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I Figured This Was Going to Happen

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Honestly, how difficult would it be to implement an upgrade to TWS that allows the tomcat to lock up 6 targets and then fire on them... how difficult would it be to make certain missiles target-able... how difficult would it be to allow ships to have more than one type of missile launcher.... how dificult would it be to update the guns data to have the ability to assign a trajectory if it was desired for naval combat and artillery.


Really how much would it cost? Sounds more like an investment of time to me.



Even TK probably doesn't know that - changing things can screw up other things, which screw up other things etc - and I imagine the implementation might be complicated even for someone with his experience. Unfortunately no one apart from TW is in a position to see how practical these things are to add.


Regarding time - time IS money - time spent on something needs to be in line with his business plan to deliver everything, otherwise they are going out of business - and again we are no position to see whether the above can be delivered without totally screwing TW up.

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Ooooooooook things are gettin' a bit weird here :rofl:


Wadda mean "gettin"????!!!!!!!!!!!

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It's a bit of a catch-22. If TK says too little, people pounce on every little thing he says and draws (what can be highly erroneous) conclusions from that. Conversely, if he's more open about what his plans are and then he fails to make it on the timetable people were expecting (or at all), people will pounce for broken promises, etc.


It's apparent he's decided over the years of experience to stick with saying the bare minimum and merely correct highly inaccurate speculations, while leaving the lesser stuff alone.



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spot on JM...

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Guys don't speculate too much. F-14 is going to rule. :declare:



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I believe them :)

There's a good chance of some new avionics to be released.

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DanW .. if you see this.... any official WORD!! about eventuell TWS mode improvments .. to relax the "speculators" ... ???

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