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Merry Chrstimas!

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Just thought I'd go ahead and wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I'm heading home which means my computer, and my access to the internet, will be left behind until I return in early January. I promise I'll check back in once I return, and I'll be reading the boards right up till tomorrow morning when I take off for home! It should be a fun Christmas - spent with family, friends, my fiance, and then recuperating after a hernia operation lol! That should be loads of fun.


It's been a blast to be back and I assure that this will only be a temporary pause. See you guys in three weeks! :type:


Merry Christmas!




Frohe Weihnachten von der Westfront.:drunks:


Depending on which side of the mud you're on! :flyer:


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Merry Christmas, Sopwith old bean!

Hope you enjoy your break (sounds like you will) and best wishes for 2011.

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Hope you really check the forum 'till tomorrow morning - there may be reason to (hint, hint).


I wish you 'frohe Weihnachten' and a happy New Year, with all the good people, great food and drinks, CaptSopwith!

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Merry Christmas! I must ask, is that an authentic holiday card mailed to German troops in WW1?

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Seems it's a real card from that time, Javito.

The artist, F. X. Kuczèra, had done chromolithographic illustrations for a childrens' ABC book from 1912.

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Merry Xmas, Soppers old chap. Do turn up for the recon mission on 3rd Jan next. We're out to Cambrai, 40 squadron have promised support and we'll need you there!




Have a lovely break...

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Merry Christmas CaptSopwith! Enjoy your holiday Sir, and all the best to You and Yours.



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Merry Xmas, Captain. Look forward to seeing you back here when you can.




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