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Never, ever...

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Right in the middle of downing my third ace in QC, my wife calls out "I can't get online".


Never, ever, ever retort with "What did you do?"


Not if you want to keep simming, that is.





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Yes, women and OFF are like oil and water in my experience.


Least my children are all grown up.



Edit: Weird double post. Must be a female OFF'er in here.

Edited by DukeIronHand

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Ah, wives and computers...


*lmao* I've learned over time to just say "I'll fix it..." (and then I do). Any other tact isn't going to land you somewhere you really want to be :)

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Ha this is my day job... I ask that question at least 10 times a day... shame I can't fly OFF when nothings happening in the office...

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My girl friend doesn't understand at all, why I play any wargames.

But hey - the world may be a bit more peaceful, when women usually are NOT into wars.

More boring perhaps - but more peaceful!


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Tch, women. Can't live with 'em....




"Yes my love, I'll be right there to move the piano upstairs for you. I'm just...ummm... ordering you a, ummm...pair of emerald earrings I found on eBay...yeah, that's it, that's the ticket."



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Hell hath no fury than a retired elementary school teacher that can't access Facebook because she can't understand that after troubleshooting, an Intel Wifi driver decided to take a dump.


And now for the rest of the story...


When she says "Your an idiot", never, ever, ever retort with "Well, you married me".


39 years, 10-1/2 months of marriage can't being to put enough water under that bridge to lessen the inevitable impact.



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When she says "Your an idiot", never, ever, ever retort with "Well, you married me".


My wife and I had a 'second' ceremony while visiting Vegas (no, not by Elvis). When she calls me crazy I used to reply, "You married me...twice." Now she usually beats me to the punchline.


Be 20 years in a couple of weeks since the first.

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21 years for us, also a 'second' wedding in Vegas - only with Elvis (swear to God...she's a big Elvis fan).


The "water" washed "the bridge" out, a long time ago :)

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My wife actually leaves the house so I can have time to play games in total peace and quiet. Happens most saturdays. She used to complain about them but once she got hooked on World of Warcraft about a year or so ago she stopped immediately. Now neither of us play WoW, however she is very interested in trying Rift: Planes of Telara which is a new MMO that I've been playing through the Beta testing phase. Beta 5 just ended. /sigh Anyways, she wants to try the next Beta and if she likes it she'll subscribe. I can't get her to try flight sims though. I think that's just too much hand eye co-ordination for her. Still, I consider myself to be in the lucky minority of men who have wives that actually encourages them to enjoy gaming. Of course, keeping her well taken care of doesn't hurt matters either.



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Oh, don't get me wrong - my wife's always been wonderfully supportive of all my computer doings...games, building them, fixing them for friends & family...even the (excessive) money I spend on them...


...just don't let her sh*t stop working, is all...*heh*


You know what they say: If momma ain' t happy, the hell with everyone else.:good:

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I understand completely. My wife had a very similar approach towards our relationship at first too. And I do make sure she has nice things and that they work. Absolutely.


However I explained to her that having everything handed to her on a golden platter was a privilege, not a right. Expecting to be a princess and treating me or anyone else poorly when things don't happen to work in an imperfect world is, in my opinion, rude and disrespectful (not to mention extremely immature) to the person who is supporting her in the lifestyle she is enjoying. I explained quite clearly, if you think you are going to treat me like crap, good luck getting anything else you want in life again without my support. I can say "no" just as easy as I usually say "yes".


Bottom line:


I can find a spoiled person who makes demands and treats me like crap anywhere...so it's no big loss if someone like that leaves my life. She'll probably have a slightly tougher time finding someone else to support and treat her the way I have.


Once she figured out that me being in love doesn't equal me being a whipping boy and that I give to her out of a position of strength, the demanding attitude died pretty quick. Especially when she realized she couldn't force / guilt / whatever me into buying her what she wanted, she toned down very quickly when she saw how many things she was having to do without all of a sudden. I'd tell her straight up "Remember how you treated me this afternoon? You really think I'm going to do you a favor after that? I don't think so. You better think things through in the future."


We've only been married about 2 years and I decided early that the tone for our relationship would be mutual respect and appreciation. If she didn't want to go along with that, I'll sign papers at any time. I don't ever expect her to be my slave or "jump" just because I speak. Requiring the same in return is not harsh, however the initial explanation that that was how it was going to be was, I'm sure, quite a shock to her. If she feels that she can do better in life, I've never been one to hold anyone back. I find that kind of personal self security puts things into perspective for partners very quickly and makes the long term relationship much more equal and mutually satisfying.


Edited by Hellshade

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Well, I'll tell you...I don't know that I could be quite so uhhh... deliberate about it *lol* but I do see your point, and tend to agree - there's something to be said for being brutally honest when it comes to life-long relationships.


In fact - albeit through a radically different set of circumstances - my wife and have have arrived at essentially the same point as it appears you have. It's nice when you can live in total honesty, and a luxery I've learned not many actually have.


Here's to what works, being courageous enough to seek it, and being lucky enough to have found it.

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Here's to what works, being courageous enough to seek it, and being lucky enough to have found it.





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Hellshade, well said ... brilliant in fact. It always amazes me that the act of getting married suddenly makes many people start treating their spouse with less coutesy and respect than they would show to a complete stranger.

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Any woman that marries me had better respect total honest, as I am blunt (but honest in everything I do), as an example, years ago at a works christmas party I asked a 20 year old woman "have you have put on weight" (yes those were my exact words).


The result was that she ran into the toilets of the pub that we were in and she did not speak to me for a few months. Perhaps surprisingly she is still good friends with me and she has now learnt to interpret what I say, and if she wants an honest opinion on anything she knows who to come to.


The message is honesty is the best policy, and if someone does not appreciate that then they are not worth worrying about.


Unfortunately she is married to someone else (we never got together, but she is a true and trusted friend), and I am stilll looking for "miss right".




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When my lady fair used to get angry with me and start 'misbehaving', I'd get very angry at her. Was very frustrating but I was hesitant to really assert any authority over her, as I didn't feel like I had the right to do that. At which point she'd retort with "You really don't know how to talk to me. You have to learn, or I'm going to walk all over you when we get married!"


After I started laying down the law, essentially implementing Hellshade's system, things improved markedly. After one episode in particular I cut contact completely for the entire night, made her sleep alone, and informed her I wouldn't do this or that until she apologized. I expected her to be even angrier the next day, but instead she said that she liked that she finally made me snap, said it was like she'd been misbehaving but now it was "Uh oh, Daddy's mad!". That was the day I learned that some women just didn't go along with that whole 'feminism' thing lol.gif

Edited by Javito1986

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Wife: "There is something wrong with the stupid computer!"


Me: "What's wrong?"


Wife: "I don't know! It 's just doing something weird! Now it is just stuck and won't do anything!"


Me: "Well, what buttons did you push?"


Wife: "I didn't do anything! You always say I do something to make it this way!!"


Me: "Well, you were the last one using the keyboard........"


Wrong response.


After that comment, it just goes further downhill.........sigh. :threat:

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