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Stupid anti-virus question!

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After years of faithful service the company that produced/supported NOD32 stop making updates for it.


After talking with our local computer expert he recommended Avast as a good and free replacement and so far it seems ok.


When playing OFF I could shut NOD down all the way with no problem however Avast does not allow me to do that.


Now when I play OFF I get little pauses that I will presume are related to Avast. I put it in gaming mode but it is still "on" apparently and possibly causing these pauses.


Tried going the Cntl-Alt-Delete route to shut it off when not on-line but Avast won't let me shut it down. Shades of Skynet!


Am I missing some setting setting or does anyone know of a way to shut it down completely when I am off-line and don't need it?

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:blink: ??????????? wish I could help. I use AVG its free and doesn't interfere with the games :drinks:

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Thanks carrick.


I d/l'ed AVG and on was on the verge of installing when I went through the dozens of Avast settings again.


Found a feature (on by default) called the "Avast Self Defense".


By unchecking this I can now (apparently!) shut down Avast all the way.

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After years of faithful service the company that produced/supported NOD32 stop making updates for it.

???? When did ESET stop with the updates/services? This is news to me. I've been using ESET for quite a while and IMHO, they're the best in the business.



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???? When did ESET stop with the updates/services? This is news to me. I've been using ESET for quite a while and IMHO, they're the best in the business.




At least for the version that I had they stopped making virus updates for it in mid-August and Esset wanted you to buy their latest version.

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I've been using Microsoft Security Essentials all of my machines (wife's and mine) they are 32 bit Vista, a 64 bit Vista and a 64 bit Win 7. It is also free and I have not any problems with it.



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I've been using Microsoft Security Essentials all of my machines (wife's and mine) they are 32 bit Vista, a 64 bit Vista and a 64 bit Win 7. It is also free and I have not any problems with it.




Yes - for whats its worth that was our "local experts" other recommendation for good, and free, anti-virus.

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At least for the version that I had they stopped making virus updates for it in mid-August and Esset wanted you to buy their latest version.

AH!!! Your subscription is up. That's makes more sense. If you're not going back to ESET due to cost, then MS Security Essentials is about the best freeware out there at the moment.



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AH!!! Your subscription is up. That's makes more sense. If you're not going back to ESET due to cost, then MS Security Essentials is about the best freeware out there at the moment.




That was a hell of a subscription then. Think I've used NOD for approx. 6 or 7 years! I don't remember what I paid...if I paid at all.


The "buy new version" and "we stopped making virus updates" for my version didn't mention a subscription but NOD has been so pain free I may have missed something.



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You can totally disable Avast!..when you want to play a game.


Right click on the icon in your taskbar and disable for as long as you wish


you cannot do that with AVG 2011 :drinks:


(there is also a 'Gaming mode' in the same menu...you can leave that ticked if you wish to not disable totally...works great!)


Security essentials, I used for a while..but didn't get on with it...and it mucked about with GRID Racedriver

Edited by UK_Widowmaker

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AVG was good once, but the company behind it has been known to delve into some shady practices lately, plus AVG is getting more and more false positives.


Avast is... complete crap, uses resources, has a fair share of false positives and useless interruptions, plus is known to fail to identify known threats long after others have implemented them.


And frankly, unless you are a fan of porn sites, warez or have senior moments and click on any shining, glittering banner telling you you've won a cruise or that a long lost friend you've never heard of wants you to read the virus.pdf.exe attachment, you're safe enough with MS Security Essentials, it's also one of the most discrete and least resource consuming of the current crop of AV.


One downside though, if you are playing Strike Fighters 2 with a heavily modded install, think of deactivating it before playing, as while it doesn't interfere with gameplay, the real-time scan does introduce long loadout delays (I didn't experience the same with other games, but the number of files is an important factor).


However the best AV is using your brains and good practices, most viruses and malwares require active/willfull participation from the host to be a real threat, so remember, think before you click, the best AV software can't help against terminal user stupidity.

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Malwarebytes is all I bother using now anyway...Ain't had a Virus for over 10 yrs...because I do exactly what Gun runner suggests

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That was a hell of a subscription then. Think I've used NOD for approx. 6 or 7 years! I don't remember what I paid...if I paid at all.

It sounds like you were one of the ones that got the 5yr business/personal option before ESET canned it. I was also able to nab one: my subscription is do to expire in 2014. Best money for a-v software I've ever spent.



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I didn't know that 5 year subscription, otherwise would have bought it.

Anyway I just update my subscription, every year. It's not so much expensive.

But if you want to go to a free av, I would recommend, as well, MS Security Essential.

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I didn't know that 5 year subscription, otherwise would have bought it.

Before I was laid off in 2009, the company I.T. guy sent me a link about changing over to ESET. It had an either/or subscription of 5yrs for business/personal. I think it was a mix up in that I believe that the 5yrs personal reduced rate was intended for those who were already using ESET's a-v for business.


I don't know if there is a 5yr anything anymore; I haven't checked since I'm still covered.


And now you know the rest of the story...



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On the strength of everyone's recommendation I uninstalled Avast and installed Microsoft Security Essentials.


I had been running ZoneAlarm Pro alongside NOD for years.


Microsoft Security Essentials seemed to hint, upon installation, that I do not need ZoneAlarm anymore.


Can any of the pros here confirm this or did I misunderstand during MSE installation?



Edit: Whew my grammar blows in the morning...

Edited by DukeIronHand

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NOD32 for me all day long superb program used it for many years, extremely low resources and good protection.

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On the strength of everyone's recommendation I uninstalled Avast and installed Microsoft Security Essentials.


I had been running ZoneAlarm Pro alongside NOD for years.


Microsoft Security Essentials seemed to hint, upon installation, that I do not need ZoneAlarm anymore.


Can any of the pros here confirm this or did I misunderstand during MSE installation?



Edit: Whew my grammar blows in the morning...

You definitely need a firewall. ZoneAlarm or another. I've a PC running with Microsoft Security Essentials and free Comodo Firewall. It seems to combine well, but if you're used to ZoneAlarm keep it.


My English grammar, unfortunately, is blowing all the time.

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You definitely need a firewall. ZoneAlarm or another. I've a PC running with Microsoft Security Essentials and free Comodo Firewall. It seems to combine well, but if you're used to ZoneAlarm keep it.


My English grammar, unfortunately, is blowing all the time.



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