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control and pointing this E-O

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Yeah I wonder how he has modified avionics to control the EO camera :yikes: That would be a revolution in SF series!

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most interesting... Fake or real, if real I wonder how??? :dntknw:

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I have a suspicion how. But we'll let the creator tell us...



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Tell us your guess, please. :drinks: I think the creator will not speak to us.

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Could it be part of Orsin's WOI Plus mod? (I haven't been able to download it, yet)

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from video it seems he can control wide/narrow zoom too..?

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Whatever it is, it's pretty advanced.


Time for a reverse engineering party? grin.gif

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Very interesting indeed...


It would be cool if it is some sort of one-time .ini edit to a single file somewhere, but that seems too good to be true and unlikely. If it ends up being a trick that requires customs weapons, loadouts, targets, and scripted missions for it to work, then it's a little less useful. Still cool, but not quite as useful.


I'll be watching this one...

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Malibu, good point, I'm leaning towards sort of invisible targets, but this doesn't explain the custom zoom switching during pointing at the same distance (the runway in the clip, normally EOGR weapons adjust zoom slightly depending on target distance, not in such sudden way)


I hope this is not related with TW forums going offline. Ok, where's my tinfoil hat? I think I saw chemtrails today :crazy:

Edited by Stary

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I suspect that he somehow modified avionics60/70.dll using hex editor.

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I suspect that he somehow modified avionics60/70.dll using hex editor.


maybe... but that would mean all the code necessary for better/more realistic EO operations, avionics commands waiting for key binding, everything is there disabled who knows for how long...


but with TK no one ever knows what he might have "left" under the hood waiting for discovery/workaround

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YOu can modify any of the .dll files to your hearts content....if you want a non-operable game, that is. The .dll files are subject to a CRC check when the game starts. If they're not what the engine expects to see, the game will crash.

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that's true Fubar, maybe it's prank? Obviously the "there's no wind" was just pretext to show in fact this particular feature/hack/edit/fakery


edit: I'm not saying the user in question faked this video, I really wish what I saw was actual in-game implementation, but something tells me if he really made some huge discoveries about EO targetting he'd post his/her/their discoveries either on SHQ or here

Edited by Stary

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if the guy(s) really did this, it's only a non standard exe (or dll) in other words a hacked code (somewhat like what happened with falcon when official devellopement ceased)


and to be honest, in the same time people like the strike fighter engine, they also feel frustrated with some aspect of the game, so these kind of things (if it's really reprogamming) were inevitable.


the community have great skinners, great 3d moddelers, great terrain designers and so on


maybe the community may now get great code programmers............but due to code property, this segment may only lead to flame war in the worst way.....or push TK to implement some features in the best way (but i really doubt about this last one)

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nothing good will ever come out of this if we continue on this subject...

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