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Anyone know the exact colors used by the USAF on the F105 cammos of the SEA war?? Need them for a project.


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I took this ones based in the FS standard colors:


Dark Green - FS34079 (GS:H309)

Medium Green - FS34102 (GS:H303)

Tan - FS30219 (GS:H310)

Light Grey - FS36622 (GS:H311)


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they stayed in that the later part of their career except for a couple of one off birds in the AF reserve at Hill AFB in the early 80's. there were a couple of wraparound paintjobs on modified weasel birds during vietnam and one ea SEA wraparound, desert and Euro 1 at Hill.

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Depends on the year and what model of the Thud.


Pre early- 1966 (someone feel free correct or add to this); there were still units that kept their F-105s in the aluminum/sliver skin.




Then in the SEA theater of operations some units had a mix of bare aluminum and camo

note the famous picture 110325-F-DW547-011.jpg


After that period most F-105s had the SEA scheme, but some units operating in Europe kept the aluminum. By the mid 70s and early 80s, almost all F-105s were sporting SEA camo, except for HILL AFB started painting some of their birds "funky" before the plane was with drawn from service.



Most Air National Guard F-105s used the SEA scheme.



Also to be noted is the painting of the nose cone.


The F-105B and F-105D (and later F and G) and slightly different fuselage and nose cone shapes.


The F-105B generally had less of the nose cone area painted black.

NJANG F-105B (circa mid-70s)



DCANG F-105D from around the same time period


Edited by ironroad

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SEA scheme is just what I needed. Thanks for all the info guys!!

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what, TK didn't give us SEA camoed Thuds???

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He did! :rofl:

But maybe there is someone who did not noticed that.....

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