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Trying to get out of the Virtual cockpit more.

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I like playing games watching movies and kickin’ it on the forums like most people. However this life style came with an unwanted consequence . My weight has sky rocketed and I’m now at 236 pounds (I need to be at about 170-180)


So it came down to the simple option. Do something to get back outside and naturally getting a new bike was the first thing that came to mind. I went to the bike shop today and was blown away at how the bikes go from $300-7000 U.S.(I did see one for $325 that I liked…probably liked the price more than the bike though the bike wasn’t that bad) The way they were talking about these things one would assume they were talking about a car, hydraulic braking system, disk breaks, tune up etc. I’d get one from wally world but the last time I got one there the stupid thing broke in five minutes.


I’m thinking about doing the bike thing and getting into an outdoor sport like air soft or something.


Would any of you happen to know a good brand of bike that doesn’t cost and arm and a leg?


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LOL, I'm almost at 190 and want to get back down to 170 myself, guess I have a smaller hill to climb than you!


Anyway, I bought an offroad bike because of the larger tires (since those speedy bikes don't like things like potholes, transitions from street to sidewalks, etc) and used that for years. It's sat in my garage for the last 4 years or so and I really need to see if I can get it working again or if the tires are ruined from being flat so long...

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Look at used bikes. Back in the late 90s, I picked up a three-year old bike that sold for well over $1000 new, for less than $300. I rode the bejeebers out of it, when I lived in the city.


Before I moved out to where I currently reside (five years ago), I sold that bike for almost what I paid for it, eight years before. Now, I'm literally kicking myself in the arse, as there's literally dozens of dedicated bike trails and paths nearby....some of which are over a dozen miles, each way... :blink:

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I went back on the cigarettes after being off them for a year, by which time my weight rocketed from ten and a half stones to almost fourteen. My missus even bought me a bra for April Fool's Day!


I'm back to my normal weight now but I'm not saying that it was the ciggies that got my weight down; NOR AM I ADVOCATING THEIR USE. No, it was the time honoured, tried and tested method of bipedal locomotion - and LOTS of it.

I don't mean that f**king ridiculous 'power walking', or kitting yourself out in a tracksuit and walking ten miles a day. A good example would be if there was something needed at the local store, leave the car keys at home - walk there. If you're not living too far from work - walk there, or at least get the bus some of the way. The main thing is to become more active throughout your body. Using a bike means that it's only your legs are being exercised, whereas walking utilises a lot more muscles and burns more fat. What the hell, bring the dog along (not to work that is!) although at first you mightn't enjoy it as much as him.


Anyway, I hope I've been of some help Skyviper. Good luck with it bud :good:

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Walking is good, but from experience, most people effectively limit themselves to a distance of no more than a mile out from their starting point, wheras those same people would think nothing of bicycling 10-20 miles.


I would often invite a friend to accompany me on my walks around a nearby resevoir's hiking path. That path is just under 6 miles around, and includes several "decent" hills (most of which are on the far side of the path, where one encounters them only after having already walked three miles or so). My friend balked at the invitations...and he was in better physical shape than I was :grin:

Edited by Fubar512

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Must admit I am now getting back into shape myself my morning walk to work is 20 minutes whereas if I use the Ubahn (Metro, Underground) it takes 15 minutes :blink: and then walk home I also then walk round the Island I call home the 2nd District in Vienna along the up to the River Danube down to the Donau Canal and back round its a perfect loop to walk on a Sunday morning to get the old body working again. My issue though is I had a bad day with a Parachute rupturing both knees so I have to take it fairly steady though saying that thankfully my job is no longer deskbound and I have to do a lot of walking in the office and I never use the lift and I am feeling a whole lot better for it... only downside due to a lot of stress I took up smoking again after quitting for 4 years for the 5th time... DOH!!! anyway going to keep this up and see what happens... thankfully I am about 2 stone over where I was 12 years ago so its not too bad. Just annoyed I cannot talk up jogging as my knees are to busted... I wish you all the luck Viper...

Edited by Slartibartfast

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three bulging discs in my back have cut down my exercise amount even before i went off oactive duty. i found on deployment that how much you eat and when can contribute alot at least to wieght management if not loss. big meal for breakfast, esp with fruit if you can. have a snack for lunch then a light dinner. dont be afraid to have your sweets, just dont go overboard on them. and finally walk whenever you can... take stairs instead of elevators, take the far parking space etc. and also as deployment can be quite boring at times i agree with Piecemeal about smokes keeping yer wieght down. not the healthiest solution but it is my cancerous dietary supplement!

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Just a thought..


Ever thought about swimming? I can't recommend it enough. I started about a year ago when I lost my job, and I've been going about 3-4 evenings a week since. It's great because its non-impact, so after a good session you don't have aching joints and wot not. And you can go as fast or slow as you like. Granted, it's a little time consuming because you have to go wherever the local pools are (I'm lucky, there's an Olympic size 50m pool 10 min away, there are not many here in the UK), and obviously if you want to get outdoors it might not be for you. But it's very addictive. Almost as addictive as the virtual cockpit....almost....

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Just a thought..


Ever thought about swimming?


Excellent idea! Now THAT I would love. Unfortunately the nearest I can get to swimming these days is via the shower. This is due to a perforated eardrum I got from a connecting blow by a pisshead while working on a pub doorway. As a result if I dunk my head under water I'm painfully listening to the sound of the sea in my left ear for a couple of days. :stars:

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Thanks for the great suggestions everyone...I may do the swimming thing when it gets warmer over here. About that bike I think I'm going to get a chep one and see how that goes. When I really get into then I'm going to get the big stuff.


And good luck to all of your in your weight loss endevors.



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Excellent idea! Now THAT I would love. Unfortunately the nearest I can get to swimming these days is via the shower. This is due to a perforated eardrum I got from a connecting blow by a pisshead while working on a pub doorway. As a result if I dunk my head under water I'm painfully listening to the sound of the sea in my left ear for a couple of days. :stars:



lol, that's a shame. As I said, best exercise I can recommend. Anyway, after a session in the pool I always have that same sensation, maybe I was dropped as a child :frantic:

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Train for a marathon...its free to train (outside), you can get solid guidance on the internet (from free websites), and it is a milestone in one's life. If your back hurts, try one of the exercise bikes, park it in front of the TV and make a pact with yourself: only can watch TV while sweating.


Another TV trick: when commercials start, commence push ups / sit ups /sets. It will make you hate commercials more, but it definitely keeps one from snacking while watching TV.


You can even do it with the PC: however much time you spend on the PC, break it up and use it as a reward. Let's say you can spend one hour on the PC today, before you even turn it on (or sit down), knock out some push ups / sit ups. Then every 15 minutes, hop out of the chair and crank out a set. That will motivate one to walk / play outside.


Take up a martial art if you want to spend money. I took Tae Kwon Do, and man that is a work out. If it isnt, then you are at the wrong do jang, find another. At the one I practiced at, the one and a half hour class always ended with pt and there literally was sweat dripping on the floor when we were done.


Personally, bikes are cool, but I dont see how that makes one loose weight, unless you have to push it.


By the by, everything you read in this post I have done, so it is not "advice", I know it works.


Cheers and good luck!

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