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Cockpit Opening Animation

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Is there a mod to open and close the cockpit, ive seen a few cockpits open in some screenshots but these may be AI aircraft?

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The opening canopy is just an animation for that particular aircraft, not a mod in itself.

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basic tutorial: (albeit for converting auto-speed to animaiton, but the idea is the same)




what's good about SF2, is TK added the animiation ID in the aircraft's data ini already, so you don't have to guess (this is from the F-4E)








MinExtentPosition=-0.25, 5.91,-0.20

MaxExtentPosition= 0.25, 6.99, 0.92


CanopyAnimationID=3 <----










Now, all you need to add are the SystemName=Canopy, and the animation statement




InputName=ANIMATION_10 <-- uses the shift/0 keystroke. most agreed upon one


AnimationID=3 <--maybe be different for every LOD



kevin stein

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opps forgot to mention, you'll need to extract the data in for the aircrft from whichever ObjectData***.cat it's hiding in.


if you can't find it, ask. I've already got them all extracted, so I know which one is where



kevin stein

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I ask myself for a long time,

when this feature is available why doesn´t TK make it work

out of the box? :blink:

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I ask myself for a long time,

when this feature is available why doesn´t TK make it work

out of the box? :blink:


The feature is implemented in a different way, TK only makes the canopies openable for static aircraft so they look good parked on the ramp. I imagine TK would suggest manually opening canopies is an unnecessary feature to a 'sim lite'

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I would tend to agree with Bongodriver...because the animation doesn't do anything for game play, it doesn't need to be player controlled.



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Yeah, but, (Don't ya just yabbuts?), it is an immersion thing for some.


I like to take off, do the deal, land and park.


It just feels like cracking one open and saying, "It's Miller time" when you can pop the hatch and shut it down.


Small things can be big things, which is not the same as less is more...



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I mean you cant actually crawl out of the pit so I skip it. I land, hit esc, next mission.

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I mean you cant actually crawl out of the pit so I skip it. I land, hit esc, next mission.


I on the other hand, am a canopy popper. I too like the emmersion of landing, taxiing and parking. Just wish the damn drag chutes were working.

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im with Storm and Spectre, I always land, park up and open up the bubble:cool: , and if its been a particulaly good mission I will crack open a beer in the hangar with some Hendrix playing thanks to the awesome vietnam sounds mod!!

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