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wings broken at 1.09 mach!

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wings broken at 1.09 mach when i do maneuver with f-18 A/C/E/F and EF-2000 ( i mean a hard maneuver ) this problem doesn't happen with other birds but with EF2000 & f-18s

just wanna know which part in the code control the wing's strength to prevent it broken at maneuver at very high speed like 2 mach or higher ( 3 mach for mig-25 )

tried many times to recover this problem and used many codes and no cure till now

any help?

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The F-18 is a soft limit aircraft...it means you can go right past the G limit and destroy the aircraft if you do not fly it correctly. This mimics the real life capabilities of the F-18. In other words, fly it correctly. Some of the other aircraft I have worked on will do the same thing, again just like real life.


The AI on the other hand will not exceed the G limits.



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For the E and the F the max Mach is 1.90 so not sure how you're expecting it to go Mach 2 in the first place (the real world aircraft can't) and how are you snapping the wings. Just tested the F and I was at 1.9 and didn't snap my wings off, but I was clean with no stores. What is your loadout when this happens?

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+1 to FC. In game, you can massively exceed the F/A-18's g-limit, including its maximum structural limit. I can think of several times I put the stick in my lap in the F/A-18 and the thing loaded 24g. Apart from the fact that this would have killed me as the pilot, it busted the jet too, wings ripping off. Don't yank so hard on the stick and you should be good.


EDIT: EricJ, I think what he's doing is trying to pull into folks at >1M, which causes very high g loads, rather than just dashing to high speed.

Edited by Caesar

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well then its a game and i was just trying to have fun thats all


thanks FC for the explaining

@ericj : f-18f loadout is 2 gbu-24b , 2 agm88 , 2 mavrik k

@caesar : yes actually somehow it is deflected i mean i was dropping mk2000 lb at 1.9 m and the nose was diving down so when i finished dropping the packages i straited it up and then i missed my wings :(


just a question ( i wanna cheat with this grin.gif ) is there any way to mod the code of f-18f or A , which make the wings very strong or not to be broken at any speed grin.gif ( well i have a special project and it is a what if ! )

i mean which part in the code to control the strength of the wing?

Edited by Profi

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fly on easy settings..?

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Remove the StructuralFactor=(number), and the plane shouldn't have specific structural limits. This number takes the g limit and multiplies it by the given number to assess airframe damage. Removing the line should help. Also, there should be a line dictating g limit - you could always set it to a massively high number and you shouldn't have a problem.


EDIT: Or as Stary stated, fly "Easy" - I like the limits myself.

Edited by Caesar

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I don't know what happens to SF2 but in real life a hard manuever with 1.09 mach could be disastrous. I mean the structural limit of the aircraft is limited. At 1.09 mach a very instant manuever can cause very serious damage to wings and fuselage, so maybe it isn't so unsual to see wings broken during so hard manuevers.

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no easy man i am very old body ( the big deal is i just wanna play the game on my own way grin.gif) and i used to play on hard settings

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Remove the StructuralFactor=(number), and the plane shouldn't have specific structural limits. This number takes the g limit and multiplies it by the given number to assess airframe damage. Removing the line should help. Also, there should be a line dictating g limit - you could always set it to a massively high number and you shouldn't have a problem.


EDIT: Or as Stary stated, fly "Easy" - I like the limits myself.


thanks buddy am gonna try it now

and no EASY lol.gif

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yes it works now!!! thanks caesar


@ tiopilotos u need to run away very fast when sam chasing after u

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Mach 1.09 your wing snapped off? Here's me pulling the stick in my lap at the speed you're talking about: The last image was when I reached 1.89 Mach and pulled stick hard (which is why it shows 1.78) but this is on NORMAL flight settings.

post-5735-007856900 1299199985.jpg

post-5735-054787400 1299200012.jpg

post-5735-038120600 1299200078.jpg

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EJ: if you turn on the HUDDebug, it'll give you some VERY accurate aerodynamic readings



kevin stein

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Indeed but I was trying to recreate what happened to Profi and so far no luck...

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Sometimes it doesn't break; that's happened to me before. I actually lowered the structural factor so the plane would break earlier - sustaining 18g generally breaks a plane. But, sometimes it happens instantly, other times I get a debrief "One F/A-18C was damaged".

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Here's the same thing at Mach 1.89 pulling hard on the stick on Hard Flight mode.


What it boils down to is that you pulled so quick that the bombs actually struck the plane. I'm sure I can do this all day (since the game doesn't have accumulated stress) and not break my wings off. However the best technique when dropping bombs of any kind is to pause for a few seconds before maneuvering as you need to let the bombs clear your aircraft. From both this done at Mach 1.89 and at Mach 1.02 you simply flew into your own bombs.

post-5735-092693700 1299209503.jpg

Edited by EricJ

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The best break is when you're trying to get away from an SA-8- It does take your wings. Happened to me in Desert Storm.

Edited by Stick

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Wow.... I've never broken it yet and I toss it around quite a bit.

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@ tiopilotos u need to run away very fast when sam chasing after u



If a SAM is chasing you, go to low altitude or use chaffs / flares while manuevering hard at normal speeds (300-400 kts).

At 1.09 mach you can't make fast manuevers and you become an easy target especially for modern SAMs.



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well , i have a stick but i dont use it , i love keyboard so i do hard or fast maneuver every flight on high speed and i use hard settings

its true ericj that was a typo to be honest i've never seen a flight model better than f18e & f18f

i always go on high speed ( full throttle ) and there were sams every where and most of my loadouts was free falls bombs so sams always have a lock on me when it fires its missile i have to do the fast maneuver and popping chaff & flares so most of times i lose my wings at 1.09 with f18a and f18c and also sometimes it happens with f18f and f18e therefor i mentioned the whole f18's variants


it works fine now when i removed StructuralFatctor's values ! ericj u need to test this grin.gif

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Thanks but I didn't do the FMs for the birds... but you'd break it less if you use a stick as you'll gradually pull the aircraft even when rapidly pulling the nose up with a keyboard.

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i have this plan but after i get my track ir 5 this week :)

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