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What cost Immersion?

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Women just as soon as you think you understand them the rules change!!!


Yes, but if you understand that the rules change and learn to spot the triggers it's much easier.

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Lou - I hope you have a very safe & secret password for this Forum... :grin:

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:pleasantry:Well I did it. In the name of total OFF immersion , I spent 3.98 for a Bottle of Castor Oil and got a Fan out of the garage. When starting out on a flight I will sprinkle some Castor oil on the fan and turn on to Full Speed I Say, Full Immersion at an economical price.:heat:

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Well, you would also have to wear a leather helmet and googles and a silk scarf;

You'd have to operate your keyboard, mouse and joystick with thick gloves on;

to make a room temperature of 40° Fahrenheit or lower; to ask your wife or a

friend to occasionally pour cold water over you from a watering can - and to give

the kids some fun, you could ask them to throw some Chinese fireworks at you

every now and then.

And after all this, you would still be able to stop all this any time, or to go to a

good hospital, if the kids really hit you.


If you should do all this for full immersion: we want photos!!!

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Well, I am closer to the full immersion this morning. Went into my flying room for the first mission of the day to find that my six-year-old granddaughter, (who was visiting with us last night), shut off the heater in said room. It is a brisk 39 degrees F in here right now and I AM wearing gloves! :biggrin:


Also Olham, as to my forum password, there is nothing I noted in my last post that I couldn't and wouldn't say to my lovely wife. I'd duck and run of course immediately afterwards.





....Honey, if you're reading this, I'm just kidding honestly I am and there's an extra little special package for you waiting under the Christmas tree, and I've already done up the dishes and taken out the trash and shoveled off the walk and, and...I love you...




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Hey Lou,


Add to your list:


"What's yours is hers and what's hers is hers"; and


Always keep the commode seat down.


They have worked well for me for almost 40 years.



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Those are some nice bits of kit you've got there Elephant and Lou, and in good condition too! :good:


I've fallen at the first hurdle in so much that the helmet doesn't fit on my 25 inch Observation Balloon of a head, guess I'll have to wait and see if a size 4 helmet comes along for a reasonable price (that's the largest size).


Shame I can't find anywhere that makes replica RAF flight helmets, found a place that makes US ones and they're pretty cheap, ah well.


Hopefully I'll be able to flog this one on to someone as equally daft as myself. :grin:

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An airplane I understand a computer I understand, I understand and can strip an engine down I can field strip multiple types of weapons rifles pistols etc... Women though I will never understand and I will challenge any man alive on that one... Women just as soon as you think you understand them the rules change!!!





Rule? Rules? You mean there were supposed to be rules I my marriage package? No wonder I have been so confused for almost 32 years.

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