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I'm a big fan "Techno Thrillers" novels and after many attemps and failling at creating campaign myself. I thought

I'd share my ideas with the people who can bring them to live. So to speak. So here's a list of some of the novels I have

read their authors (as a guideline when creating a campaign), year of publishing and a summary of the plot.


Debt of Honor, Tom Clancy, 1994, the Indian and Japanese grovernments unite forces to revenge the occupantion of Japan

by the Allies at the end of WWII.


Red Phoenix, Larry Bond, 1989, North Korea once again invades South Korea.


Cauldron, Larry Bond, 1993, After the colapse of the Soviet Union, France and the re-unite Germany unit and become the new

Super Power in Europe and begein invading the other European countries.


Falklands 2, Jim Thorn, 1997, Agentina once again invades the Falkland Islands.


Warriors, Barrett Tillman, 1990, A group of mercenries are employed by the Saudi Arabian Royal Family to train and lead a special

air force commanded by the Royal Family itself outside the command of the Saudi Arabian Air Force

called "Tiger Force" equipped with F-20's. Meanwhile a new war between Israel and the Arab Nation

has fired up with Israel capturing some of its neighbours with Saudi Arabia remaining neutral, but when

alone Iraqi fighter lands at a Saudi Arabian air base, Saudi Arabia and "Tiger Force" are drawn into the fight

with Israel.


If any you who are into reading such novels I recomend reading these books especially Warriors by Barrett Tillman, but becauce these titles

are over ten years old you may have to look for them in second hand book shops.



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Just adding two more to list of ideas


Vortex, Larry Bond, 1991, After years of human rights abuse by the South African appertied government the United Nations lead by the United States invade South Africa.


The Bear and the Dragon, Tom Clancy, 2000, The Russian Federation joins NATO, geological surveys discovery gold and oil in Siberia, China plots to invade and capture Siberia.


I hope these have sparked some new ideas of campaigns for some of you and let me know if they have please.

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i have a copy of Warriors. that would be a kick a$$ campaign with a saudi skin for the F-5B and F-20.would have to limit Tiger Force birds to all A2A misions though.


Red Storm Rising (Tom Clancy) with the release of the F-19 would be wicked too.

Edited by daddyairplanes

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i have a copy of Warriors. that would be a kick a$$ campaign with a saudi skin for the F-5B and F-20.would have to limit Tiger Force birds to all A2A misions though.


Red Storm Rising (Tom Clancy) with the release of the F-19 would be wicked too.


I also have Red Storm Rising would love to see a campaign featuring some navy units (prehaps a expandion of the default campaigns) with some anti-ship mission.

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Did someone mention Warriors?


F-20 Tigershark, Black Squadron, Tiger Force, RSAF




Combat over the Red Sea against Israeli F-15s & F-16s








The skin is just a re-decalling of one of Gepard's skins that came with the plane. I figured that as Tiger Force were primarily an air to air unit they would wear grey like the Saudi F-15s and Tornado F-3s rather than desert camo like their F-5s and attack Tornado GR.1s. Also, it doesn't say anywhere in the book what colours they wear - and I've spent the last week re-reading my copy to check!

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Love the screenshots where can I get the F-20 as well as the skins.

Edited by Riley64

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This was my attempt to make a saudi F-20. I had not released it, because the bottom side of the plane is also sandcolored. Unfortunatly it is not possible at the F-20 model to have different skins for the wings top and bottom, because it was originally only intended as static ground target.

post-3395-039765300 1290285590.jpg

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as i understood it they were a form of grey although the book does not say what colors they wore and right after the great sparrow shoot out the isrealis were fooled initially by saudi f-5's until they realized there were two exhausts.


@Riley64 for your naval war, SF2: Tomcat is on the way.:grin:

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Yes I've read that passage many times, but in that case wouldn't the F-20s have been painted in desert camo like the F-5s?




Also on the web I found a modeller's attempt to make a Tiger Force F-20 and he says he actually corresponded with Barrett Tillman, who said that he envisaged the F-20s to be wearing the same colours as the Saudi F-5:


It was my intent to do this particular plane as a member of the fictional Tiger Force, but there was one slight problem—I didn’t know what the paint scheme was. The book’s interior painting was not much help as the artist drew up the F-20 in the prototype color of BMW metallic grey. I spent an evening flipping thru the novel to find marking information, but I couldn’t find any. Out of desperation, I emailed the author, Barrett Tillman, and got a quick reply. Mr Tillman explained to me that he saw the F-20s using the same paint scheme as Saudi Arabia’s F-5E Tigers.




Having said all that, for the reasons in my post above, I still think that they should be grey!


@Riley64, have you read any of Richard Herman's novels, starting with 'The Warbirds'? IMHO they're tailor made for campaigns in the Thirdwire sims.

Edited by allenjb42

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In the inside cover depics the F-20 as almost a chocolate brown. As for Richard Herman's "Warbirds" I had all four books unit lived with an unpleasent female partner

who burnt them on me. Anyway them brittant books and I agree they would have made a great campaign for Thirdwire.


While we are talking of aircraft menaged in Jim Thorn's "Falkland 2" is an Argentine Kfir C.10, which I know doesn't exit , but you could put argentine skin on a Cheetah E or the like.


I have adding Carriers to the defaulf WOE campaigns but it never seams to work, prehaps I'm doing some thing wrong?


I too have a F-20 model, it's the 1/72 scale Hasegawa, a Japan firm who make great aircraft model. By the way Jim Thorn was a one off Australian author so I don't know if his is avalable outside Australia.


Thanks by the way I have downloaded the F-20.

Edited by Riley64

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I've mod the F-20 so as it can carry AMRAAMs according to Warriors and J.D Webster's "Air Superiority" series wargames.


But we are getting off topic I wrote this post so as to share ideas for new campaigns for SFP1, WOE, WOV, WOI and SFG.

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a picture is worth 1000 words...



kevin stein

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the major issue with doing Warbirds, is it'll HAVE to be a stand alone mods folder. Simply because you can't use the stock Nations.ini.


Remember, the 45th is supporting friendly Iraqi forces against the enemy PSA Iranian forces. Oddly, the front line is pretty much as it was during the I-I war of the 80s. (Koramshahr/Basra being the main axis of attack/defense)


(I know the mission sets for that book intamately ... having done novel conversion sets for the first 4 in Herman's series for FA back in the day)


I also retiled the island, removing the bulge to the east. Given the 'oddities' of the terrain editor/terrain engine/tile sets, that the best that's possible.



kevin stein

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Maybe something a little easier then, I remember reading a book, "An art of war" back in the '80's. Can't remember the author. I think he was Australian, so I don't if it was published over seas. But the story went that India captured the Cocos (Keeling) Island and Australia fought to get them back. Hopefully this campaign could use the Darwin (Modern) terrain.

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In the inside cover depics the F-20 as almost a chocolate brown. As for Richard Herman's "Warbirds" I had all four books unit lived with an unpleasent female partner

who burnt them on me. Anyway them brittant books and I agree they would have made a great campaign for Thirdwire.


While we are talking of aircraft menaged in Jim Thorn's "Falkland 2" is an Argentine Kfir C.10, which I know doesn't exit , but you could put argentine skin on a Cheetah E or the like.


I'll take it back what I said about the Kfir C.10, the Israeli's are now converting a number of C.7's to C.10 for the Colombian Air Force.

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As for Richard Herman's "Warbirds" I had all four books unit lived with an unpleasent female partner

who burnt them on me. Anyway them brittant books and I agree they would have made a great campaign for Thirdwire.


Only four?



Anyone read the new one? I've only just noticed it was published this year.


Kevin, in Warbirds there's a mention of stealth recon planes operating out of a remote desert in Saudi's 'empty quarter'. Perhaps a cameo appearance by the F-19 in the campaign would be in order? And then we can relive the old Microprose stealth missions against Iran too :grin:

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How about a semi-realistic one about the Taiwan Strait Crises. I mean that plural referencing the 1950, 1958 and 1967 incidents.


It would be quite fun to chase after some Chinese Mig-19s with an F-104A or G.

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What about putting the Libya terrain to good use? Operation El Dorado Canyon and the infamous F-14 vs Libyan incidents in the 1980s.

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I think we already have half of the Gulf of Sidra mission which takes place in 1989. We sure could use a campaign that takes place in Libya, the map is good enough to put one major air war into play.


Other than that, I'm currently using the stock WOE campaign to work on a 1951 campaign if the US actually went ahead with the invasion of China in which the Soviets respond by attacking Europe.

This campaign is technically MiG Alley in Europe.

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I'm doing the Quemuoy Crises in 1958 and 1967 right now along with a "What-If" for 2014 if China sent an MRBM over Taipei.

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