small....":grin:





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