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Apollo 18 the Blair Witch Project on the Moon

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I'll wait for DVD but it does look cool.

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I like the look of this but I know I'll just end up looking for inaccuracies with hardware, jargon et al.


Anything with a lunar module in it gets my thumbs up !

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I don't know...I've been hearing about this movie from the rocketry side where I hang out...not good. It's kind of hard to make a Saturn V launch secret...



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keeping my eye on this one, but I don't have high expectations to be honest...


@FC: lol that would be quite hard indeed

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@FC very true... they make a bit of noise... will wait for DVD and then see it though...

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You can't make any launch from the Cape secret. The S5 was never used for anything but Apollo and Skylab. There were no alternate S5 launch sites, just the Cape.

The only possibility is saying a Skylab launch was actually 18, and that would be bizarre. It would have been long after 17, for one, and too many people are involved in a launch that none of them would've said anything for years about the fact that they didn't ready a small station but actually another lander.


So while it might be a fun thing to watch, expect nothing "realistic."

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What about it being launched from a submarine off the North Pole?






it's a movie, ya know :rofl:

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Geez. You guys are no fun.


Next you'll be telling me Santa Claus doesn't exist. (How would NORAD track him if he didn't exist, HUH? HUH?)

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You can't make any launch from the Cape secret. The S5 was never used for anything but Apollo and Skylab. There were no alternate S5 launch sites, just the Cape.

The only possibility is saying a Skylab launch was actually 18, and that would be bizarre. It would have been long after 17, for one, and too many people are involved in a launch that none of them would've said anything for years about the fact that they didn't ready a small station but actually another lander.


So while it might be a fun thing to watch, expect nothing "realistic."




Wait there was no Apollo 18?

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Heck, the Delta rockets and Minuteman III tests caused a helluva lot of noise miles away at Vandy, and they're not even the heavy lifters (the later being an ICBM)! Don't think a Saturn launch would be anywhere in the realm of possibility to conceal by a long shot!


Not sure what to think about this one; might be a rental, but odds are I'd get frustrated with it like I do for most horror movies.

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I'm not saying it might not be a good thriller, just that the only people who could believe that conspiracy about another Apollo mission are those who've never seen a real launch!

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JM, you recently had people mistaking a contrail for a launch. They'll believe anything.

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