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This is sad

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The fact that they even question his citizenship after him giving his youth to serve the US is, frankly deeply insulting. If this guy gets deported then there is something seriously wrong.



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There's nothing new under the SF Sun. WW2.gov "promised" philippine soldiers they'd get US citizenship if they continued to fight the Japanese. They fought, we lied. We always do.


The fact the guy may not be labeled a "citizen" makes him even more an American. :good:


However, the old sailor buys into the label, so give him that at least. :salute:

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And yet we turn a blind eye to the tens of thousands of criminals invading our southern border. :mad:



If that ain't the truth

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And yet we turn a blind eye to the tens of thousands of criminals invading our southern border. :mad:


criminals , what's your problem ? c'mon i can give you a bunch of reasons to start a flame war with such a comment.

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Silverbolt +1


But there is something strange going on with immigration and "citizenship" -- a racket -- follow the money.


But hard working guys are not criminals. :drinks:

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His remark was a little bit provacative but in escence it's the truth.Most are hard working people just trying to make a living unfortunatly they are breaking the law to do it.You can argue if the law needs to be changed but they are as of now criminals and a massive problem to the states they are living in.The man in the article I'm sure will get the papers he needs.I think it's just a question of lazy burocrates not wanting to have to fill out paper work and do research.I don't think he is in any real danger of being deported.

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I dunno. If he's not in any real danger of being deported, it would be for very embarrassing media coverage( :salute: ). Without that, the man is done.




The great Greek philospher


I hate that word. lemme see...


Bueracracy -- red line

Buaeracracy -- red line

Buearacracy -- red line

Buereaucracy -- red line

Bureau -- NO RED LINE

Bureaucracy -- NO RED LINE -- THAT'S IT!!




Reading so much about Soviet Union, you'd think I would know how to spell that without having to struggle. Its one of those words that just fail me.



Burocrates :yes:

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There's nothing new under the SF Sun. WW2.gov "promised" philippine soldiers they'd get US citizenship if they continued to fight the Japanese. They fought, we lied. We always do.


The fact the guy may not be labeled a "citizen" makes him even more an American. :good:


However, the old sailor buys into the label, so give him that at least. :salute:



Philippines wasn't recognized as an independent country until after WW2, before then it was part of the U.S colony. But when Philippines was finally recognized independent by the US after the war, it was argued that all the promises U.S made to the Filipino soldiers are revoked, they say it is the newly formed republican government's responsibility now. Yeah it is sad our vets did not received any veteran pension just like other foreigners recruited into the service of the U.S . But i guess at least we got our own sovereignty



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criminals , what's your problem ?

Entering the country. Illegal. Can't work without ID, so purchasing counterfeited ID. Illegal. Can't work w/out Social Security number. Can't have one without being here legally. Purchase fake document and use it. Illegal twice. When filling out paperwork and using fake credentials, you claim maximum number of dependants. This means that if you have a $500 paycheck you have almost nothing with held. So you aren't paying taxes. Illegal 3x over, filling out federal forms and lying the reason. Then you are taking jobs away from Americans in this double digit unemployment. Then there's the high amount of kidnapping related to coyotes smuggling illegals here, along with illegals carrying backpacks of drugs with them as part of paying off the coyote. Then you have federal agents being shot at and killed for trying to police our borders and enforce the laws of this country. Would you like to know what happens as a Costa Rican or Brazilian caught in Mexico if you are there illegally? Besides the beating you get at the hands of authorities you are immediately deported. Mexico has a zero tolerance for illegals in their country.


Then you have licensed contractors such as myself who operate on the up and up who have to compete with illegals and the lower wages they will accept to do a job. I pay my taxes, and money I pay goes into the recovery fund so that homeowners who have been taken advantage of are protected. I have two Americans who work for me and if I bid a job at what other companies bid who use illegals, I can expect to make $100 if I'm lucky. My license, bond and insurance is $4k a year. Then I have sales tax permits which cost money. Then I have to file sales tax forms every month. I know people want to come here for a better life, but if you start out not obeying the law and doing things thru the proper channels you should be run out of this country on a rail. Period. I'm fed up with having to operate responsibly while these others think they can do whatever the hell they want to do with no consequences.


What's my problem? That's my problem.

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And yet we turn a blind eye to the tens of thousands of criminals invading our southern border. :mad:


It's insane. I desperately want to move to the US and become a citizen, but they don't want me even though I'm a gunsmith. My wife breeds horses, which is another valuable skill. Guns and horses. What on earth could be more American than that ?


But if you are an illegal Mexican then the politicians are talking about amnesties. What about amnesties for white UK citizens who turn up and overstay their Visa ? are we the wrong colour to get cut the same kind of slack as they are proposing for Mexicans ? I'd call that racist.....


Maybe I could pretend to be a Mexican gangbanger just 'looking for a better life'. I speak Spanish, have a lot of jailhouse style tattoos and go very dark skinned in the sun. I could even get 'MS-13' inked on my neck if that would help my case....

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It's insane. I desperately want to move to the US and become a citizen, but they don't want me even though I'm a gunsmith. My wife breeds horses, which is another valuable skill. Guns and horses. What on earth could be more American than that ?

Whiskey? :grin: The two of you offer traits that offer independence and freedom. :salute: That's not what the powers that be seem to want over here, or anywhere.



Ruggbutt, I know what you say, but the low wage guys have neither the power nor connections to be causing a problem. If there is a problem, it has to be somebody else. By your own claim of competing against companies using Mex workers making low wages, we won't find a money trail by following "illegal" workers.




Can't work w/out Social Security number.

(1) Eliminate Social Security as ID.

(2) Americans should not need ID.

(3) Eliminate sales and "income" (and property) taxes.

(4) Eliminate mandatory insurance.

(5) Eliminate many other things that distort and rob the free market of Adam Smith (such as eliminate Real Estate and return to Land). Interestingly, Smith never used the word capitalism. It seems that Marx popularized that word. That tells me a lot.


These are your problems, and none of them were forced on you at gunpoint, Chekist style, by "illegal" workers. America became great with none of those things, with no War-On-Drugs which today sends backpacks of drugs over the border. Since then: monotonic national and social decline -- don't confuse this century's US debt expansion as wealth creation -- American assets have been looted while Americans borrowed book keeping entries. There's nothing anybody can do about this thing now, except lash out at somebody making low wages. Every nation or Empire goes through its stages, so I see this as natural. ... Agreed about the fate of "illegal" Costa Rican and Brazilian workers caught in Mexico. That is Mexico's loss.

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criminals , what's your problem ? c'mon i can give you a bunch of reasons to start a flame war with such a comment.


Nothing wrong with bringing up a legitimate subject.Shall we deny the truth?I think that's been done for far too long and the damage to this nation is obvious.How hard it is to live down south is irrelevant and doesn't make a wrong a right.,then those nations should be taking care of their people.Its not our job.If you do not want to follow our laws and immigrate legally then you do not belong here,period.The racism card doesn't wash either,its an attempt to bypass the real problem by discrediting those that oppose illegal immigration.Our borders need to be secured,also drug cartels are out of control and that violence has already spilled over to our side.Its time the authorities got tough and did something about it rather then play the smoke and mirrors game.

Edited by Akwar

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Whiskey? :grin: The two of you offer traits that offer independence and freedom. :salute: That's not what the powers that be seem to want over here, or anywhere.



I can't say that I have ever operated a still, but it's kind of on my 'to do' list - not because I want cheaper alcohol, just because it's illegal here and drinking booze annoys the nanny state :grin:


Self reliance, that's where we are at. The government can just go talk a walk as far as we are concerned, they can't help anyone, all they do is steal your money via legalised theft in the form of taxes and hand it over to people who don't work, or are state employees in non productive jobs. What they have left over they'll then spend on schemes to spy on you, regulate your behaviour and generally make you miserable.


All we want is to be left alone, is that really too much to ask ?


Conservative or Labour ( Republican or Democrat in US terms ) it never changes. Except that the Labour Party always bankrupt the country every time they get voted in, it takes them ten years on average, but sometimes they can do it in five.


Nice sig by the way, I'm not a big fan of Sci-fi but that is a hell of a good book.

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Remember this thread?




Right now at work i have a Cuban co-worker who's sending all kinds of money to a lawyer down to Ecuador so he can get his niece's visa paperwork in order. Recently, one of my Cousins got here to the US after a 4 year wait. Good thing he has family here that knows how to deal with the red tape.

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Man its messed up that we crack down harder on those who have visa's not illegals like these




Although this cop did try...but failed...







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Entering the country. Illegal. Can't work without ID, so purchasing counterfeited ID. Illegal. Can't work w/out Social Security number. Can't have one without being here legally. Purchase fake document and use it. Illegal twice. When filling out paperwork and using fake credentials, you claim maximum number of dependants. This means that if you have a $500 paycheck you have almost nothing with held. So you aren't paying taxes. Illegal 3x over, filling out federal forms and lying the reason. Then you are taking jobs away from Americans in this double digit unemployment. Then there's the high amount of kidnapping related to coyotes smuggling illegals here, along with illegals carrying backpacks of drugs with them as part of paying off the coyote. Then you have federal agents being shot at and killed for trying to police our borders and enforce the laws of this country. Would you like to know what happens as a Costa Rican or Brazilian caught in Mexico if you are there illegally? Besides the beating you get at the hands of authorities you are immediately deported. Mexico has a zero tolerance for illegals in their country.


Then you have licensed contractors such as myself who operate on the up and up who have to compete with illegals and the lower wages they will accept to do a job. I pay my taxes, and money I pay goes into the recovery fund so that homeowners who have been taken advantage of are protected. I have two Americans who work for me and if I bid a job at what other companies bid who use illegals, I can expect to make $100 if I'm lucky. My license, bond and insurance is $4k a year. Then I have sales tax permits which cost money. Then I have to file sales tax forms every month. I know people want to come here for a better life, but if you start out not obeying the law and doing things thru the proper channels you should be run out of this country on a rail. Period. I'm fed up with having to operate responsibly while these others think they can do whatever the hell they want to do with no consequences.


What's my problem? That's my problem.


agree with you point rugg, illegals are not good for economy(don't you think they do not want the benefits of being a legal, such as state security ?), however, this is a deeper problem....Those hard workers for low profit want a better life, this should be fought in their country of origin , not in in the foreign country itself.

many of them are trapped in american dream that and go to US, but many of them don't know that when they come they'll be hostage of their employer,and their coyote, i think pretty much of us here know what those immigrants pass trough, they many times live in poor condtion and can't blame any authority , otherwise they'll be hunted by the law enforcement.


they're more kind of a hostage compelled to slavery than troublemaker itself., and making hate comments about them is just terrible.


Besides, who hires a illegal immigrant service ? certainly aren't other immigrants, many of them are native, am i wrong?


here in Brazil we have a big problem with Chinese and Bolivian who are kept slaves in our biggest city...hard to see any of the employer being punished here, how it work in US?


hate the smugglers and the employers , not the people who unfortunatelly go there try a better life in their rich cousin country.


The sad news is that the news i receive here from US are not the better ones away of the hypocrisy , they're treated like criminals only for living,sent to jail and finally deported, treated like crap, if their suffering crossing the damn desert isn't enought.

Edited by Silverbolt

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am i hijacking the thread? if so, say i'm not sure if i'm doing right.

It's insane. I desperately want to move to the US and become a citizen, but they don't want me even though I'm a gunsmith. My wife breeds horses, which is another valuable skill. Guns and horses. What on earth could be more American than that ?


But if you are an illegal Mexican then the politicians are talking about amnesties. What about amnesties for white UK citizens who turn up and overstay their Visa ? are we the wrong colour to get cut the same kind of slack as they are proposing for Mexicans ? I'd call that racist.....


Maybe I could pretend to be a Mexican gangbanger just 'looking for a better life'. I speak Spanish, have a lot of jailhouse style tattoos and go very dark skinned in the sun. I could even get 'MS-13' inked on my neck if that would help my case....


would you accept your salary as 1/4 of a regular legal citizen would make ?

this is not racism, that's captalism.

besides those 'pandilleros' do not come from mexico


Nothing wrong with bringing up a legitimate subject.Shall we deny the truth?I think that's been done for far too long and the damage to this nation is obvious.How hard it is to live down south is irrelevant and doesn't make a wrong a right.,then those nations should be taking care of their people.Its not our job.If you do not want to follow our laws and immigrate legally then you do not belong here,period.The racism card doesn't wash either,its an attempt to bypass the real problem by discrediting those that oppose illegal immigration.Our borders need to be secured,also drug cartels are out of control and that violence has already spilled over to our side.Its time the authorities got tough and did something about it rather then play the smoke and mirrors game.



what those problems have in common? they did not used to exist 100 years ago.


that's gone cultural man.grin.gif


besides, i do not see any correlation between illegal immigrants, drug use and violence.

Edited by Silverbolt

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Why do you assume that all immigrants are just hard working souls looking for work ?


The ones we get here in the UK are mostly scumbags from third world s**tholes who want to take advantage of our generous welfare system and socialised healthcare. The last thing they want to do is work or integrate, and the Islamic variety use our island as an aircraft carrier for delivering Jihad.


But our politicians are too spineless to deal with the situation, in case some liberal talking head media prick on the TV calls them a 'ray-cist'

Edited by Siddley

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Shall we deny the truth?I think that's been done for far too long and the damage to this nation is obvious.[...].The racism card doesn't wash either,its an attempt to bypass the real problem by discrediting those that oppose illegal immigration.


Not to put oil into the fire but...


If you look at the united states of america history, you discover that USA is purely based on immigration. Since the beginning. Any American dude can claim immigrant roots of not so long ago.

Immigration of all sorts. The fastest example i can think of is Kennedy, of Irish immigration.


Without immigration USA wouldn't be what it is today.





I hate that word. lemme see...


Bueracracy -- red line

Buaeracracy -- red line

Buearacracy -- red line

Buereaucracy -- red line

Bureau -- NO RED LINE

Bureaucracy -- NO RED LINE -- THAT'S IT!!




Reading so much about Soviet Union, you'd think I would know how to spell that without having to struggle. Its one of those words that just fail me.



Burocrates :yes:



This one is our fault :sorry:



Bureau: desk in french. "Bureaucracy": The power of the desk literally.



Think of FBI: Federal bureau of investigation


Maybe think of Rochambeau.


just replace the sound "o" by "eau". The rest is pretty much the same. :ok:

Edited by Nix

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what those problems have in common? they did not used to exist 100 years ago.


that's gone cultural man.grin.gif


besides, i do not see any correlation between illegal immigrants, drug use and violence.


They have much in common.Unless you lived here and saw said problems you wouldn't have a clue.

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It is truly sad!


the same sadness that rules my little country:


-Politicians decided to give every Bosnian refugee €400 a month

for the rest of his life upon repatriation to Bosnia....


-Same politicians have also earlier decided that Dutch veterans of the Bosnian

war with PTSD or any other injury get nothing (ever) because there is no



So I who tried to make a difference there in 94 and ended up like crap get nothing

and all those @#$%*& who fled and stayed here get a sh*tload of money if

they decide to repatriate?!?!?!?! And that money is a lot in Bosnia. Hell,

even to me, I get a disability check which doesn't cover the bills...


That's a government thanking those who did a task nobody else wants to do,

as with that WWII vet in the USA. It's sad that pencil pushers are the same

all over the world.

Edited by Muesli

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