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Norway capital Oslo bombed

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Considering Hitler Youth was right wing, it just shows how ridiculous the Becks of the world are.


He should have brought up Stalin's group, what was it, Young Octobrists? At least they were left wing.

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Young Octobrist? No Octoberchildren they were called. It were the first class in school. Later they were called Lenin pioniers, than, when became 13 or 14 years they got members of the Komsomol.


What is called here in the forum as Political Youth Camp is simply a holiday camp made by a political party for children of members of this party or for members of the youth organisation of that party. It has nothing to do with political indoctrination. You can compare it with a Pathfinder Camp or with holiday camps a church is made for their youth.



To come back to the main topic of our forum, the aviation. Its very astonishing, that the norwegian police was unable to find a helicopter to bring the SWAT team to the island to protect the children. If the own police helicopters were all in action and buzy with the bomb explosion in Olso, why they have not called an military helicopter or a civilian one?

Edited by Gepard
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Its very astonishing, that the norwegian police was unable to find a helicopter to bring the SWAT team to the island to protect the children.


It's even appalling, that Oslo doesn't have that many rotary wings, considering the high number of tiny islands in the Oslofjord where a boat or a helicopter can hardly land, but where a first-aid team can always be winched down and up from a stationary helo in case of trouble.

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Sadly, there will always be incidents like this..they are of course, very rare.


I don't wish to bring the whole 'gun debate' into this...but he wouldn't have killed that many innocent people without one. :good:

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Sadly, there will always be incidents like this..they are of course, very rare.


I don't wish to bring the whole 'gun debate' into this...but he wouldn't have killed that many innocent people without one. :good:


That's right. But if you want a gun you can get it even if they are not general available. It just makes it a little harder to get. A couple of years ago a danish military arms depot was looted and quite a lot of fairly heavy weapons disappeared incl 19 .50cal M2 Heavy MG's. I have heard they haven't recovered all of them yet.


In my book it's easier for the police to keep check on legal guns than illegal.

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Sadly, there will always be incidents like this..they are of course, very rare.


I don't wish to bring the whole 'gun debate' into this...but he wouldn't have killed that many innocent people without one. :good:


nor would have have killed that many -


if anyone else had had one!!![/b]

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nor would have have killed that many -


if anyone else had had one!!![/b]


ah yes..the great Catch 22 :drinks:

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Interestingly though that nobody even mentions the bomb anymore, I guess "white" crimes are always more severe than others, we can't doubt in multicultualism can we?


I'm not approving this demented maniacs act and also consider it utterly senseless but I can't say I'm too suprised far-right extremists started to act violently...



I'm sorry, but I don't quite understand the point you think you're making.


This nutter was avowedly anti any form of multiculturalism - of any form of live and let live. FFS, he posted the equivalent of Mein Kampf full of mad toilfoil hat theories about Europe being overrun with muslims, and then goes out and guns down - presumably nominally Christian white Labour party youth members. Wow, what a brave little crusader he is, eh?


What the f*** point do you think you're making?


He's f***ing mad and, more to the point, he's acted upon a collection of utterly mad, racist, islamophobic tropes that I only ever see rolled out by fellow travellers. If you're unsurprised that far right nutters are well capable of insanity and violence, at least we have one point of agreement. But your other point is bilge.

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"the idea of Political Youth Camp is still scary from any side. I can visualize a Climate Change Youth Camp."


I suspect it was rather more like a weekend conference sort of thing, except with the great outdoors as an incentive and draw. Oh, and of course, a homicidal right wing xenophobe armed to the teeth with automatic weaponry.

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How amusing that Glenn Beck thought it was "creepy" that a political youth camp exists at all...when Glenn Beck sponsors his own political youth camp! Hmm...


I don't think political camp is all that strange. It hardly seems different in scope than a church youth camp. It could be worse. They could be out dealing drugs and learning how to kill each other with guns. With a political camp, they can learn how to sit in an air-conditioned office and direct "other people" to shoot people with guns...

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Is that what they do in Norway? Here you'd just learn to argue your point over and over again, negating the other guy's, never agreeing to a compromise so that everything comes to a standstill, and then try to paint it as noble because you "stuck to your principles."

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I think most political parties in whole Scandinavia is having a youth organization of some sort. It's one of the very cornerstones in our democracy. Some use summer camps and some don't.


Remember that we have a multi party sort of democracy where it is very seldom to have one party big enough to create a government at its own. That way small political parties have a big influence since the bigger parties need those smaller ones votes in Parliament to get the majorities of the votes to get the job done.

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I'm sorry, but I don't quite understand the point you think you're making.


This nutter was avowedly anti any form of multiculturalism - of any form of live and let live. FFS, he posted the equivalent of Mein Kampf full of mad toilfoil hat theories about Europe being overrun with muslims, and then goes out and guns down - presumably nominally Christian white Labour party youth members. Wow, what a brave little crusader he is, eh?


What the f*** point do you think you're making?


He's f***ing mad and, more to the point, he's acted upon a collection of utterly mad, racist, islamophobic tropes that I only ever see rolled out by fellow travellers. If you're unsurprised that far right nutters are well capable of insanity and violence, at least we have one point of agreement. But your other point is bilge.


f***itty f*** you've f***in read too much into it and made some stuff up along the way, but hey feel free to hate...for nothing, it's not my fault Norway does not have the death penalty...

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That's right. But if you want a gun you can get it even if they are not general available. It just makes it a little harder to get. A couple of years ago a danish military arms depot was looted and quite a lot of fairly heavy weapons disappeared incl 19 .50cal M2 Heavy MG's. I have heard they haven't recovered all of them yet.


In my book it's easier for the police to keep check on legal guns than illegal.


Perhaps some of the weapons from the Great Nordic Biker War are still out there?

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Perhaps some of the weapons from the Great Nordic Biker War are still out there?


I'll guess so. they are still fighting. Only difference is they are fighting 2 gen immigrations gangs.


Yesterday the police recovered 2/3 of the weapons from the arms depot heist :good:

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