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OT: The Other Game

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I may be reading into this but it appears that the dev's efforts are being noted even by another sim producer.


"Many thanks to all those who have stayed with us! We all know there is another sim out there who is vying for your attention and we know it can be distracting, but the current development status of R*F is at a crucial juncture and we need your support now more than ever! As always, we try to ensure that your support is transformed into new elements in the project and always with the highest quality of work and often for the first time in the genre. We still have some new innovative ideas we want to implement and more content to create for you."

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I may be reading into this but it appears that the dev's efforts are being noted even by another sim producer.


"Many thanks to all those who have stayed with us! We all know there is another sim out there who is vying for your attention and we know it can be distracting, but the current development status of R*F is at a crucial juncture and we need your support now more than ever! As always, we try to ensure that your support is transformed into new elements in the project and always with the highest quality of work and often for the first time in the genre. We still have some new innovative ideas we want to implement and more content to create for you."


As someone who mods for the 'other, other' freeware WWI sim I don't get this. I'm for any and all kinds of different WWI airflight and combat sims, the genera is not getting that much more popular, and it needs all the support it can use from all of us enthusiasts.

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Interesting. Might I be so bold as to suggest OBD aren't really "vying for anyone's attention" though. From what I've seen, the development of OFF seems to have been more a labour of love and passion for a particular genre of flight sim than anything else. It certainly wasn't undertaken with the idea of any significant monetary gain as the ultimate goal, which can't honestly be said about the "Other Game" I suspect. About the best thing Winder, Pol and the others can hope for I fear, is once Phase 9 is complete, they might have covered their material costs and have a bit of dosh left over for a trip to the local pub. I'm sure most of us hope they get some spare time to actually enjoy flying this masterpiece they've created as well. Some downtime is certainly long overdue...






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As I consider this forum too classy to say such things as "Hi, Mom!" and (even worse) "IBB&", I'll pretend I didn't notice this thread :lol:

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I wonder it they are referring to OFF or to Cliffs of Dover?

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I read that a few days ago and had the same initial thought, but honestly then considered it was more a reference to Cliffs of Dover.

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Well...I have all three now...and I know which my favourite is :drinks:

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Variety is the spice of life.


Healthy competition is good for the consumer.


Other such one liners. :grin:

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Seemed obvious to me they meant CoD.

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Well, if they had meant OFF, they would make themselves sound like "a runner getting short of breath".

Which I don't think they are.

So, I also think that they were alluding to another new released sim, which would be "CoD".

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Yep, I also thought of CoD. Everybody was eagerly waiting for its release back then. Good that I didn't preorder...

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And here I was thinking it was a reference to DCS's A-10 Warthog. Good reason for concern if that's the case, because that is one awesome sim. Now, if they could only just come up with a decent dynamic campaign for it.


Come to think of it, now that we're really going out on a limb, I wonder if they might have even been referring to Train Simulator...because what they said was "another sim out there", not "another flight sim".






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...and the green leaf grins... :grin:

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And here I was thinking it was a reference to DCS's A-10 Warthog. Good reason for concern if that's the case, because that is one awesome sim. Now, if they could only just come up with a decent dynamic campaign for it.

True Parky. But RoF's fan base comes mainly from IL-2. Don't forget that most of them like MP.

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Yea see, VP's got it. IL2 > Rise of Flight is a very natural progression. Makes complete sense to me they'd be awaiting CoD. Hope they're not too pissed off right now, although I believe I read somewhere that the filter was removed (and I also believe I read that Oleg left 1C? Gulp).


Doesn't affect me any though. I stick with OFF and if I want a World War II fix I'll install Wings of Victory.

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True Parky. But RoF's fan base comes mainly from IL-2. Don't forget that most of them like MP.


Aces High introduced a WWI online sim a few months back, and it was popular for about 2 months. 4 aircraft in the initial release.

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Certainly sounds like CoD to me too.

(it doesnt play very well on my system actually) but it does look good!...will be interesting to see what mods come out for it

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There's a newly released Beta patch for CoD by the way (released today) on the 1c CoD forum, it seems a bit hit or miss as to if it will improve your performance, but for me it gives probably 5 - 10 FPS more, and also fixes a bug with the water so that now I can have trees turned on.

Edited by MikeDixonUK

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Certainly sounds like CoD to me too.

(it doesnt play very well on my system actually) but it does look good!...will be interesting to see what mods come out for it


Cant see the modders (or even the pirates) bothering with this until it ever gets sorted out and patched.

The mid 1990's graphics style of buildings appearing from nowhere, right in front of your face is remarkable. :rofl:


Hope the devs fix it but I think they have dropped a big boo boo by using whatever graphics rendering engine they decided to use


I think that this sim will be in the Steam bargain bin by the end of May.

(I will be very happy for 1C and co if I am wrong, but I dont think I will be! )

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Usually I buy any sim that interests me and to hell what people say. Not this time. :no2:

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I bought Flaming Cliffs 2 "instead" of Cliffs Of Dover...... then ended up buying Cliffs Of Dover anyway despite being aware of how crap it was.


Never mind eh! :salute::grin:

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JFM, let's wait a little - there must come some right patches. It will be saved.

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I certainly hope so. It does look like a good game with great graphics. Its a Damn shame that they release so many games that are still just Beta Versions.

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Usually I buy any sim that interests me and to hell what people say. Not this time. :no2:


Good Man JFM I had to learn the same thing the hard way.

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