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OFF and Win 7 x64

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I came across the OFF site by accident few weeks back and it caused me to dig out my old CFS 3 disks and reinstall the thing.


Got it reinstalled and patched to 3.1 and when I tried to start it it told me to put the right CD in the drive. Did that. No joy. Tried 'em both, and it still said to put the right CD in the drive. I suspect my 64 bit OS of having something to do with it. Wound up going with the No-CD patch for 3.1 and at least got CFS working. Then installed OFF phase 2 which a buddy was kind enough to send me since it doesn't seem to be available for download anymore. Wanted to try the freebie before spending some of my meager SS funds on a payware version.


I got it installed and then patched up through 1.9 hotfix. But when I try to start it It tells me it has to have the CD in the drive. I'm assuming it means the CFS 3 disk, since it seems to feed of CFS 3 and there is no OFF.exe file. only a "shell" application. But it doesn't matter, because no matter what disk I have in the drive it doesn't work.


I can get OFF to start by putting the CFS 3 no-cd file in the OFF cirectory but it only makes it to the main menu screen before I stops, and a "Mission file failed to load" message pops up. And if I put the original CFS3 back int he CFS3 direcory, we're back to neither CFS3 NOR OFF starting because the CD isn't being recognized. Oh yeah, I I try to use the OFF.config file it goes to a black screen and locks the computer up.


Before anyone asks, my CFS3 disks are the genuine article although they were purchased clear back in 2004 and laid aside when I got my fist Vista machine a few years back. My current OS is Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit, which... as I said... I suspect may be having an effect on my installation but I know others have gotten it to work with the same setup I have.


I've gone ahead and reordered CFS3 from Amazon (it was only ten bucks) in the hope that any version I purchase now will be more up to date and that I can at least play with the CD in the drive. Other than that, I don't know what to try and I'm afraid to purchase either of the Phase 3 expansions for fear that whatever is keeping Phase 2 from running properly will affect them too.


Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions as to what else I could try? I've been wanting another WWI flight sim since the old Dynamix days and I'm convinced that the OFF series is the best out there and will be happy to purchase either or both of the expansions if I can get Phase 2 to work long enough to try it out.

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Why not just pony up the money and buy Phase 3? Works great with Windows 7 64 bit. Vast improvement over Phase 2.




Edited by BirdDogICT

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Why not just pony up the money and buy Phase 3? Works great with Windows 7 64 bit. Vast improvement over Phase 2.





Very good advice.




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Very good advice.





I imagine that's what I'll wind up doing... I've had problems running older programs on this rig before and I was hoping I could solve them before shelling out the money but since that didn't work out, it's back to square one... I pays me money and I takes me chances.

thanks guys for the quick response. I'll probably take the advice payday.

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Welcome on the field of OFF, Nofsdad!

I am pretty sure, that there are some guys here, who run OFF BHaH (Phase3) on a Win 7 (64bit) system.


May I highjack this thread for one own computer question?

My new motherboard (P8P67) has 6 GB ports and 3 GB ports for the harddrives.

I am running Windows 7 (32 bit).

Could I use the 6 GB ports with my SATA harddrives?

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Okay I run Win64 with OFF though it took me more than a few attempts to install it... you need to install everything into the X86 folder and then set everything to be run as an Admin. Well thats what finally worked for me... Go for Phase 3... welcome to the war and mud oh and new guy buys the drinks... :drinks:

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May I highjack this thread for one own computer question?

My new motherboard (P8P67) has 6 GB ports and 3 GB ports for the harddrives.

I am running Windows 7 (32 bit).

Could I use the 6 GB ports with my SATA harddrives?

If your Hardisks are SATA 3.0, which I bet they aren't.


EDIT: To the OP I run phase 3 in a win7 64 bits.

Edited by Von Paulus

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If your Hardisks are SATA 3.0, which I bet they aren't.


EDIT: To the OP I run phase 3 in a win7 64 bits.


Ditto on all counts :drinks:

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Thank you guys! :salute:

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Phase 3 runs a treat on Win7 64bit.


Ditto. I am Running windows 7 64 bit amd Phase III of OFF Super nice

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I also have Win 7 64 bit and it plays OFF without problems. In fact my TrackIR works better now than it did on XP.

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Also smooth and fine: Win 7 (32bit). But I will upgrade one soon day.

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This post is for UncleAl, who can't answer right now due to some restrictions.

He pointed out to check system requirements for OFF here:




He would also usually point towards the "General Help Topics" with truckloads of advice and good knowledge.

Edited by Olham

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Thanks a million everybody. You've made up my mind. I will be ordering Phase 3 next check day. And I'm glad someone had the answer to Olham's question, because to be honest, I didn't. I scratched my rig together on an old retired fireman's pension budget and lay no claim to being any kind of techie. I can follow instructions enough to get something to work. MOST times. Phase 2 appears to be one of the exceptions. It's great knowing where to come for the answers on Phase 3 BEFORE I install it.


Thanks again

Edited by Nofsdad

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Nofsdad, if you give me your hometown and country, I will add your name to our OFF Forum Pilots maps.

Oh, and as you're the new lad: I'll have a virtual Warsteiner.

Edited by Olham

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