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Without Track IR,,, best way to look around?

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I do see that many are using trackIR but I am not willing to spend that kind of money so it is out Of the question.


What is the best way to look around in OFF since you really can not use the hatswitch?

Edited by Pawgy

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Before TrackIR, I used the hat-switch in panning mode ... it lets you swivel you head around and look in any direction. If you go that route, you will want a way to snap your view back to straight-ahead, usually by mapping a joystick button to that function.

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Like you, I resisted for the longest time. I decided I didn't want to mess with building a freetrack unit or try one of the other maybe it will, maybe it won't devices. I just got a TIR4 unit for 99 from the website and all I can say is "where have you been all my life". You cannot believe the difference.

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Trackir has completely changed the way I buy and fly sims. I don't buy or fly anything anymore unless there's some form of tracking emulation. Mouse emulation will at least give you 2DOF using Trackir and even that's several steps ahead of using a hat switch. I don't even use a hat(coolie) switch any more for viewing. I use one of my castle's for a quick snap look back over right or left shoulder.


Think about how it would be to go back using a keyboard to fly. Trackir is that type of game changer.



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Before TrackIR, I used the hat-switch in panning mode ... it lets you swivel you head around and look in any direction. If you go that route, you will want a way to snap your view back to straight-ahead, usually by mapping a joystick button to that function.


When I go to controls all I see is pan right and pan left. If i select and move the hat switch it will only do one or the other. How do you select the hat switch in pan mode to look all around?

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Hat switch for me...one day I'd love to have TrackIR...not sure why your hat switch isn't looking up or down.....I have it to snap view aswell...that was the default....


I don't know how to map the joystick in OFF so someone will be able to help...again not sure why your stick hasn't used the default snap view settings...

Edited by Wodin

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When I go to controls all I see is pan right and pan left. If i select and move the hat switch it will only do one or the other. How do you select the hat switch in pan mode to look all around?


When you hit esc to quick exit the game, you get a drop down box on the right with a number of options to change the sim, like graphics and realism. There is also a keyboard command configuration in the list. By default you should have Scroll Lock as your toggle for 'panning' and 'snap views'. You can change this in the configuration just make sure the key you choose isn't something already being frequently used. Hit scroll lock, (or what ever key you mapped the toggle to..) while in the game and see if you can pan now with the hat switch. I would also check that your hat switch is working as expected in Game Interfaces in control panel in Windows.

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When I go to controls all I see is pan right and pan left. If i select and move the hat switch it will only do one or the other. How do you select the hat switch in pan mode to look all around?


Like Lewie said ... Scroll-Lock is the toggle between panning and snap views.

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As Lewie says: press "Escape" and go to "Controls".

You should asign a joystick key to "toggle scroll/snap view".

During flying, the panning view is nicer, but in combat, you may prefer "snap view".


I can only recommend TrackIR though - it is not cheap, but soooooo much greater,

cause it will be the first time you can be the pilot looking around from your cockpit.

Since I found the right distance for mine, I can even look down left and right the cockpit

sides, to follow enemies, who are crossing underneath my plane.

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As Lewie says: press "Escape" and go to "Controls".

You should asign a joystick key to "toggle scroll/snap view".

During flying, the panning view is nicer, but in combat, you may prefer "snap view".


I can only recommend TrackIR though - it is not cheap, but soooooo much greater,

cause it will be the first time you can be the pilot looking around from your cockpit.

Since I found the right distance for mine, I can even look down left and right the cockpit

sides, to follow enemies, who are crossing underneath my plane.


I may some day, when I get my OFF installation dialed in, and I will make the freeware LED type of head motion tracker. It would be nice to be able to actually move from side to side in addition to rotating the view, without hitting the F6 key for the various gunsights and what not. Is there an option in CFS3 for 'mouse panning'?


My little cheapy joystick only has 6 buttons and the excess buttons are already mapped to a few functions like 'drop fuel tanks' and incrementally set flaps. It's hard to keep both different sim's keyboard function buttons and joystick buttons straight.

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If your stick has not enough buttons, put that "toggle scroll/snap view" command

on some keyboard key easy to reach - like the space bar.

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Like Lewie said ... Scroll-Lock is the toggle between panning and snap views.


Map the Scroll-Lock function to a convenient button on your joystick.

Normally, I would use the Hat switch in Snap mode, but when you need Pan view, click and release your mapped joystick button to toggle to Panning mode.

You can then Pan smoothly with the Hat switch and the view stays in position.

To quickly get back to front & centre view, again click your mapped joystick button to toggle into Snap mode. Now quickly flip and release the Hat switch (in any direction) and the view Snaps back to front.


Important Tip! The Pan mode is a bit too slow for combat. You can smooth Pan more quickly by editing the VIEWUI.XML file.

At the top of this file under <ViewUI> the second item is RotationRate="1.2". (1.2 is my current value; the default value is much lower).

Try 1.2 or a small incremental change and Save. You will now be much happier with the speed of smooth Hat switch panning.


I am, however, a certified TrackIR addict. (Try to take it away and I'll go Charlie Sheen on you). I'm using an old TrackIR 3 with the Vector Expansion and the latest drivers.

If you can score an older model 3 or 4 they are well worth it!





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When you hit esc to quick exit the game, you get a drop down box on the right with a number of options to change the sim, like graphics and realism. There is also a keyboard command configuration in the list. By default you should have Scroll Lock as your toggle for 'panning' and 'snap views'. You can change this in the configuration just make sure the key you choose isn't something already being frequently used. Hit scroll lock, (or what ever key you mapped the toggle to..) while in the game and see if you can pan now with the hat switch. I would also check that your hat switch is working as expected in Game Interfaces in control panel in Windows.


Lewie. I have not had a problem programming my very good (but inexpensive) thruetmaster t16000m joy stick for other controls. i have 18 functions on it and it programs nicely.


OK. I hit exit when the cockpit shows up in QC. and I get the drop down Hanger screen .I select "controls" and get a pop up screen in the lower left. it lists all the control functions. I have it saved as "mine" because that is really the default location.


I go down to "toggle for 'panning' and 'snap views'" and it is set for the "scroll lock' key. my proble is when i go back to flying my hat switch still does not activate the Pan or snap. I can hit scroll lock and use the num pad keys and either snap or pan cepending which cycle of the "scroll lock" I'm on. but nothing happens on my joystick when i hit the hat switch. I know my hat switch is functionong as i have checked in Windows game Controllers and it works fine in Rise of flight and IL2 1946.


I am absolutly not intrested in track IR or anything similar.



Edited by Pawgy

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Pawgy, you should go to "Controls" and make sure your joystick is selected in the second frame.

Also, you may have to switch through the views with F4.

You should come to a cockpit view with a working hat switch.

Edited by Olham

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Pawgy, you should go to "Controls" and make sure your joystick is selected in the second frame.

Also, you may have to switch through the views with F4.

You should come to a cockpit view with a working hat switch.


Thanks olham. still no luck. My thrustmaster T16000m is selected in the 2ed frame. Cycled thru F4 views I get chase view, spot view, target view. and Virtule cockpit . When In virtule cockpit I try the scroll lock and still have no pan or snap on my hat switch.



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You're intitled to do as you wish, but I'm merely curious. Is it a medical condition


Or the old dog, new tricks kind of thing


Or might it be a cost factor


In any case, FLY-BY gives a look at the entire battlefield should the Hat Switch fail to yield situational awareness


A very intresting question.


I have always had a problem with motion sickness and I even went to a solid chair for my race sims. I would guess track iR is sensative to head movemants from what I have read.


Probably the old dog new tricks is most appropiate though.


But i have my racing wheel set permanently and a very neat little Jojstick platform the slides on and off around my wheel. I relly don't need any more contraptions connected to my computer.


Also just spent $70 for off, $100 for ROF and all the planes , $50 for a new Joystick and $100 for an new graphics card so i could run ROF decently. ANd it runs OFF beautifully.


SO I guess it is a combination off all you astute assumptions. Very good guesses.


WIll give the "fly by " a good try.





Edited by Pawgy

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Pawgy, maybe you are in "Padlock view", which is switched on and off by pressing "ö".

So please try pressing "ö" again, to get back to hat switch view.

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Thanks olham. still no luck. My thrustmaster T16000m is selected in the 2ed frame. Cycled thru F4 views I get chase view, spot view, target view. and Virtule cockpit . When In virtule cockpit I try the scroll lock and still have no pan or snap on my hat switch.




Well this is odd indeed. I'm suspecting that you might have another set of keyboard keys assigned to what should be the hat switch's positions in controls? If I'm not mistaken I believe that they number the hat switch positions and you can assign them to snap left, snap right, and such? It's a pain but you might have to manually add each switch position in control assignment editing.


The only other thing I can think of is a some sort of joystick software glitch. My Saitek loaded fine from just plugging it into the USB port. Windows XP had the drivers in the .cab files and loaded them after asking for information about the joystick, so I can't be of other help here I guess.

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PS: ...not sure, what you English guys have on the keyboard position of our German "ö" ?

Can anyone tell, what key is for "Padlock view" on English keyboards?

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Pawgy, maybe you are in "Padlock view", which is switched on and off by pressing "ö".

So please try pressing "ö" again, to get back to hat switch view.


I tried pressing the letter O and zero also and nothing happens. I have my button 9 on my joystick programmed for padlock and I tried that but no change.


I really appreciate everyone trying to help.


Just looked at cfs3 default controller settings and zero or the letter o is not listed for padlock. just loked and accent is listed for toggle on off padlock. will try right now.





Edited by Pawgy

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PS: ...not sure, what you English guys have on the keyboard position of our German "ö" ?

Can anyone tell, what key is for "Padlock view" on English keyboards?


Well I figured that they added an umlatt 'Function' key combo, seeing how your Germans are so clever and all...:drinks:


( Lewie, whose last name, when his ancestors still lived in Germany, had the umlatt 'o' . My Dad tried to explain the pronunciation of all the umlatt letters one evening, many years ago when we both had both consumed far too much beer.


Strangely enough they all sounded the same...)

Edited by Lewie

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I tried pressing the letter O and zero also and nothing happens. I have my button 9 on my joystick programmed for padlock and I tried that but no change.


I really appreciate everyone trying to help.


Just looked at cfs3 default controller settings and zero or the letter o is not listed for padlock.


just looked and accent (') is listed for toggle on off padlock. will try right now. but this does not work also.







just looked and accent (') is listed for toggle on off padlock. . but this does not work also.






No software . just simple plug and Play. And as mentiond works fine on other sims.

Edited by Pawgy

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I believe you will find it is the tilde (spelling?) which is directly under the escape key or to the left of the 1. It also has a reverse and smaller apostrophe on it. That may be the confusion.




yep, just checked on the key chart, they call it an accent by the way.

Edited by Burning Beard

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Lewie, your name would be "Löwie" or "Loewie" then, which was a German-Jewish family name, not uncommon.

I think I have seen the name on gravestones on the Jewish cemetry of my hometown Norden.

I'm not sure, if it comes from "Löwe", the German word for "lion".

The sound of the "ü" is not used in English/American, but the "ö" would sound closest to your "u" in "turn".


Pawgy, try BurningBeard's key to exit the padlock view - if that won't help, I don't know any further.

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Sorry I left you last night but my Arthritic neck gave out. Thanks very much for all your suggestions.


Using my controls profile no matter what i did i could not get the hat switch to work.


So I loaded the cfs3 default profile, which is what i should have done to begin with as soon as you told me hat should work. When I loaded the default cfs3 profile and went to the game my hat sitch worked. Wonderful.


So I saved the default with a new name ,and one by one loaded my all Joy buttons back in and saved. Went to the game and Hurray!!!!!! the hat works. Went back and resaved the new config. as "mine" so it would always show when i started the game and now everything is OK!!!!.


I must have had something wrong in my original "mine" config and just could not find it.


Configuring the controls in cfs3 OFF is not the simplest thing to figure out but I don't think it is nearly as hard as I made it out to be.


This is a great forum because you fellows did not give up and continued to try and help.


Thanks again to all.


Also Burning beards "tilde" was right on. thanks




Edited by Pawgy

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