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Great vid, love the soundtrack :good:

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A very, very good spot!


The new (upgraded) Lansen looks good, fly well and hits hard.



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No new Cockpits, sorry. We simply dont have anybody on the team who can do it.

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I just sent a file to CA. I wonder what that could be... ;-)

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:drinks:Good work!




Coming soon to a Swedish airbase near you:


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Ceeeenturion1!!!!!!!!!!! :drinks:

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Hello Jonathan,


Many many thanks for every of your Campaignes!!! :good:



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So, with no clear plans for the future but waiting for the next major Aircraft of the next major conflict, I have to ask:


What would you like from us in the future aside from the obvious? :P

Edited by JonathanRL

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So, with no clear plans for the future but waiting for the next major Aircraft of the next major conflict, I have to ask:


What would you like from us in the future aside from the obvious? :P



It's probably impossible (With what you have said earlier when I asked) But a Viggen campaign would be really cool.

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...Way to miss the obvious Hint, Revan :D

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I don't know, but how about something altogether different, like a red invasion of the USA using the Cuba or other such maps? Or maybe using the awesome anatolia camp a greece vs. turkey, or even a soviet invasion in the med. The new naval features of NA should make such a fight awesome.:heat:

Just ideas, you are doing some kick ass work Jonathan! And yeah a viggen camp is a given, I'll make a cockpit for sure if that's the only thing thats missing!

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Sorry, but for now, I will stick to Scandinavia :). Lots of stuff to do up here :)

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I for one would love to fly a Finnish MiG-21bis in the late 70's/early 80's, such pretty colours.. :wub:

(I borrowed a book about the MiG-21 in Finnish service from the library, so references would be plenty)


There's also quite an interesting "what if" scenario if Finland would've chosen to buy Mirage 3's (as recommended by the air force test pilots) instead of MiG-21's. This could've lead into a 1961 Note Crisis gone hot situtation!


..Just my 5 (euro)cents :grin:

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It's probably impossible (With what you have said earlier when I asked) But a Viggen campaign would be really cool.


How about doing something on the "great swedish sub hunt" of the mid-1980's, this was really the last crisis of the cold war and was immediately followed by the fall of the Berlin Wall. I am thinking ASW helos (Boeing-Vertol Hpb4a's) and Viggens flying CAP. A Russian sub really did beach itself near Stockholm in 1981...

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How about doing something on the "great swedish sub hunt" of the mid-1980's, this was really the last crisis of the cold war and was immediately followed by the fall of the Berlin Wall. I am thinking ASW helos (Boeing-Vertol Hpb4a's) and Viggens flying CAP. A Russian sub really did beach itself near Stockholm in 1981...



To add to my post, almost on cue, Wrench releases the Breguet Atlantique, which would be perfect for the "offensive" portion of this campaign... on loan from the Netherlands of course!

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A Russian sub really did beach itself near Stockholm in 1981...


Karlskrona Naval Base is NOT near Stockholm. Check a map... :type:



Wrench releases the Breguet Atlantique, which would be perfect for the "offensive" portion of this campaign... on loan from the Netherlands of course!


NATO is too smart. They dont want to get directly involved.


How about doing something on the "great swedish sub hunt" of the mid-1980's, this was really the last crisis of the cold war and was immediately followed by the fall of the Berlin Wall. I am thinking ASW helos (Boeing-Vertol Hpb4a's) and Viggens flying CAP.


I seriously want subhunting, but doubtful we will get a campaign only for it.

Edited by JonathanRL

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For those interested,


I'm reworking my 2009 HR tileset for usage in the Scandinavian Front Sweden map

it's similar to included tileset, but with some overlay satellite-based maps added to make it less artificial and less "nice" in appeal. Also the mod-included TODs and graphics are total mess, being collection from my various european version released through past years, so I fixed that too, with the necessary Sweden_data.ini tile and TOD texture references which were way offto me, modified, more fitting trees graphics etc








still WIP of course, the tiles are 1024x1204...

Edited by Stary

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that looks really good!!!

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Kevin I never liked my european tiles to be honest, so I gave it a shot by a\simply adding dirt image ontop, suprisingly works



BTW the cookoo I am I use detailmeshsize set at 12 or 10, I'm one of those who prefer nicer looks over smoother flying... clearly I must switch into flying FSX :rofl:

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Stary that looks awesome!


BTW the cookoo I am I use detailmeshsize set at 12 or 10, I'm one of those who prefer nicer looks over smoother flying...

Pfft, I used 16 up until recently. :crazy:

Then the loooong loading times started to bug me too much.

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Tried 24 kilometers... ONE time :yikes:


TK really should let us use fading trees but with user-defined fade distance :this:

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For those interested,


Definitely one of them here, looks sweet :good:

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