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Some shots from our recent Beta testing of OIB with SF2: NA Scrips and features. We hope this will not require NA itself; but right now - task forces are bugged and we wait for patch.





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That's Great news!!!

I hope 512 optimised tiles will be included in Stary's updated Sweden Terrain,

for us with medium range machines... :blink:


I worked on the pilot skins a bit more...

Swedish pilots are almost completed and Danish are on their way too...


post-10763-0-56851700-1332540744.jpg post-10763-0-14829300-1332542340.jpg








Edited by elephant

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I have played many missions and got numerous kills and success messages,

but not seem to get any awards...why?

I know they are present... :dntknw:


PS: One thing more considering the FMs in some planes...

In Tunnan and F-86K, I have experienced some weird behaviour...

with the slightest rudder input the plane banks hardly to the side!

Kind of critical in combat when a slight correction is needed.

Is this normal? Other planes don't seem to have this "problem"...

and for sure not the stock planes... :dntknw:

Edited by elephant

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Regarding the Flight Model issue; I always seen this as part of the aircraft characteristics and an edge in a dogfight. Dont know if its true or not; tbf.

Maybe its why Tunnan and Sabre are the best dogfigthers in Isbjörn? :D


More pics from Midwintermörker:













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Sorry, but for now, I will stick to Scandinavia :). Lots of stuff to do up here :)


How about doing a campaign based on the book Operation Garbo I have read part one of it but it was too long ago so I don't remember much of it. But I found a note about it on Wikipedia. Maybe the library has it still if you need to do research.



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Revan: Check Page 1 of this thread. :good:



Also, any 80/90s campaign in Scandinavia _must_ be named Operation Garbo, after a cult classic in Swedish Defence Literature. Its our red storm rising, but without all the good. :D


I have read the books; I actually own them. First one is pretty good; second is getting farfetched and the third is trying to make Sweden win in a most wierd manner.

Had issues with a part of the book where they assault Bromma Flygplats. The volenteers and the Home Guard literally rally on the street where I live. Was a little too close to home ^^


Oh, and in case anybody missed it, we actually released Midvintermörker. It is a far cry from what we originally planned and is based off a Swedish book about a Russian Invasion of Gotland. That book actually is good thought.

Edited by JonathanRL

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Revan: Check Page 1 of this thread. :good:




I have read the books; I actually own them. First one is pretty good; second is getting farfetched and the third is trying to make Sweden win in a most wierd manner.

Had issues with a part of the book where they assault Bromma Flygplats. The volenteers and the Home Guard literally rally on the street where I live. Was a little too close to home ^^


Oh, and in case anybody missed it, we actually released Midvintermörker. It is a far cry from what we originally planned and is based off a Swedish book about a Russian Invasion of Gotland. That book actually is good thought.


Oh. It was a long time since I read page 1 of this thread I had forgot what was said there. But for a Operation Garbo campaign we need Viggens =)

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And for thoose, check Page 13 & 14.

but waiting for the next major Aircraft of the next major conflict,


...Way to miss the obvious Hint, Revan :D



Edited by JonathanRL

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SF2: NA patch (that works for people without SF2: NA) for Mannerheims Shield will take a little while longer; as I will make sure it is more along the lines of the original vision. I wont try and hype it; just so you know why its not out yet ;-)


Meanwhile, patches for Operation Isbjörn & The Catalina Affair are avalible. The reason for putting them as patches is because TK has advertised he may disable SF2: NA features for non-NA installations.


Edited by JonathanRL

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The New Mannerheims Shield: Operation Retcon


Personal Notes:


The project with renewing Mannerheims Shield has become slightly larger then I first anticipated; and I wanted to give you guys my reasons behind this. First of all, I worked for the original Mannerheims Campaign for several months, often awaiting skins or aircraft. At some points, I became stressed to release the campaign, when I was supposed to be thinking to make it good. I say with full honesty that I am ashamed about Campaign in Mannerheims Shield, and that I somewhat wasted the assets I was given.


I do not think it is bad, but a few missions naval battles that was not properly thought out; you guys deserved better; simply put. You deserved my original vision of a great, grand Viking Total War.


Then SF2: NA came out and we got all these new good toys, and I decided to learn how to use them; resulting in the above mentioned patches. So it is time to make the last vision come true. It will not be entirely the same of course, but it will be interesting still.


I also released very little story behind Mannerheims, so what I am going to give you now is a Retcon. The main story does not change, but some details does:

Pre War:


Ten years have passed since the great Nordic War ended and a showdown between the two major superpowers of the Earth was narrowly averted. Trouble is brewing in the Soviet Union; the humiliation of their inability to defeat Finland for the second time in twenty years, annoyance of the Swedes interference and now a foreign sabotage team arrested - and then sprung from their clutches - in front of the world.


The Soviet Union is not without friends in the world. Friends who over joints and with loose women speak more then they should, because they want to; because they believe the Soviet Union is the solution. Meanwhile, The United States are committing forces to a small nation in South East Asia, angering the general public of Sweden whose military and government are thinking about both NATO membership and atomic weapons.


Protests erupt in Stockholm, Göteborg and Malmö. The Vietnam War is seen as unjust provocation, a chance for the strong to bully the weak, in the same manner the Soviet Union did to them ten years earlier. The Soviet Union observes this and smiles. They see the Workers rise and feel the time is ripe to do what they should have done ten years earlier. This time Sweden will not be underestimated !


Sweden is not oblivious to the Soviet preparations and begin conspiring with Norway and Finland to defend themselves. The United States allows Norway and Denmark to deploy as much forces as they deem Necessary to defend the North, but Denmark refuses. Only with some clever manoeuvring on the part of the Danish King are Danish Forces sent to defend Helsinki. The Soviet Union cannot delay. They must strike now to pacify both Sweden and Finland - to put them under their control and force Norway to abandon NATO altogether.


War Timeline:


5th March 1966:

The Soviet Union begins the war with a massive offensive against Gotland, attempting to capture the Island with paratroopers.

The Soviet convoy OLG-64 with standard re-supply for forces in Central Europe departs from Leningrad.


6th March 1966:

Soviet Bombers strike Stockholm, Helsinki and Nyköping.

Convoy OLG-64 is mistaken for a invasion force and attacked with overwhelming firepower by Swedish A-32A Lansen Aircraft.

The Danish public and government are informed of their actions in the war, sparking spontaneous celebrations about the victories of Danish Pilots. The Danish Pilots who scored the kills are celebrated by Finns by throwing them out of a Sauna into the snow and then back in


7th March 1966:

Soviet Forces move out from Leningrad, pushing towards Helsinki. Three reduced Finnish Battalions are all that stands against them.


8th March 1966:

A covert deal is made between the US President and the USSR Politburo. NATO is allowed to reinforce Sweden and Finland, if the Soviet Union may reinforce Vietnam with an equal number of forces. This is seen as the best course of action to avoid open war between NATO and the Warsaw Pact.


1th of April 1966:

The message to expect RAF Lightning at F 11 Nyköping is widely regarded as a bad joke; until the aircraft appears on the radar screen. A S-32C scrambles to confirm visual contact and to guide the new arrivals down on the ground.


5th of May 1966:

US Marine Squadron VMA 331, flying A-1H Skyraiders land at Luleå AB; causing general laughter and amusement by pilots and ground crews of the parked Drakens and Lansens.

US Marine Squadron VMF 55, flying F-4B Phantom II arrives at F 1 Hässlö and are greeted with traditional swedish meatballs and a hearty welcome. The Americans suprise the Swedes by unloading a gift from their families to the brave pilots of Sweden, five crates of Coca Cola.


10th of June 1966:

A flight of Canberras arrive at Söderhamn AB, providing the Alliance with some much needed medium bomber support.


And the rest? That is up to you ;-)







Edited by JonathanRL

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(re: last screen two posts up)

does it have MG-42 Fishbeds included?:grin:


downloaded, now I must find just the time lol

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In case you find the Ground War a little too difficult (and you should :D), I suggest you re-download the package. It will make the first three soviet divisions slighly less OP and adds reinforcements down the road.

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ok :good:

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Right now re-uploading the Mega Package. This is because Velcro demanded we remove anything that might be his - and lucky for us that was nothing critical.


So next package?


No clue. No time table. All I can say is that I am doing my utmost to make sure it will happen before TSF becomes 1 year ;-)

Edited by JonathanRL

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- All Skins converted from BMP to JPG. This will make the game flow better and reduce loading time.

- Veltros Catalina & Mainstay restored.

- Mainstay more common in Midvintermörker Campaign

- Su 25 Loadout fixed

- Robot 15 turned into Crusie Missile so it can be shot down.


If you download this to patch your current TSF Installation, you must delete your previous mod folder for your system to benefit from the BMP/JPG conversion.





Go get it!

Edited by JonathanRL

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We will aim to release The Scandinavian Front Mega Package 2.0 this week. No promises, but that is our goal.

New 512x512 Terrain Tiles by Przemek Starkiewicz; resident master of Terrains who have made sure that the Baltic region looks the part and steadily pushes the limits of the SF2 Engine.

New Campaign: That is right. We did not settle with just upgrading the ones we already had, you will get a remake of the classic Operation Mannerheims Shield set in the year 2014.

New Flyable Aircraft: F 16AM Falcon, F 18 Hornet, J 32E Lansen , The J 35J Draken, Danish & Finnish Drakens, SK-16 & Helikopter 15B amongst others, the Helicopter with its own Visby Operations Mission! While most of these have been available by talented modders for some time; we have now a proper playground for them. Others, such as Ravenclaws J 32E and the Helicopter 15B has never been released.

New AI Aircraft: S 100C Argus, MiG 31BM, SU-25TM, Tu 16T Badger, Tu 22M3 Backfire as well as compatibility with the AI Planes Pack Su-9.

New Ground Objects: Swedish Anti-Aircraft Units, Russian Amphibious Landing ship, Soveremmeny Class Destroyer, Kresta Class Cruiser and more.

All new effects, including our own SweetFX Recipe and instructions for installation.

A number of corrections, smoother code, changes and small additions to existing campaigns as well as numerous bug fixes.

We hope you will be pleased.

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Really looking forward to the new installment!!

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Yeah, I know. New week, no Mod. That is because of [CLASSIFIED]. Nothing big, but still quite awesome. Here, have some screenshots while you wait!











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There are plans to add more choppers? The Bell206, the Super Puma or the Helikopter 15 with green cammo will look great.

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I do not think there is a SF2 version of the Bell or the Super Puma.

Helikopter 15A was planned but the person who offered to skin it never came trough with that one. It would suffer from a lack of mission roles at any rate; It is a transportation and navy support chopper, not a combat bird.

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