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Help with ThirdWire sims and adding mods

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Ok i have wings over europe ok i downloaded an F-15A Eagle and it came with 4 paint scehems and the original scheme ghost compass grey is white soo i need help thanks

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Ok i have wings over europe ok i downloaded an F-15A Eagle..


WOE already has an F-15A. Have you downloaded another 'third party' F-15 and tried moving those skins into your stock F-15A??


A featureless white aircraft means that the skin can't be seen by the game engineeither because it's not in the folder or because the bitmap names are wrong.

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Yes from colom 5 and got the F-15A from their soo i was wonderin if their is any way i can get that ghostcompass grey scheme back

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It sounds like you've either porked the installation of the 'add-on' or you've moved skin folders between the stock F-15A and the 'add-on' F-15A that you got from Column 5. They are not compatible and that is why you are getting a white aircraft. Move the skin folders back to where they came from.



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Is the WOE you have a TW download or "from a third party"?

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I bought it it came with a box not downloaded from the third wire store



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The F-15A of WOE or WOI is not the same plane as the Mirage Factory F-15A. It has the same designation, but it is not the same model. If you try to use a skin which is made for one model at the other model the game engine is unable to put the skin on the model. Thatswhy you has in game a snow white plane.

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ANother question ok i have wings over europe not sf2 but the original wings over europe i downloaded nato fighters 1234 and when i start the game it freezes is their aything ican do can i keep all the planes that are already their or do i have to elet everysingle one of them and is the game broken or not play able anymore

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It came with the game



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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Did you try reading the "readme" for NATO Fighters? The entire install process is pretty well spelled out



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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Yes but everytime i try to opem it it stops says probelm error is their any way im can fix that or do i jus unistall it and dontplay it again

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Personally, I'd delete and reinstall. Better to just plane start fresh



kevin stein

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Ok thanks and how would i do that cuz im use to usin the files that say exe on them

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I tried reinstallin it but it still had the 4 paint schemesand the original F-15A still cameout white

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Sounds like the install is screwed - you would need to start again probably.

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How do i do it over again


Well its cuz i have nato fighters 4 and it wont play thatsthe problem

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delete it from your system and reinstall the basic game all over again. then take your time and load each item into game. i believe you will need the latest version Direct X and will need to go to Thirdwire's site to get a specific patch. if you go to get NATO Fighters from Column 5's site it will even have the links to the sites you need to goto in the instructions. as always READ THE READMES! take your time follow instrcutions and you should be alright.


also for further advise what system are you runnin? vista, xp, or windows 7? can be part of the issue there as well.

Edited by daddyairplanes

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Here's some important questions..


did the game run withOUT any mods??? Did everything work and everything show up? At what patch level is the game at (CD versions may NOT be at the required 2008 patch level)


Some advice ...


play the game for several months, completly STOCK to get a feel for the game system, the aircraft, weapons, avionics, etc.


Read the Knowledge Base we've worked so hard on for so long --from the first post to the very last--


Then, when finally comfortable with the game system then and ONLY then start adding small mods, one at a time. Work up to 'total conversions' like NATO Fighters.


and always -a thousand times-- read the readme for install instructions!!!


good luck!


kevin stein

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Well i have windows 7 its a compaq computer and yea i had red storm before i got the nato fighters soo do u think maybe nato fighters 1 2 3 4 will work for the wings over europe

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Yeah it does work - but only over a clean install of WOE with no mods in it beforehand.

For Win 7 - DO NOT install the game in the "program Files" folder,


Also right click the exe and set it to run as admin in the compatibility tab.

Edited by MigBuster

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