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The Lloyd C.II is here

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I uploaded the Lloyd C.II today. Ojcar wrote the FM and added some features - A Schwarzlose machine gun and a heavy bomb load. My thanks to him for the improvements.


This is going to be a challenging plane to fight with, there is no forward gun and the gunner had limited motion (this plane didn't use the scarff ring mounting) so you need to move the plane somewhat to help bring enemy aircraft into range.


I have included installation instructions for both FE1 and FE2. Thanks again to Ojcar for helping me with this. Any mistakes are mine alone.


Your comments and criticisms are welcome.


Edited by Stephen1918

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Thanks. As for the s-16 and your recent models, do you plan to convert to FE 2?

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Thanks. As for the s-16 and your recent models, do you plan to convert to FE 2?


The main difference is where the decals are located. Everything in the uploads is the same - in FE2 you have to make a folder in the Decals folder and move the decals into it. This was discussed by quack74 in another topic. See "The Phönix D.II is here" conversation for instructions.

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Err...sorry, but there is an error in the instructions for FE1: When installing the Machine-gun, you DON'T have to touch anything in the plane DATA.ini (only if you don't want this gun, because you are using only stock FMs, then simply rename the machine gun all the same, but without the _Gunner suffix).


The data for the gun is to be added in the GUNDATA.INI file of the game (giving the correct number in the guns list instead the xxx thing), and then using the guns editor.


For FE2 is much easier: Drop the entire plane in the Planes folder, then create a LloydC2 folder into the Decals folder, inside this new folder, make two more folders named Texture1 and Texture2 and copy into them the D folder from inside each skin folder. Then drop the 6.5MM_Schwarzlose_M12_gunner folder inside the guns folder and thats all!


Beware! this plane is heavy and has only 145 Hp. It has good wings, so it has a good payload for its day, but it's very slow, and hopelessly obsolete in middle 1917. Only a little better than a BE2, so beware of enemy fighters!

Edited by ojcar

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Thank you, thank you, thank you. Another Italian front plane for quack74 to add to his campaign. :drinks::clapping::good::salute:

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Err...sorry, but there is an error in the instructions for FE1: When installing the Machine-gun, you DON'T have to touch anything in the plane DATA.ini (only if you don't want this gun, because you are using only stock FMs, then simply rename the machine gun all the same, but without the _Gunner suffix).


The data for the gun is to be added in the GUNDATA.INI file of the game (giving the correct number in the guns list instead the xxx thing), and then using the guns editor.


For FE2 is much easier: Drop the entire plane in the Planes folder, then create a LloydC2 folder into the Decals folder, inside this new folder, make two more folders named Texture1 and Texture2 and copy into them the D folder from inside each skin folder. Then drop the 6.5MM_Schwarzlose_M12_gunner folder inside the guns folder and thats all!


Beware! this plane is heavy and has only 145 Hp. It has good wings, so it has a good payload for its day, but it's very slow, and hopelessly obsolete in middle 1917. Only a little better than a BE2, so beware of enemy fighters!


Sorry about the mistake. I have have updated the instructions in the downloads section.

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Little FM problem. Is anyone else having FM problems with the AI? We all (my flight) roll out together on take-off but only I take to the air. The others just roll on and make weird 45 degree turnes about 100m from the airfield and go on and on till they hit something. But if I get to altitude I can Alt-N and time skip. When I do this all my other planes are with me but they all blow up their engines right away. I'm using the FM that came with the model. Ojcar....what can I change in the FM?




Note in the last pic the ones on the ground turn sharply and go off on their own. Not even towards a waypoint.

Edited by quack74

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Little FM problem. Is anyone else having FM problems with the AI? We all (my flight) roll out together on take-off but only I take to the air. The others just roll on and make weird 45 degree turnes about 100m from the airfield and go on and on till they hit something. But if I get to altitude I can Alt-N and time skip. When I do this all my other planes are with me but they all blow up their engines right away. I'm using the FM that came with the model. Ojcar....what can I change in the FM?




Note in the last pic the ones on the ground turn sharply and go off on their own. Not even towards a waypoint.


I believe Ojcar is on holiday until later in July. I don't know enough about FMs. You might try looking at the AIData of a plane that works and compare to the AIData of the Lloyd? I'll see what I can puzzle out and post if I find anything.


(By the way, I'm so new to this that I still do all my flying in "Easy" mode, so I don't see the problems you more experienced flyers may encounter.)



Edited by Stephen1918

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I believe Ojcar is on holiday until later in July. I don't know enough about FMs. You might try looking at the AIData of a plane that works and compare to the AIData of the Lloyd? I'll see what I can puzzle out and post if I find anything.


(By the way, I'm so new to this that I still do all my flying in "Easy" mode, so I don't see the problems you more experienced flyers may encounter.)




Quack74, I cannot reproduce the problem you're having. I've tried up to 6 Lloyd's in "Easy" "Normal" and in "Hard" modes and they all take off OK. I'm Using FE Gold with no patches. I don't know if there is a difference in FE2 or if you may have some patches that affect the flight.


I went through Peter01's sticky posting, FE AI 101. He says that the PitchForAltitude setting in the DataAI controls how the plane climbs and takes off. He uses a value of .00027. I see that Ojcar used .00007 in the Lloyd. You might try increasing the number and see if that helps.


Is anyone else having this problem?



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Hello, Quack, I'm back. I'm trying to reproduce your problem (in both FE1 and 2), but I'm not having the problem, even loading the plane with the big bombs, but I remember these kind of strange take off problem from time to time with other planes. Maybe game limitations or interferences from custom formations or airfields? I don't know....And I had never seen the engine failure in any plane from this series. Very strange thing, because the engine is the engine that Peter01 put in the Aviatik CII. Only difference is in thrust (less Hp in the Lloyd)


Stephen, doesnt matters the FM difficulty you set in the game. You can fly in easy, normal or hard mode, but the AI flies in Normal mode every time.

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