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OT: Facebook?

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I was having a conversation with a friend today regarding social networking sites like Facebook and it occurred to me - I do not know if my fellow OFF fans are on there? I'm in a quandary as to whether or not to delete my account altogether - something I've done in frustration once before. I seem to run into a situation where the site starts out as semi-useful and before I know it, it becomes a time suck and I'm friends with people that, for all good reasons, I should have never heard from again after High School.


So what are your thoughts on sites like Facebook? Are you on it? Do you find it useful? What do you like or hate about these things?

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I'm on there. Most of what I see there is more worthless than television. There can be gold in the stream but you have to pan an awfully long time. I liken it to talking between classes in high school (which is eeking up on thirty years ago for me). You get some skinny on what's going on with certain friends but almost all of it isn't vital.


Does OFF have a page there? Never even thought to look since I spent such little time there.

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I'm on there. Most of what I see there is more worthless than television. There can be gold in the stream but you have to pan an awfully long time. I liken it to talking between classes in high school (which is eeking up on thirty years ago for me). You get some skinny on what's going on with certain friends but almost all of it isn't vital.


Does OFF have a page there? Never even thought to look since I spent such little time there.


Interestingly enough, there does seem to be an OFF page there. I can't tell who made it or when it appeared, but there's one.



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Yeah, Im on there...it's great for having a good rant!.....lol

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I'm on it too, use it to keep tabs on the family more than anything else. I probably check on it a couple of times a day, but remember, you don't have to write anything, lol. I am also a member of the OFF group.



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Yeah, I'm on it. Only signed up for it to see if I could track down some old mates. It worked and found one of them now living in Canada.

I vist it about once a month now - unfortunately I don't know why.

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I joined quite a while ago..member of the OFF one too (though not much happens on it)..I really like it..have a couple of Combatace friends too

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Yeah, I'm on it. Only signed up for it to see if I could track down some old mates. It worked and found one of them now living in Canada.

I vist it about once a month now - unfortunately I don't know why.


Just thought I'd clarify: It's not that I think Facebook is rubbish - on the contrary, it has some positive attributes - just that it's not for me.

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I tried that Twitter for a while


What a load of Banal rubbish that is!


"Taking a Dump"


"Putting the Rubbish out"


How about "Getting a Life?"

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I signed up for twitter once a long time ago, not understanding exactly how it worked. Anyhoo, have never posted anything to the account, don't even know how to open it. But, ever once in awhile I get notification that somebody has signed up to follow me, lol.



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I've never used Facebook. Never had the need to do so. I don't like sharing my personal information with the whole world. Who knows what they do with all that information? Sell it to some greedy corporations? I know who my friends and family are and I've been able to communicate with them just fine without any so-called social media. But it seems to be quite popular with many people. I guess I'm something of a Luddite then. :grin:

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I would be rather careful with sharing my personal informations in the internet.

And if I want to find an old classmate, I have other ways.

I would definitely not want to be found by each and every old classmate I ever had. :grin:

So, no, I'm not on Facebook - nor any other such web portal.

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Maybe you'd find your friendly Youtube-Polizei from Facebook, Olham? :grin:

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There are not enough hours in the day as it is, I do not need yet another modern marvel requiring my time and energies.


“Our life is frittered away by detail ... simplify, simplify.” Oh how correct ol' Hank Davy Thoreau was.



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To quote Douglas Adams: It's just the normal paranoia, that everyone has in this galaxy.

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I don't have Facebook or Twitter or any other social network connections. We had a big year school reunion a few years ago when we all turned 40. That was good enough for me.


I get occassional emails requesting people to become friends on my Facebook account, which is very clever because I don't have one. Binned as spam I'm afraid, legit or otherwise.


For about 0.3 seconds I worried about identity theft and somebody pretendeding to be me, but I realised that's exactly what I was supposed to think and sign up to check.


I'll sign up if and when I want to, but I have no immediate plans....


Don't know if it's a guilty conscience or anti-social tendancy, but I also won't take a call from anyone who screens their number. It's rude, but so are they. It's like somebody trying to speak to me while wearing a mask. That means it's either a mugger, the Lone Ranger or the Bank.



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I've got similar spam messages every now and then. It's really easy to recognize them as spam, because I know I'm not part of any social media. Occasionally I've got some spam from Blizzard Entertainment, telling me that there are some problems with my WoW account. I can think of only big one problem there - I don't have any such account. But nice try, spammers. :grin:

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So what are your thoughts on sites like Facebook? Are you on it? Do you find it useful? What do you like or hate about these things?


I have a facebook account solely to see things various friends and acquaintances post there and want me to see. I do not put anything there myself, especialy about me, because Facebook has a horrible security record when it comes to protecting user data.


I do my "social networking" via forums, email, the telephone, and the almost-forgotten face-to-face to face method, usually over a few beers. The thing is, Facebook isn't a privat conversaton. If I want to address a large audience, I give a lecture in an auditorum.


Facebook reminds me of the mid-90s fad of having a personal web site. I found that extremely pathetic. It was like all these people with low self-esteem were just trying to get some attention, or at least write "prison graffiti" on the walls of their mental cells. Facebook is exactly the same, but with the added wretchedness of allowing these inmates to pretend to take interest in each other.

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For years we have been fighting for the right to have some privacy in our lives

And now we give all this personal information out by ourselves

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I think a particular 3rd season episode of the IT Crowd sums up my feelings about Friendface, er.. I mean Facebook.


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I think a particular 3rd season episode of the IT Crowd sums up my feelings about Friendface, er.. I mean Facebook.



That was hysterical Lewie! Nice find.

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I have it...all my old mates live in Exeter in Devon so it's great to be in touch...I hate phones aswell so FB is a god send.

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