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Just wanted to say thank you

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To all who make OFF possible..


Yesterday i just got the HITR expansion. Overall iam very impressed, but not so in getting shot down repeatedly :cool:

Its Ok i still learning the rope for this sim, and also reading tips and tricks you guys have here.


Anyway iam looking forward for P4 in the future.


Cheers Kiteman :salute:

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Welcome to the OFF fourms and to the virtual skies of HiTR, Kiteman. It is an outstanding WWI combat flight sim. BTW, new guys buy the drinks, and in honour of the season I'll have an eggnog.









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Yes, welcome! It's good to see so many new faces here (that means more free drinks for us old-timers). :drinks:


OFF is indeed the best WW1 flight sim there is currently. Have fun with P3 - I've had it for almost two years, I fly missions regularly and I still haven't seen and done everything. There are so many different planes and units to try that P3 will keep us busy for a long time.

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Welcome Kiteman and thanks for the comments. Very apt name indeed :)

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Greetings Kiteman!


You'll discover OFF is an outstanding game that also enjoys a very friendly forum. Since the eggnog is out I'll have mine with a splash of rum, thank you, hold the 'nog.


Bottoms up!






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  On 12/23/2010 at 6:44 AM, kiteman_1 said:

Yesterday i just got the HITR expansion. Overall iam very impressed, but not so in getting shot down repeatedly :cool:


Cheers Kiteman :salute:


Those little bastards on the other side seem awfully serious about winning the war, don't they?


New Guy Advice:

Get close before you open fire. Wait to shoot until the target is going to be stationary in your gunsite for at least 3 seconds so you can get a good solid burst in. Never fire more than a 3 second burst or your guns might jam. Check your 6 every few seconds once combat starts. And oh yes, and don't be suprised if your Commanding Officer doesn't approve alot of your claims. They are notoriously stingy about that sort of thing.


Welcome to the Meat Grinder



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The trick to getting in REAL close is to know when to break away at the last possible second to avoid a collision. This is best learned by leaving your guns at home and ramming the Huns until you get the idea, Pyotr Nesterov style.

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When all; else fails...take a huge gulp of Mrs Miggin's Surgical Bruise lotion...and ram the sonofabitch! :drinks:

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Guest British_eh

Hi there KM,


There are some great guys that can help yo out with many of the games facets. If you go to the main page of Subforums, when you log on, you will find several sub-topics that have a plethora of information available. General Knowledge and


OFF - Survival In the Air Series has Pilot Primer PDF's for download on a number of the aircraft in OFF. Also you may wish to check out how to change the realism with the RSS-SIA Guides on Workshop settings.









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Welcome Kiteman. The War needs Fresh Meat. Dont follow the Hun Scouts as they dive for the Deck. Its a Trap. Champagne ,Please, Vintage 1903.

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Hello guys, so sorry for the late reply and the warm welcome


Drinks on me and Happy belated new year :drinks:


have been trying with many pilot currently have 4 guys from each nation alive :salute: even though not much claim at least they alive till now.

and yes i have been watching hellshade tutorial also keep saying to myself wait till close until u can throw rocks at the enemy pilot... sometimes too close :rofl:


anyway thanks for the welcome, hopefully i can also join multiplayer session soon for good flying fun

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Welcome to OFF and this forum, kiteman!

If you send me a PM with your town and country, I will add you to our OFF Forum Pilots' maps.

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