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I wonder if we'll get a Xmas release?

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I'm so looking forward to P4........


The guys have been working so hard...can't remember the last time OvS posted on here!


God, I wonder what we've got coming

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Prolly not until August 2014, for obvious reasons!

This is true. And P4 will only have four planes. If you fly for the Allies you can choose the Vickers F.B.5 or the AVRO 504J, for the Germans, the Rumpler Taube or the Aviatik B-II. In 2015, the Devs will release the Fokker E.III and the Albatros C, plus the Nieuport Bebe' and the Bristol Scout D. (and you'll be damned happy to get them!) In 2016...well, you get the idea. It is claimed that this will take 'immersion' to new heights. (for my part, I'll give up flying altogether, start playing 'Panzer Leader' and volunteer for the Eastern Front before going up in any of those crates!)

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Why did Cliff Richard suddenly spring to mind? Chistmas time, Mistletoe and wine... :blink: Lets hope we don't get a Christmas release, and they keep him locked up til afterwards. (Sorry Cliff if you're visiting. No hard feelings eh?)


OT at Hauksbee or anybody German, does the word Panzer mean anything other than a tank? I mean did the word exist before tanks were invented, or was it invented when they were? The English work tank is reportedly derived from the crates of 'secret weapons' shipped to France as marked as water tanks, and the name just stuck.

Edited by Flyby PC

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The German word "Panzer" means "armor".

It was already used for the armor of the German knights.

Or the Romans, who wore chest armour (Brustpanzer).

It is even used for the shielding "armor" of beetles or turtles - all: Panzer.

Edited by Olham

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Why did Cliff Richard suddenly spring to mind? Chistmas time, Mistletoe and wine... :blink: Lets hope we don't get a Christmas release, and they keep him locked up til afterwards. (Sorry Cliff if you're visiting. No hard feelings eh?)


OT at Hauksbee or anybody German, does the word Panzer mean anything other than a tank? I mean did the word exist before tanks were invented, or was it invented when they were? The English work tank is reportedly derived from the crates of 'secret weapons' shipped to France as marked as water tanks, and the name just stuck.


panzer simply means armour or armour plate. the knights had a brustpanzer (chest armour plate), insects have chitin-panzer, turtles are carrying their panzer. bulletproof glass is called panzerglas. so basically a name for hard and resistent material to protect something.


panzer as tank is a short term. it actually is named panzerkraftwagen (armoured vehicle) but it's commonly known as panzer.



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Panzerkampfwagen, Panzerkraftwagen, Kampfpanzer - you name it. And don't forget the lovely abbreviation, PzKpfw! :grin:

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Might we get P4 by Christmas? Maybe. But I'm guessing we'd be seeing P4 preview videos sometime in the very near future if that was to be the case. I certainly hope it's ready by Christmas, but I'm willing to wait until they feel it's done. I'm sure it will be worth the wait. The scenery, big bombers and improved plane models and skins alone will be worth the wait and price. Throw on top of that whatever improvements they have for the AI and Campaign experience and you can bet it'll be a 5 star release.



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Geeze - it is still September - Indian Summer! - and they talk about Xmas!

There will come the day, when Xmas will be made a whole-year-long event!


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Every day is Christmas in my house!

( We spend more than we earn!) :this:

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Don't worry, Widow - everyone's doing that. The Greeks are not alone. :cool:

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There will come the day, when Xmas will be made a whole-year-long event!

One of the worst jobs I ever had was as a giftware designer in Shenjin, China. (just north of Hong Kong on the mainland) I thought I could stomach a year of designing figurines of duckies and bunnies, cute children, angels (lots of angels!) and mermaids...but I was completely unprepared for Christmas! It starts in January with sketches of things as the American companies decide on what next years line will be. By March\April they go to the sculptors. By May\June the finished sculptures go to the factories for mold making. By July \August the production run is finished. In September, the goods are shipped and by that time the real holiday season has arrived. It was bloody brutal.

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I guess you hated Xmas after that?

But then, you have had an interesting life, it seems - working in China!

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I guess you hated Xmas after that?

But then, you have had an interesting life, it seems - working in China!

Interesting? In retrospect. Aggravating at the time. I loved China; hated the job. 'Took a while to appreciate Christmas again.

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Every day is Christmas in my house!

( We spend more than we earn!) :this:


Hey, both of my wives did and do that :this::rofl::blink:

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"P-4 in 2 weeks ?"

Well, perhaps, if we're talking two Venusian weeks.



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Hey, don't release P4 too early, devs - I haven't flown a British campaign on the SPAD VII yet.

There are actually several other things I have never done yet - so please wait and let me get

all that out of BHaH first!

(New tactic - say the opposite of what you want - perhaps I can catch them on that foot?)

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