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FM still needs soome tweaking also Torpedos are invisible for some reason




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going to try to switch all my AC to SF2 standard.



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Wow! IL-38 looks amazing! Now we will have a proper Soviet maritime patrol aircraft! If you can get all your planes to SF2 standard...that would be AMAZING! Can A2A re-fueling be made possible?



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From what I remember from a long time back, there's a way you can get an aircraft to regenerate it's fuel at a certain speed or throttle setting so you could, in theory, mimic a refuelling process if you could set your tanker to fly at a particular speed to fit the speed/throttle profile you needed. I remember it having something to do with the YAP missions, but it was a long time ago and since I don't play YAP, I don't remember if it ever worked. I know someone here figured it out. I'll have to look through the posts... Was about 2-3ish years ago.

Edited by Say What?!

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Thanks! I know it could be possible...this game is so flexible!

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going to try to switch all my AC to SF2 standard.



Great news!

Can´t wait for an improved SU-24!!! :drinks:

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yep, good news, don't forget all the WW2 beauties of yours! :clapping:

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yep, good news, don't forget all the WW2 beauties of yours! :clapping:

Specily thoses pls

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An improved Su-24 by Veltro2k + Soviet/Russian bombs by lindr2 = :yahoo::groupwave:

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would be great to have some new pits also,,but Im no Pit Boss

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an improved Bear family too!! :ok:

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