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SF2 Exp2 UPDATE Jan2011

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oh EXP1 LOL that makes sense then :tongue: Thats why i can't find spits (soviet!) in my EXP1less setup

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its been there since EXP1 i believe. downloaded ncdicki's RAF Northwest and RDAF Spits and on first fighter sweep mission found myself engaging Soviet Spitfires! and this was back around october or so.


I know Soviet Spitfires were showing up but they were in RAF Camo and the green skin definitely wasn't in EP1 at time of release.

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i got EXP1 some time after release but before EXP2 and that was my first mission with Spits, green and all. bugged my eyes out to see.


@Dave and anyone else interested i got that book i was talking about some time back when folks were talkin bout the 56 campaign. gonna try to talk the wife into lettin me use the scanner to upload some photos from it. should be a mecca for anyone wanting skins for T-33, F-84(G or F) F-86 and F-47! say speakin of F-47D anyone working on a new bubbletop Jug?


sorry might wanta tell the title, Before Centuries, USAFE Fighters 1948-1959.

Edited by daddyairplanes

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Go for it DA.

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why not just scan the entire book, and convert to PDF??? It isn't that hard! (and if had any money, I'd PAY for a copy of it!!)



kevin stein

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OR Print as PDF (CutePDF is what I use) and that'd work too....

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sorry to hicjack this tread guys but there was some talk aout exporter here so here his my problem whit dec-c 2010 i keep getting 126 error code and the exporter does not load.

im on XP serviçe pack 3 full update DX9c and 3d max 2009.

watt his that im doing wroung?

helps pls


Edited by cocas

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Hey guys. After updating to the Jan 11 patch, I'm getting that weird issue where the smoke trails from flares run from one flare to the other in addition to behind the flare (I know I saw someone post this before). Was there ever a fix for this?


I didn't have the problem the first time I saw the issue posted, because I waited to patch up until the Jan 11 patch. Looks like maybe this is one thing that wasn't fixed...?

Edited by malibu43

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If I remember correctly it was those with NVIDIA cards (like me who has the same issue) and I have the same patch.

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Hey guys. After updating to the Jan 11 patch, I'm getting that weird issue where the smoke trails from flares run from one flare to the other in addition to behind the flare (I know I saw someone post this before). Was there ever a fix for this?


I didn't have the problem the first time I saw the issue posted, because I waited to patch up until the Jan 11 patch. Looks like maybe this is one thing that wasn't fixed...?


I was playing around with a stock install after I posted this yesterday, and found that the problem wasn't there.


Where I am seeing the problem is in my NF4+ install. In addition to the flare issues, every once in a while, I'll spot an effect that isn't working quite right as well (big white squares instead of smoke or shock waves). I wasn't able to figure out which effects they were, but I can check some more.


Anyone else having these issues in their NF4+ installs after patching?

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I was playing around with a stock install after I posted this yesterday, and found that the problem wasn't there.


Where I am seeing the problem is in my NF4+ install. In addition to the flare issues, every once in a while, I'll spot an effect that isn't working quite right as well (big white squares instead of smoke or shock waves). I wasn't able to figure out which effects they were, but I can check some more.


Anyone else having these issues in their NF4+ installs after patching?



White squares after a large explosion, same here.



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White squares after a large explosion, same here.




Ditto. But with a stock install. I just chalked it up to "another graphic enhancement" that my video card could handle.

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After a little more playing around, I found that the flare issue is only in my NF4+, SF2V Exp Pack, and '48 SF2I Modded installs. The flares in my stock install are working correctly. I tried simply removing the countermeasureeffect.ini file in the effects folder, but that didn't fix the problem. So I'm assuming it's with a TGA or modded emitter somewhere.






As far as the explosions go, I can confirm now that this is in both my stock installs and modded installs. So I guess it may be something I have to live with. When viewed from far away, explosions are big and blocky, but when you zoom in, they look normal. It's not really a show stopper, more of an annoyance.






I've started a thread for this issue at the TW forums. I encourage those with the same issue to let TK know.



Edited by malibu43

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I have the same problem as well.

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Guest Pfunk

If I had to guess, I'm thinking it's a .tga file problem, given the prop thingy that recently got patched.


I dunno.



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Looks like the blocky effects are related to an issue that was already brought up with effects and atmospheric fog. TK said he's working on a fix for the next patch.


Also, I realized that the flare smoke trail issue is a problem in my stock install as well as my modded install after all, so I let TK know about it.

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huh, i noticed it with my F-4 exhausts but only now and again not all the time. thought it was just my system.

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